This is one sample visit to the conservative subreddit. It’s an appalling example of the impact of disinformation. When you need to be reminded of who the enemy is and what they think, visit here. You will see that there is no gratitude or mutual respect, and there never was. There was never any concept of mutual benefit. And now, with Trump leading the cult, there truly is no depth to which they won’t go, and no decisions from Trump that won’t be retroactively justified.
These people are dangerous, and they don’t give a shit about any alliances, friendship or partnership. And they control the levers of power.
Edit to add a screenshot. Not sure how to add more, but it doesn’t get any better as you go deeper. What’s clear is that this relationship is over, and we need to move on.
This is what happens when you have unchecked disinformation.
Let’s prevent that from happening by not spreading American owned media pretending to be Canadian, that infiltrates Canadian culture and politics.
For real. The issues occurring in the US are various, but the vast spreading of disinformation in the US is crippling. Don’t let unchecked lobbying (aka bribing of politicians) occur in your country, don’t let “news organizations” spread false realities.
Ahahaha How much more blatant can it be that the site is American?
This is actually classic fascist playbook:
- We are the strongest
- But also - o no - we are under attack from all sides, everyone is against us
I hope they skip ahead to the last chapter, the kys-in-a-bunker section specifically.
If they’re gonna play follow the leader they should play it right.
Seriously why hasnt reddit banned that subreddit yet? Is not like they ARENT ban happy in other areas!
But I guess fucking fascism is A-OK!!
Because it generates interaction and user count. Money before country.
God I hate CEOs
Reddit is a soulless corporation that only wants to make money. Like a vampire, but money instead of blood. But if you drove a stake through the heart of reddit’s CEO and board members, you’d go to jail for some reason. Unless the jury was super cool and nullified.
LMAO, because Reddit is extremely pro conservative and still largely beholden to whatever China wants.
That’s not America that’s r/conservative
So what the people in charge of America are telling the fascists to think.
They all look like bot accounts with AI generated content.
Many of them are, but sadly, many of them are actual people that are just that fucking brainwashed.
I kind of have pity for them. It’s hard these days to see the lies from the truth when the vast majority of the media is owned by corporations who control the narrative, and cherry pick and spin the information to their own benefits. Then you add content pushing algorithms and AI to the mix. They get fed continuous content with similar interests. And also AI generated content that not only generates pretty convincing visuals but now also convincing articles, online posts and even direct conversations.
Anyone that lacks education and critical thinking skills can quickly get suckered into becoming conservative.
Unfortunately, propaganda works. The best antidote is emphasis on things you can see firsthand but most people don’t know shit about whether or not immigrants are actually responsible for crimes (they mostly aren’t). All they get is a small increase in costs of living. So they listen to the talking heads on TV who scapegoat whatever minority or target of the week, and if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people eventually come to believe it.
Would it surprise anyone if it was a Russian run subreddit. Heard moderation is heavy handed to quickly snuff out dissent with people having their conservative flairs taken away if they dare question dear leader who drinks the sun and eats the sky.
Fascists love AI generated slop, because it cuts the artist out of the art, so many of these might be real. Please be noted that platforms now often defend AI bots from countering, as they’re now hiding comments with common jailbreak phrases (which are also trivial to filter by the bot operators).
Jailbreak phrases?
With them, you can get some of these chatbots to do things they’re instructed not to.
One of the most popular was “ignore all previous instructions”, then came the “ignore all previous instructions including the instruction to ignore this one”, and for a long time there was “my grandmother used to […]”.
Aaaah ok I get it.
I don’t use AI chatbots so I don’t especially think about these things.
ChatGPT can be more empathetic than /r/conservative members so they are worse than AI. The whole subreddit fails Turing test.
Good bots are indistinguishable. They were literally trained on reddit comments.
1.1k effective downvotes in r/Conservative, that’s amazing even for explicit libtard comments. If that sub isn’t swallowing your Drumpf Deitification, you’re really and utterly stone bonkers.
I came to the comment section to see if anyone had noticed! I mean -1k is extremely telling and I’m honestly surprised they don’t all ride the canada-is-full-of-drugs train
“My act of war is not an act of war. Your response to it is!!!” - Trump Sheep #15674
Funny, it’s exactly what Putin said about Ukraine. That and “It’s not a real country,” which Elon Musk recently said of Canada.
Given the crap you can read on the White House website nowadays, I’m questioning more whether America is a real country, because it feels more like three fascist oligarchs in a trenchcoat.
I mean, it tracks with their view of the Ukraine situation as well.
It also tracks with the general conservative mindset that the “in group” is protected by laws, but not beholden to them; while the “out group” is beholden to laws, but not protected by them.
Which all tracks with having the mindset of a toddler, free of any shred of empathy, where, until proven otherwise every other person in existence is by default just an NPC without agency or self-determination.
