Imagine a haircut like this instead. It was all the rage in Brazil back in 2002:
Why would anyone do this
Flex on early balding people by leaving hair only where theirs does not grow.
Battery clipper runs out of juice at exactly the wrong time and you just lean into it.
It’s like the anti-mullet: trash in the front, nothing in the back.
is this because of Luiz Ronaldo or was he just part of the trend?
Yeah, that was Ronaldo’s haircut during the 2002 world cup
That’s a fucking normal ass haircut wtf
I recognize it’s not the same haircut, but it makes me think of this guy:
The guy from the UK Inbetweeners has the haircut.
Simon is the first person that came to my mind when I saw this post. Also the way you said UK Inbetweeners made me realize there’s also US version. Even the thought of it sounds terrible and I won’t even bother to check it.
the only good UK show that the US remade was the office. fight me.
The US version of Ghosts is also much better than the UK version which inspired it.
They are having a lore more fun with the universe/rules and exploring the Ghosts characters more. If the US version had the UK lead actress instead it’d be perfect
Maybe in dramas, you can find more examples but for comedy, the office is the best only example I think. Makes you appreciate the producers even more, considering how tough a job it is.
Too long on the sides
I’m bad at faces, but he reminds me of a combination of Mike Birbiglia, Seann William Scott, and Anders Holm. (I had to look up two of those names.)
Still a normal haircut
It seems a bit much to me, as well as a bit dated, but not unusual, interesting, or offensive enough that I would look twice if I saw it in person. I agree, it’s not atrocious.
I’ve seen that format and keep wondering who that guy is. But I lack terms to look it up and then I forget.
Who’s that?
The other commenter in this thread theoretically answered your question. I’m not familiar with the character, so while they’re probably correct, I can’t make any observations on it. I only know him as the “You guys are getting X?” meme guy.
I think your original question suggests you are familiar with the meme, but just in case I misinterpreted, here’s a random example.
Will Poulter in the movie “We’re the Millers”.
Just look up “eyebrow actor”, lol
Nah, not even. That’s a Flick, the minimal-effort 90’s-00’s version of the Greaser’s pompadour.
Is that a member of the infamous tunnel snakes?
Yes, and don’t forget that Tunnel Snakes Rule!
That looks like a fine haircut.
What’s wrong with that haircut? It’s neat and looks good and ladies like it. That broccoli cut is just atrocious.
When I was a kid it was the bowl cut, now that’s a travesty. The haircut in the picture is nice
See, that’s what the broccoli hair kids think too. It’s all cope.
It’s all arbitrary mate
That haircut is fine. The broccoli cut and the school shooter bowl cut are not.
Teenagers have had broccoli hair for the past 5 years. It’s boring. Invent a new fad already, I want a new thing to make fun of
How about carrot hair. Or maybe, like, mashed potato hair?
Boiled 'tatos, mashed 'tatos, stuck in a stew 'tatos
This is not nearly as bad as the broccoli fuck boys although this definitely was the hairstyle of the future fuck boys I was in elementary school with back in the day.
How about we let people style their hair however the fuck they like. I see all these comments ridiculing different haircuts as if being fucking apes with hair going in slightly different ways at different lengths blabbering on about which way is better wasn’t the ridiculous part.
I sometimes wish I had hair so I could change up my looks every now and then. I’m rocking a shiny bald head and have to change up my prescription glasses every now and then for a different look.
But then again, I only have to shave. Nothing more involved. It’s a very easy to maintain style, this genetic baldness thing.
The Suebian knot, a common hair style 2000 years ago. I'll take the broccoli over that.
But I'll like the viking hair styles more.
But I’m just a lazy fuck with a common ponytail because I don’t want to visit a hairdresser every few months.
I just do a simple fade at home. Takes about 15 min and keeps my shampoo consumption manageable.
How do you knock out a fade on your own? The back of the head is a real bitch.
Practice and low expectations.
Is that viking hair cut even real or just some invention for movies and TV shows?
That’s real. Vikings did a lot of breading and added beads to beards and hair. They also sometimes shaved the sides and had asymmetric haircuts too. We know the hair styles from their graves. The length of hair varied. They let them grow out and cut them when they were long enough. You could do a lot of things with such long hair.
The viking hair styles you see in the movies are mostly real.
But vikings did not have dreadlocks. They probably didn’t know about them.
This is wrong:
And this is wrong too:
They also often wore necklaces and wristbands with runes made of silver, iron or wood. Something like this:
This was to either show your wealth or as an amulet. The futhark (runes) were not just an alphabet they also were magical characters. Each rune had its own special meaning.
For example ᚠ (fehu, engl. cattle) stood for wealth, abundance and security. You wore that rune if you wanted that. And smiths added runes to tools and weapons to add magical powers to them.
I would rock the ragnar lothbrok though.
Why are we hating on things people like again? It doesn’t look bad. You all are aging like that dude who “chose poorly”
The high and tight was good, I liked it.
It’s this a crop of Ellen DeGeneres?
That 'do is pretty slick though
Still a hell of a lot better than that beiber swoosh hairstyle.
Bad hair? Lemme ‘mullet’ over.