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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The evidence wholly does not back your case!

    If trump was shot in the head, would you still say that it was an op to make the president more popular in the polls he was already leading? But opsie-doodle the marksman failed to correct for the wind that suddenly changed the trajectory by an inch and killed him damning our bid to consolidate power!

    Shooting an active shooter to death is the most consistent result of an active shooting. If they wanted to do a false flag assassination, one, their political affiliation would have been established, and, this is critical, WOULD NOT HAVE SHOT ANYWHERE NEAR TRUMPS FUCKING HEAD.

  • It’s even worse if you suggest that it was a republican conspiracy attempting a false flag assassination attempt to boost ratings. An attempt mind you that was an inch from being a successful, and probably would have lead to a Democratic win with a presidency given a gun and the right to use it next cycle. Again Qanon would and had said such things in the past, and the rest of us called them crazy.

    And the instant, “he’s not one of US!, only republicans would think of doing something like that” Is kinda desperate.

  • What someone was registered as has no bearing on his leaning on the political spectrum. Only which primary he was allowed to vote in. I don’t under stand why people are so fast to try to say what party he is with. Either way you know he was anti trump, which is for all intense and purposes anti republican. Actions speak louder than words