For the party that’s anti-gay… gotta say this is pretty gay
If I can quote someone here…
In any other world, I would say they’re mocking their own followers.
But no, in the world we live in, the Trumps and their followers really are this stupid they don’t see the blatant violation of the Biblical ban on idolatry in the thing that could literally serve as a counterpart to the Golden Calf if the Old Testament were adapted to modern times.
The older I get, the more I see what Oderus Urungus saw.
I haven’t watched The Ten Commandments in a long while so please help me remember. Wasn’t worshipping a false idol considered a BAD thing?
I think there is literally a story in the bible where someone puts a golden goat in his garden or wherever and then gets punished by god
Edit: It was a golden calf
Congrats, you officially know more about the Bible than most so called Christians!
His name was Mooby
You didn’t say “bless you” when I sneezed!
Any true Christian would know this story. You’re either not Christian, or Evangelical Christian.
Born and raised in fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. The vast majority of evangelicals will know the story of Moses and the golden calf.
A significant minority of evangelicals actually regularly study the Bible. (I used to be one of them.) They tend to be the core of the membership and teach classes and have leadership positions. See Mike Johnson for an example.
The level of internal propaganda is wild. To be able to maintain that faith while regularly studying the Bible takes a lot of willing suspension of disbelief. Basically, they live in a bubble where they self-censor incoming information.
Something like the ex-mormon CES Letter is needed for the evangelicals. Homeschooling also needs to have required curriculum to give children logical tools.
Conservative cultural christians are a different problem and probably what you’re actually thinking of. They’re useful idiots for the far right as well as the evangelicals. They really don’t know much about the Bible or denominations around them and tend to believe what they were told last by far right media or their smart uncle who’s into conspiracy theories and shit. Political and religious outrage as entertainment.
What a wonderful and illuminating reply to my snarky sarcasm! Thank you! That’s all very interesting.
When does the punishment part happen
7 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. 8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, ‘These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’
9 “I have seen these people,” the Lord said to Moses, “and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation.” …
25 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him.
I kind of want a compilation of all the signs about the false prophet and trump next to each other.
I sent this one to my Trump supporting family in 2020, it’s a bit outdated but useful.
And this was written before the Trump assassination attempt. Revelations 13 describes a beast healing from a fatal wound. There’s also this bit which could read like it describes a loyalist vice president who prevents economic deals with countries who don’t display loyalty to the president (i.e. wearing a hat that displays his name and number “Trump 45-47”).
[11] Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. [12] It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. [13] And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. [14] Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. [15] The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. [16] It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, [17] so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Edit: I see now there are updates at the bottom of the article that mention the same points I did.
Sounds more like Musk than Vance, what with spacex and X(.com), especially if in the future X actually becomes the American equivalent of Wechat and a state funded and required everything app.
True, especially if you consider the line:
[15] The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
Sounds like Elon’s recent AI generated video of Trump cleansing Gaza.
As well as the Mark of the Beast as a Neurolink microchip.
In the Left Behind series, you had to implant the chip in your forehead or right hand. They guillotined anyone who refused. If you get willingly chipped you are permanently unsaveable (so it must be the “blaspheming against the Holy Spirit” thing that Jesus was on about)
It’s amazing that I’m not seeing more Christians freak out about this. All of the church basement videos,the Hal Lindsey, … was I the only one who took that shit seriously? Chloe’s death in Left Behind traumatized me - like I don’t think any of the film adaptations have gotten that far but I can picture it like a movie. If they weren’t going to take the warning seriously, why did I wake up some mornings in a quiet house terrified that God had abandoned me?
Dude spoilers! I didn’t know Chloe dies!
You seem closer than I am, but my impression was that a lot of Left Behind Christians are excited for the end to come. They can’t wait to be raptured, and welcome any signs from Revelations.
If you edit your post to use a blockquote instead of a code block, it’ll be much easier to read.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure how the square brackets would behave in markdown quoteblocks. I don’t fully trust the post preview on mobile. Should be fixed now.
I remember this from back then. The cool thing is, it looks like the author has been keeping it updated!
The whole point of the antichrist is they rise to power by exploiting Christians and their faith…
Like, everything about the two line up that I’m starting to think trump is literally using the myth as a blueprint. Like, at some point someone told him about it, and his first and only thought was:
I bet they’re dumb enough to really fall for that
I think it’s kind of the opposite. The Bible was written as a response to and warning of human greed. The fashion in which people come to power has changed since then, but human greed doesn’t change.
The irony is not lost that the Bible itself was turned into a tool for greed and oppression, but I think that the actual core of the religion (Christ’s teachings or whatever) were meant to warn people about the dangers of doing greedy human things.
Dude has a literal golden goat… That’s would be a pretty big coincidence.
