Guaranteed if original Star Trek came out today, it would be decried as “woke” and “DEI” and there would be outrage over it from the usual culture warriors.
Okay, I’ve finally looked up what DEI means… Diversity, equity, and inclusion are things people are berated for??
It’s not what DEI means. It’s about what it stands for.
Conservatives don’t want to be told to treat people with decency. They want to treat however the fuck they want, and then tell you that you aren’t treating them decently.
It’s about wielding power.
This is what they mean with those “My rights don’t end where your feelings begin” bumper stickers. The only right they’re losing is the right to being a bigoted asshole.
YES, it’s insane. It’s like saying “be a decent person” and people going “Fuck you, commie bastards, I do what I want.”
From 2020 on we’ve seen that telling people “hey wear the most basic of facemasks when you’re out in public because the morgues are running out of space all over” causes them to start screaming at the Walmart greeters and throwing tantrums like children. We are still stupid apes in a lot of ways
DEI is the current iteration of affirmative action, that’s all.
The problem with DEI is that it’s an imperfect solution that only came about because racists and other bigots couldn’t behave themselves. Forcing the hiring of specific demographics isn’t going to result in the best possible outcomes in every case but those groups also need opportunities even though they’ve been systemically given worse educations and have been generally shat upon. Removing race we’d also probably hire the white man more often but not because they’re inately better, but rather because they are simply more likely to be able to afford to have pretty looking resumés compared to disadvantaged minorities.
We wouldn’t need DEI in the first fucking place except people like an old boss, who saw an immigrant classmate of mine’s resumé come up and because of his African last name said “no thanks I want to keep jobs in Canada”, need to be forced to do the right thing. They create the problem and throw temper tantrums when we try to fix it. These people are obstacles and it’s getting tiring.
TL;DR: They feel as if they have a point because DEI can result in a more qualified person being turned away, which I get feels unfair. However, they refuse to acknowledge the fact that said person was only more qualified because we make it so difficult for minorities to fucking do anything. I’m getting so sick of right-wing bullshit.
Also, DEI is trying to diversify the points of view in the workplace. Homogeny of thought is NOT better when it comes to problem solving. Varied voices can create amazing solutions to problems one didn’t know really existed. If allowed, it builds creativity.
In my field anyway it’s not about background, it’s shitty managers not listening to anyone and only wanting to hear about how great they are. I am a tall white man and they still don’t wanna here even the littlest bit of polite feedback. I handled them more carefully than children and they still moaned and cried.
Diversity is good, and I do not think my experience is a reason to not care about it, but removing those worthless bosses is the only thing that will actually allow real change to actually happen.
The issue with this is you often end up with a diverse group of people who are all very educated and grew up in upper-middle class or even upper class homes. It’s a diversity of race and gender but with everyone having the same values anyway. I’ve seen it myself being the only person in my workplace who grew up poor, you realize how little the rest of it really matters.
The outrage the far-right spun over DEI is by trying to portray it as hiring vastly underqualified applicants simply because of their belonging to an underrepresented group (often even being portrayed as vastly underqualified because of their race as white supremacist rhetoric). Of course in reality this wasn’t true and it was just a foghorn for racism/an ethnic slur, but that’s how it started.
A lot of people seem to use “DEI” as a stand-in for the “n-word.”
Same people who couldn’t pronounce “affirmative action” without scare quotes and italics.
“It’s these “Affirmative Action” people…”
My brother in Christ…
Yeah, I’ve heard it called “Didn’t Earn It” and the idea is that people are given preferential treatment in job or services based on their ethnicity and not their qualification. As with all things the truth is somewhere in the middle.
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Guess I’m wrong, thanks arbiter.
Let’s meet halfway between fact and fiction.
Meet people who aren’t like you, please.
Counterpoint: As long as they consider the women “hot” they will accept them as part of the franchise.
Nichelle Nichols I think was probably hot enough to not draw their ire.