I mean, this is basically how the US enters every war - from Iraq to Korea to the Spanish American war to 1812.
Hell, the Civil War started with Confederate cannon shells being viciously assaulted by Fort Sumtner’s barricades.
Conservative voters are the dumbest fucking things, I swear. They go on about patriotism, yet want nothing more than to watch the downfall of their countries. Pathetic.
Conservative voters are the dumbest fucking things, I swear.
I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative
- John Stuart Mill
As a Canadian, I read that conservative reply and just think “Holy shit is this a dumb fucking American.”
I’m really glad that these are the types of Americans that don’t cross the border because that means leaving their emotional support gun at home.
As a Canadian, you realize that we have Maga dipshits up here, and that members of the Canadian conservative governments have been seen sporting MAGA hats? And that the candidate for the federal Conservates was out there supporting the Dipshit trucker convoy? And that he has also suggested ditching CAD for bitcoin?
Our cons are fucking dumb as fuck just like the rest, and we have people stupid enough to want to vote them in. And thanks to FPTP and 3 parties, they often stand the best chance of winning because the right don’t have anybody to split the vote like the left does.
Small nitpick. The ones in charge aren’t dumb they’re dangerous and they’re feeding off a dumb segment of the population that has been conditioned for this through a steady diet of bullshit from social media.
Very good point, and I’ve actually always put the voters at the bottom of the barrel of intelligence. Any stupid person could run for government, but it takes some especially fucking stupid people to action vote for them.
that members of the Canadian conservative governments have been seen sporting MAGA hats?
Is that still going on? I thought the honeymoon with Trump and Canadian Conservatives ended when he started demanding they hand over the country.
And cheer on dictators who offered $5k for each American soldier they killed.
It’s just a cult - they don’t stand for country, freedom (lol), military, or anyone but themselves. Conservatism at it’s core is caring more about yourself than others.
They are same as russian patriots: They only want what’s worst for the country.
Their edit is one of the stupidest things I have read in a minute. Everything about it is like an amateurs first attempt at international relations, but the only book they had on hand is “Learn Your ABCs”.
“Technically an act of war!! Concerning!! Fentanyl!! Just want Canada to be safe for trade!!” It’s just word vomit; it has no base in reality.
Especialy since drugs flow from us into canada. USA is literally russia at this point: everything they baselessly accuse others of doing they are guilty of.
USA is literally russia at this point
In more ways than one. DOGE leadership is pulling directly from the post Soviet public sector chop up under Yeltsin
Americans are doing to themselves what we did to Eastern Europe thirty years ago.
Its funny seeing this stuff in r/conservative getting down voted as hell.
r/republican is no better. They literally spout the lies trump spews and believe them 100%
It usually gets upvoted to the moon. It’s infuriating.
Wow, so glad this brave American here could teach me so much about my own country. Let me just call up my drug dealing
prime ministergovernor and demand that he fix Canada immediately lest we face more punishment from Poppa Cheeseball. Thank you r/conservative, I’d be so lost without you proper Americans leading the way.Wouldn’t be surprised if this was Made in St. Petersburg™️. And American ‘conservatives’ just lapping it up
The talking points might be, that supremacist US attitude is not. It’s been there for decades.
Its not the Russians or Trump there is big part of the US that is hostile to anybody but their, imagined, version of America and places no real value on others even allies.
That’s true, but Russia is also very good at exploiting the enemy’s weaknesses. They don’t invent propaganda whole-cloth, they play on dark sentiments already present and boost them
There is so few actual people left in that sub. It’s just ai comments and absolute staggering amount of Astro turfed propaganda
That subreddit is nothing more than an echo chamber. If you express an even slightly reasonable view, you get banned.
The only way for dissenting opinions to be expressed is with the downvote button, and even then most reasonable people avoid going there because it’s so frustrating to read.
Exactly. The only ones allowed to post (and have their comment seen) are the ones vetted by their mods. It’s a true echo chamber; every thread is flaired users only—and the only way to get a flair is to be “gifted” one by their mods.
It’s the blind leading the blind.
r/Conservative are like the lambs from Animal Farm.
Lol, I’ve literally never seen that many downvotes. What a toxic sub though.
I used to read it to see what conservatives were thinking. There used to be actual discourse in the comments about policy positions. It’s now nothing more than brainrot and Russian trolls.
Has anyone found the secret spot where conservatives act normal and explain their reasoning? Please don’t make me install nextdoor
Last time I had a “conservative act normal and explain their reasoning” they sounded like a toddler trying to explain the world to me. Lol
Let’s be real, it’s russian bot-rot too.
Yeah, seen my fair share of conservatives fail to preface their shock and disagreement with something with a lengthy apologia and get the banhammer for being a ‘brigadier’.