He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java

  • 34 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • Nah, they’re just special little snowflakes that want to maintain their niche community being a niche community, and want everything to stay the same. First time I saw this behavior were metal elitists being angry at nu metal, and at Dream Theater every time when they haven’t released an album titled “Metropolis Part III”.

    I also seen Linux elitists getting scared at “normies” taking away their “command line scripts”, some even tried FreeBSD and OpenBSD for a while. I regularly meet Linux elitists not understanding that I want a UI for my debuggers, not an automated script.

    A lot of other communities, such as gaming, amine, and VTubers suffer from way more extreme forms of elitism, usually as a form of recruitment tactic for the far-right.