Those culture warriors are somehow always okay with women they view as “fuckable.” Women only have value in their eyes if they want to sleep with them by their looks alone.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think is more progressive: a spaceship where all female crew is forced to wear miniskirts, a bridge crew that has exactly one woman, the part in the pilot where “Orion sex slaves” are introduced in the horniest possible way, or the married producer who was cheating on his wife with the only two relevant female cast members?
The 1960s was a long time ago. While there are a lot of TOS that aged very well, the idea that the show would be decried as woke is straight up delusional.
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Cow pies. “Original Star Trek” clearly referred to TOS.
If OC meant a modern rendition of classic trek, they wouldn’t be speaking in hypotheticals. They’d just refer to SNW by name.
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So by “original Star Trek” you’re actually referring to a fundamentally different series. This hypothetical version of Star Trek magically keeps everything you like about it, while shedding anything problematic or downright bad.
The lengths anyone on this site will go to avoid admitting that they made a stupid hot take comment is wild.
Nichelle Nichols was at one point thinking of quitting the show but stayed because MLK Jr. himself told her how important her character was.
And without Nichelle Nichols on Star Trek, she wouldn’t have been hired by NASA and then we wouldn’t have had Sally Ride, so she is a legitimate space hero.
She thought about leaving because she didn’t feel like her character got to do enough - a common sentiment of supporting actors.
It was TNG that really established an ensemble cast formula; TOS was Kirk-Spock-McCoy and the rest. It took TNG a couple seasons before they got the idea of a true ensemble cast where everyone gets to star in some episodes. TOS wouldn’t have had more than one episode starring Reginald Barcklay with Geordi and Dianna in supporting roles, but TNG had at least two.
TOS wouldn’t have had more than one episode starring Reginald Barcklay with Geordi and Dianna in supporting roles, but TNG had at least two.
Three, even. Horny holideck, barkley gets his groove on, and transporter cuddles.
“Transporter cuddles”.
And he then had some significant episodes in Voyager too.
“Shatner figured it out? Shatner? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.”
“When I have a problem that phasers can’t solve, I just kiss a beautiful alien. Then suddenly, I have a completely different problem!” - Jason Tiberius Kirk
Edit: I may have drifted into the Kelvin timeline…
“I’m a legit snack” - Nyota Uhura
More like the main course 😏
They didn’t have everything figured out back then. For one, they bullied Spock for what we could only describe today as his neurodiversity.
There will never come a time in which we have everything figured out.
Yes but that doesn’t mean we should never look back and see how far we’ve come, just as we look forward and see how far we have to go.
And new people who haven’t figured out yet are born all the time!
excuse me, i have a degree in bullshit. We have figured out everything. 1+1=2. The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
The message I got from McCoy was that humans got along because they found new people to be racist against instead of each other
It helps when every other planet is a severely flawed monocolutre.
I think that’s the real message of Star Trek in general!
And TOS/ENT in particular
ENT gets bonus points for shran calling humans “pink skins” when Travis is right fucking there on the bridge
That’s a simple enough message to even get it from Warhammer 40k - Gender? Skin colour? Disabilities? Doesn’t matter, pick up a Lasrifle and start shooting xenos
McCoy called Spock “green-blooded” on multiple occasions - and once a “hobgoblin”. And I would call the Vulcan penchant for logic a cultural trait, not neurodiversity.
And there will be things that are being created today that’s considered progressive that in 20 years, will be considered as missing the mark.
You should see the episode when a woman body swapped with Kirk, and how the Enterprise crew suspected something was wrong
The one I always feel like I need to warn people about is the treatment of Rand in The Enemy Within. Particularly since that happens so early in the series.
McCoy was racist as shit and would not only have been cashiered, he probably would have been charged for hate speech
They were even more upfront about it in TOS for some issues too.
I remember many instances where they say “We have women in our crew in the future.” It’s not like DISCO flaunted around saying “we don’t hate gay people in this ship.”
Like I understand that DISCO isn’t everybody’s favorite, and sure it has some issues, but all the flak it got for being “woke” and “preachy” was weird to me.
Part of Kirk’s whole thing was preachy speeches, and Picard had many moments too.
I quite agree STD wasn’t everyone’s favourite, in any case it wasn’t mine, although I really tried. But whining about it being woke was just stupid.
Saying discovery is woke with their crew split in two parts, the queer ones all packed together and then the “normal” ones, seems like a stretch.
The gay couple basically adopts the non binary one who is in a couple with the trans one, are friends with the gay engineer, but barely even talk to the rest of the crew? Ah and sex scenes between straight people but the most the gay couple gets is sitting next to each other, brushing teeth and a small kiss (not that it’s a bad thing on its own, it forced the writing to actually show a relationship and not just a bunch of sex, which is positive)
That did really bother me, shoehorning all the queer people into their own little box after being far more progressive in previous seasons. Literally anyone else on the crew could have adopted Adira (who I didn’t really care much for as a character anyway, she was basically SNW Uhura but not as good an actor), but they had it be Stamets and Culber. How about making it, say, Detmer?
How about making it, say, Detmer?
Who? You sort of trailed off there; all I’m seeing is a blank space.
How dare you talk about my pretend girlfriend like that!
but the most the gay couple gets is sitting next to each other, brushing teeth and a small kiss
While you’re absolutely right, I think the record should show that tooth brushing scene is one of the sexiest scenes in television history. Those two have some serious on-screen chemistry.
Once again, the “don’t show too much gay” policy they seem to have forced them to show a relationship through actual intimacy, in contrast to the usual “relationship=sex” that shows usually have (which we can see with most heterosexual relationships in the same show, for example). Even the doctor that is portrayed by an actor that, let’s say, likes to show his body (most of the google results are him half naked) was not sexualized stupidly like they usually would ; a positive thing, except that it’s probably only because they don’t want to “show the gay” (Book for example is always naked and fucking).
So yeah, taken independently it’s a better relationship image than most relationships in most shows, but in the context it’s pretty horrible.
So yeah, taken independently it’s a better relationship image than most relationships in most shows, but in the context it’s pretty horrible.
Absolutely. I think a lot of the audience realize that if they weren’t a gay couple, we would see them with their shirts off together at every opportunity.
The silver lining is that the actors are so attractive and doing such a beautiful and convincing job, that the omission makes the show runners look prudish and silly.
It’s not like DISCO flaunted around saying “we don’t hate gay people in this ship.”
Well, after DS 9 it would just be repetitive. Also TNG spent a few episodes on this exact point, but it wasn’t a main topic.
But people tend to focus their complains about things being “preachy” when those things put the preach above the story-telling. DISCO absolutely had this flaw in some point or another. Never for very long, though, so it really wasn’t a main characteristic. Anyway, when a show is simply good, almost nobody gets bothered by the preaching.
I don’t care about the woke nonsense. STD has very few redeeming qualities. Bad writing, bad acting. They spent little to no time flushing out the characters. I guess they didn’t have time what with the universe about to end every 10 minutes. I only watched for Anthony Rapp, Doug Jones and Michelle Yeoh. Everyone else was a stinker or didn’t get enough screen time.
The only issue disco has ever actually had is their serialized episodes. People hate on the other shit cause they’re bigots. Its still good Trek. The story is just less flexible.
I just wish a single ship weren’t saving the Federation/Galaxy/Multiverse every season.
It also waffles hard between “The important part of the Federation is it’s ideals” and “Section 31 is pretty badass right?”.
Section 31 is pretty badass, right?
I have to say, I hated that. It feels like C suite “promote our upcoming show” meddling, to me.
Have yet to see anything outside of DS9 use Section 31 well. It’s inclusion manages to turn what’s supposed to be a hopeful story of the future into just another police procedural that happens to use Star Trek™ branded props
Yeah it’s nuts how it went from “These are the bad guys. This is antithetical to the point of Star Trek and the Federation.” to “Secret agents in space that can just shoot ‘bad’ guys is cool though right?”
The single ship thing is annoying and its in Picard, too.
The single ship thing is annoying and stupid - except, of course, when…
Spoiler for Picard S3
when it’s the Enterprise D. When it’s Enterprise D getting a victory lap, common sense can sit this one out while I enjoy it.
Okay I can’t say I didnt chug that nostalgia juice on that. I totally did. It was sicc.
it’s still good Trek
Everything with Pike and crew and pretty much everyone except Michael is decent Trek. Deus ex Burnham in every century Starfleet exists in is boring as shit and the nacelles not even being attached to the ship anymore is veering into Star Wars level of nonsensical ship design.
If floating nacelles is what does it for you but you can accept people being torn apart to the atoms and rebuilt somewhere else Idk what to tell ya bud. The saucers detach and float around, idk how that is sensical as it would create unnecessary weak points in the hull of the ship. The worst parts about discovery were how they were stuck trying to tell grand stories instead of being able to focus on the characters much. They didnt have that tight A plot B plot action that Trek does. But it was far from stinky poo poo terrible like most people say.
The only issue disco has ever actually had is their serialized episodes.
And not spending enough on light bulbs in some episodes. I wondered if my TV was broken, at one point. Lol.
Fun fact: Katherine Janeway didn’t attend Starfleet Academy; she was in ROTC at the Samantha Carter School of Character Introduction.
I havent gotten past the original series yet (I started with that), so far Star Trek seems like the entire point is to get into complex social and political issues that other companies would be too scared to cover.
Holy Motherforkin Shirtballs! A The Good Place meme in the wild!
I remember this exact conversation in the show, too.
“It’s like: Who died and put Aristotle in charge?”
Points to board “Plato.”
Hey now hey now!
It’s a cashless classless society, it’s about economic class justice, too!
That part’s just more in the background.
Not for Sisko it isn’t. I wish I’d been born on the other side of the Bell riots and WW3 but at least we have cool digital watches now
Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
EDIT: I only noticed the username after I posted this, since it’s clear this is what you were making reference to ha
I mean, my watch is pretty sweet. It’s the damn little green pieces of paper that are causing all the problems
Have you tried… moving them around?
What an odd thought though, it’s not like they are the ones unhappy:-).
We really should never have left the oceans.
Kind of yeah, but Gene Roddenberry used allegories like the half black and half white dudes who hated each other - which took more effort than having characters just walk around in the present saying, “Wow, look at all the social injustice.”
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Roddenberry was both a genuinely progressive guy and an extremely 20th century man. “In the future we’re going to cure disease and hunger and everyone of all races and creeds will work together there’s gonna be a black woman, an asian guy, a Russian and an alien with funny ears on the bridge all working as a team and the women will all wear wrist length gogo dresses and there’s gonna be an episode where the crew is utterly baffled at the very concept of racism. We’re gonna paint some actors with half of their faces white and half of their faces black and they’re gonna be really horrible to each other and when asked why they’re gonna say “They’re white on the left side and we’re white on the right side” and it’s gonna make racism sound really dumb.”
I struggle to have a problem with a guy whose message is “Systematic hatred is extremely bad and stupid, let’s look at sexy legs instead.”
As transparent as Gene’s little parables were, I vastly prefer that method of social commentary over just saying “They certainly were unenlightened in the early 21st century weren’t they - shame on them!”
I haven’t watched any Star Trek since Enterprise. Are they worse at it now? It has been a long road getting form there to here.
IMO Picard season 1 is fantastic and season 2 has some embarrassingly awkward social justice preaching but a good story about the Borg queen. Haven’t seen season 3 or Below Decks yet.
Haven’t seen season 3
Uhhhh… Just so you know, most of us consider Season 3 the good one.
I enjoyed all three, but S3 was particularly a beautiful love letter to TNG.
Great news. When I’m done with Star Wars on Disney I’ll switch over to Paramount and watch it. It’s really the only thing I’m interested in there.
“Double dumb ass on you, and so forth.”
Let’s talk about all the social injustice in the world while all positions of authority are held by white dudes.
He tried to put a woman in a position of authority (first officer) but the studio shot him down.
Fairly, gogo dresses were a symbol of the sexual liberation movement.
So even the sexy legs were woke at the time.
So the OG girls of Trek dared to be sexy? I’m enough of a leg and hip kind of guy to choose to buy that story.
cough mark of gideon cough
Hey, i’m an old fart and guess how many times i heard people say that exact same shit about TNG? The pussy version of trek, nothing like its predecessor, all they do is talk about their emotions!
I’m an old fart too. I had a friend who said all they did on TNG was sit up straight and say, “Engage.”
Your friend clearly does not appreciate the Picard maneuver of straightening the shirt, or the Riker maneuver of throwing one leg over the chair to sit
LOL I think it was only after about 3 episodes of season 1. He was very down on the whole idea of revamping Star Trek with new characters. I have to admit I wish they hadn’t kept reusing the ship name Enterprise. Voyager breaking that pattern was a good thing.
to say nothing of Star Trek IV
“Double dumbass on you!”
Because that’s what you had to do to get past the executives and the censors in the 1960s.
Just like how “Last Train to Clarksville” is about Vietnam.
Just like how “Last Train to Clarksville” is about Vietnam.
TIL. That is a really subtle reference (at least from the perspective of somebody born a couple of decades after the fact, anyway).
Yeah, but the executives were terrified of any and all conflict. That’s why so many shows of that era are incredibly bland.
That was an allegory??? (/s)
I get not liking Discovery, but do people really think Lower Decks, SNW, Picard are “Woke?”
Also, obviously, sci-fi is at its best when tackling politics… Isn’t that kinda the point?
It’s woke because they’re so unhinged that basic human decency is woke now.
Always was
SNW has like 90% female crew members. Also the pilot lady has short hair. Therefore woke.
“Woke” has long since lost its original meaning.
Used to mean something positive and progressive. Then it meant something that tried writing itself off as something progressive, but was simply stupid and entitled (i.e. That Batwoman series), now it’s anything a right winger hates, even if it isn’t trying to be progressive in any way.
Truth is, with NuTrek, it doesn’t have a single progressive bone in its body, and the writers don’t have the skill to pull off any sort of commentary.
Truth is, with NuTrek, it doesn’t have a single progressive bone in its body, and the writers don’t have the skill to pull off any sort of commentary.
It’s not that bad, though I don’t totally disagree.
Also… I’d argue a problem is having their hands tied. Ironically, anything that would hit really hard couldn’t be aired in this day and age. The whole franchise would probably be mothballed if they pushed the envelope as hard as TOS.
Except they’re pretending they’re hitting even harder than older Trek.
That’s honestly the worst part for me; NuTrek is nothing but generic sci-fi action slop, with a bit of unfunny dank humour sprinkled in from Lower Decks, but it’s being paraded about as if the writers are breaking epic milestones never before dared in Star Trek.
'Cos they got GAYYYSSS cheers mate we’ve had them a while now.
Compare it to The Orville. Nu!Trek is playing in puddles
Yep, snw and picard get ‘woke’ complaints. LD they tend to just attack for being animated A Critique of Star Trek Discovery — Part 1 #RIPStarTrek
This whole essay is worth listening to, but 15:46-30:33 in particular gets at the heart of a big reason why classic Trek rocks and why nuTrek is shit.
Lower Decks remains very good. CBS has tried to pivot Star Trek from Sci-Fi to Space Adventure, and that’s been ugly. But not every series they’ve spun out took that tone.
Also Orville - particularly the latest season - has been incredible. Everything Star Trek is supposed to be.
Lower Decks remains very good.
It’s finished. The final episode aired last week.
Also Orville - particularly the latest season - has been incredible. Everything Star Trek is supposed to be.
That show surprised the hell out of me, especially because the first season has more of Seth’s typical touch, but then he drops some of the silliness and dives right into being a Trek replacement. It feels like every episode or two has some powerful commentary and things don’t always go the way you think they should because situations are more complex than simply right-or-wrong… Like old Trek.
I am still bummed Lower Decks is over. Great finale, and I’m glad they wrapped up the story nicely. My only complaint is to Paramount not giving us more seasons.
Bro, IDIC.
This is perfect. Thank you for this.
Im always rather disappointed with this claim as doh, star trek is woke, it always was and nobody has complained about that part.
When people complain about the woke part they complain about that star trek WAS woke and intelligent, yet now just pretends to be woke and hangs it like dangling keys in front of us to hide the fact that it’s become so absolutely shit.
Seriously, every criticism I’ve seen about it (and also every criticism I’ve lobbed at it) always gets “rebuked” with “you just hate woke!”
No I don’t no we don’t. I’m love the progressivism of old trek. I hate nu trek because it’s empty vapid drek that just tries to cram a much “woke” in there not to be woke but just to hide the smell of shit.
Nu trek is awful.
People have been raving about brave new worlds but those same people were raving about the mental anguish that is discovery and cringe Picard. I’m a huge star trek fan, been so for 30 years, but after Picard S3 I simply stopped. I watched trek at least once a week for decades, buy I haven’t watched anything trek ever since Picard ended. That’s how off putting Picard was as a show.l, it managed to ruin TNG for me.
I know this will be down voted and people will just continue to say I am anti woke, that I love trumpmor whatever, even though none of that comes close to reality but nu trek fans have been… Different? Star trek fans were actually progressive and trying to make the world a better place. Ever since nu trek its been “think like us or fuck off”
I’m so done with star trek. Long live the Orville!
You didn’t mention the best modern Trek show.
The crossover episode with Strange New Worlds was my favorite episode of any Star Trek since TNG.
“For all I knew, you were dead, or stuck in a dystopian San Francisco in the middle of a riot!”
“Have you noticed that their references are weirdly specific?”
I like to think that 112 years later, Spock found out about Sisko’s trip and thought to himself, “Ah. That explains it.”
He must have been walking on eggshells all through Star Trek IV, just waiting for a riot to break out.
Nah, he was on too much LDS to care.
“Could taking these whales cause a riot? Humans are notoriously prone to illogical outbursts…”
You like Orville but not Strange New Worlds or Lower Decks??? Also puzzling you gave up after Picard S3, that was the only decent part of the whole show. Felt like an extra season of TNG.
Haven’t watched strange new worlds. Everyone and their mother hyped discovery, and not only was it toe curling cringy bad, it was toxic. Had nothing to do with star trek.
Then there was Picard. Yay, the crew comes back toge… O wait. 3 godawful seasons where they managed to ruin Picard, then Q, then the entire TNG cast. The last season of Picard was based on a mind bogglingly dumb premise, characters were all different (as per usual in the Picard show). Watching Beverly go from risking her life and disobeying a direct order in order to save a victim to being a cold and efficient killernis just… Uugghh. The shape shifters have been turned into drek, manage to ruin that too, and well, the Borg was already castrated by Voyager, but that show at least still gave a damn. New trek does not.
After that Picard s3 I was done. No more. I used to watch trek at least once per week, haven’t watched anything anymore ever since Picard.
Now everyone is raving about strange new worlds, and I’m not going to do it. I watched the Orville instead and LOVE it, adore it, it’s the new star trek. Too bad it seems to have died an early dead, especially with Covid. Oh well.
I hear you, but that last bit is just heresy
If it wasn’t clear, the part about toxicity is about the fandom. Star Trek fandom has become quite toxic but quite in the opposite of what you’d think.
If you say that discovery is godawful (it is) then you’re immediately antieoke and *phobic
I’m neither. I just don’t want to watch a show that places virtue signalling above actually being a good show.
I also want a fandom that is honest enough to see that any post enterprise trek is NOT the same writing/acting/progressive quality as pre all that.
I’ve said this multiple times, on Reddit and Lemmy and so far most responses are “you’re a Nazi” or something in that direction
Oh no, I agree with that part. But Star Trek overall is still better than The Orville. Lower Decks is real and it is delightful.
The Orville was really quite amazing coming from nowhere and you could see that it was made by people loving trek. It only took a few episodes to find its footing but it really represents star trek values better than nu trek does today. Discovery was just toxic and… Dumb? I stopped watching halfway through because it was just unbearable
OP what do you think of Discovery?
I ask this because 9/10 times someone talks about how Star Trek was “always woke”, they are usually just salty people don’t like Discovery and trying to pretend that most people who criticized it were bigots.
The other 1/10 times it’s someone who doesn’t even watch Star Trek trying to hijack the sub to push a bunch of performative culture war nonsense. However that usually involves a Tumblr post implying the Klingons were socially progressive because of how Kor treated Jadzia Dax.
You cant take the actions of one Klingon and assume that describes the behavior of the species. That’s racist.
In the defense of people who constantly post the meme, they’ve never given enough thought to Star Trek to consider that some random Tumblr screen grab isn’t accurate.
I’m always stunned how many people on this subreddit come off as vocally progressive, but don’t bother actually watching the show. I guess that would take a modicum of effort.
they’ve never given enough thought to Star Trek to consider that some random Tumblr screen grab isn’t accurate.
I don’t know if it’s perfectly captioned, but I clearly remember that moment in DS9 when Dax’s old war buddy reacts to her gender and name change with a repeated big hug and corrected name…so… I’m not sure what we’re getting at here?
The issue is there is always Tumblr text below that implies the Klingon are trans forward.
First, the trill are not trans. Each symbiote/human pairing is considered a distinct person, albeit one with similar traits to their predecessor. This is emphasized on multiple occasions throughout the show, and is a central plot point in multiple episodes.
Second, the Klingon are one of the most ass backwards regressive societies in the show. They have a system that’s run by a select few aristocratic houses. They are bound by an ancient honor code that only Worf takes seriously most of the time. Women are explicitly disallowed from serving as the head of their house. The idea that the Klingon society is at all progressive is absolutely divorced from any sort of reality.
Finally, all of that is present in episode. Jadzia is explicitly told she is not bound by Curzon’s blood oath, because she’s not Curzon. The other two klingons basically spend the entire episode implying that as a human woman she’s not capable and shouldn’t be here. At the end Jadzia hesitates to kill the Albino in a way that Curzon never would.
It’s incredibly obvious that people who post that meme have not watched DS9, including the episode they are referencing. Instead, they are leveraging a Star Trek fan sub to push low effort pro LGBT memes.
It’s not the pro LGBT part that pisses me off. 90s Trek is progressive of LGBT issues. It’s the fact that they didn’t even bother watching the show. These people make being queer their entire identity, are in a star trek sub, and are too lazy to actually watch the fucking show.
The issue is there is always Tumblr text below that implies the Klingon are trans forward.
Discussion aside, I completely agree. Folks who swallow that take that are in for a shock when they watch the show, lol!
First, the trill are not trans.
Yes, but Trill are every bit as trans as the network censors have allowed, at every stage of writing for them.
The idea that the Klingon society is at all progressive is absolutely divorced from any sort of reality.
Yeah. That’s just silly. Klingon culture is deeply regressive, and has been falling into worse states for longer than human history.
But the individual Klingon from that scene is a progressive ( for a Klingon ).
It’s the fact that they didn’t even bother watching the show.
I think that’s a bit unfair. People can watch the episode and still leave it with that moment as the shining in their memory as the stand-out.
That episode is an early win in LGBT representation. It’s about challenges that come from having a nuanced gender identity while everyone else has heavy gender coded expectations.
Taking away “let’s all please strive to achieve the bare minimum example by a mildly progressive Klingon” is a great lesson.
It’s hardly the only meme that brushes aside the complexities of an episode to highlight a key moment.
I get the frustration of newbies flooding into a Star Trek forum, but then, that’s always been a big part of the point of the show! They’ll watch more of the show over time, even while parts of it won’t age well. And we will have new things to discuss. Lol.
Given that everyone who didn’t like the show was a bigot it made me super interested in liking it.
how Kor treated Jadzia Dax.
For anyone who wasn’t there, this moment was revolutionary, at the time.
“What should I even say if my friend comes out to me as Transgender?!” wasn’t something everyone knew an answer to.
Having any character (Klingon or otherwise) handle learning that their friend’s gender has changed, and react in a healthy way, on screen, on prime time television, was an important positive moment for a lot of clueless future-ally scifi fans.
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