Don’t forget his first Christian supporters was the Evangelicalists. People who got so tired of waiting for the apocalypse they decided to help it along to get to the rapture.
That’s what’s up with the Israel support as well, it’s supposed to start there, and it’s supposed to be a “Jewish Kingdom”.
That and the antichrist coming to power are the two big things, it’s not implausible they think trump is the actual antichrist, understand how terrible he is, but want to give him ultimate power to hasten judgement day
It’s not rational, but there’s logic to it.
Wasn’t worshipping a false idol considered a BAD thing?
Just don’t consider it a false idol. That’s the trick.
Stick your money-plated golden calf in a big box and have four old dudes carry it around on a palanquin. Then get a dozen DOGE agents to lead it in front of a government agency, blow their shofars, and pull funding until it collapses.
Boom. Straight out of the Book of Joshua, Chapter 6. Not much more holy than the Siege of Jericho.
Yes, but only if one was actually a believer of said religion.
“Christian” Nationalists are just Nazis With An Excuse.
Yeah. It’s one of the few things the Bible is fairly consistent about, along with golden calf/bronze bull imagery. I’m pretty sure there’s a historical religious explanation for why the Bible consistently referenced gold/bronze cattle, but I find it fascinating and kinda sad that they’re so blatantly worshipping something that the Bible consistently says is wrong. Like, there’s a lot of stuff in the Bible where it says one thing and then later says, “actually, wait, just kidding lol”; but it consistently talks about not worshipping idols while using cattle imagery.
Judaism likely developed out of worship of a specific deity in a pantheon. All the idol worship bans are probably a way to distance yahweh worship from everything else. It exists only to be different.
The real trouble comes when Biblical literalists try to apply this to modern situations. There are still major religions that have idols, but they tend not to be anywhere near American Christian nationalists. But when you believe every single part of the Bible is true and meaningful for your life today, you have to find some reason for it to be there.
“Umm, err, do you have a poster of Kobe Bryant on your wall? Totally an idol in the same way the Bible talks about golden calfs.”
There’s a whole analog horror series that spawned because of that
Which? I love analog horror.
I know of one :The Left Behind series. Had books for teens and ones for adults.
Oh yeah. I think I read one long ago when I was young and indoctrinated. Maybe even seen a movie? Yes, but not the Nic Cage one, the 2000 one.
That’s something I haven’t thought about in a long time. Thanks for bringing it up (not sarcasm). I’ll have to look into it from a different perspective.
Worshipping anything else than God is the big super bad. Joshua saw a Jew sleeping with a non-believer and Joshua put a spear through them both. God was like “Hell yeah, dude!” and promoted him to be the new Moses.
But was idolation for a false idol not one off the signes off the anti-christ. And he was also having his own valuta… an other sing.
Stupid Libtard of COURSE NOT! Otherwise we would HATE Trump!
How much more anti-christy can this guy get?
No one knows but I am sure we will be here for a while to see him try his hardest.
I wondered if it was real.
No, I didn’t. I just was stunned they profaned yhwh and Baphomet. I guess they’ll get around to Kali and Shiva eventually. Got to cover all the bases, I guess. 🤷♀️
Well, you’ve got to appreciate that not only are they ridiculously ignorant and incompetent, they’re also disturbingly hypocritical.
They only serve the one true deity, except when they don’t.
No, they never stay from worshipping , Mammon, and I daresay plenty of people, regardless of their religion or lack thereof, also do.
I’m not Christian. I’m not super religious.
I still find this offensive.
Now I don’t believe a word of the Bible, but this guy checks off so many anti-Christ boxes it’s getting harder and harder to see how the people who do believe that stuff don’t see it.
My wife sent me a great article on this that was originally written in 2019 but is now even more relevant. I thought it was a fun read at first but as I kept going it started to actually unsettle me a bit
Wow that was a wild ride
Isn’t that part of the story tho? That he tricks believers?
False believers, whose faith is shallow and performative, or against the teachings of Christ (like, for example, the prosperity gospel). Real big “sucks to suck” energy in Revelations.
Not that they were tricked specifically that they weren’t tricked, that they simply chose to follow and bore his mark.
‘Trick’ requires some form of effective deception. That’s not what’s happening, the are just evil ass people who are voting for evil ass shit. They know what he claims and take him seriously enough to kill people about it.
the most hardcore believers are the ones who love trump the most.
But given that basically none of these people have read a bible in their life, it’s understandable that they don’t see the signs of their own religion.
Or maybe they are super into the anti-christ. who knows
Bibles are for hitting your enemies over the head with, not reading.
Ya know, maybe the Bible is right and god is real, because there’s no way someone comes this close to exactly what it describes as the Anti-Christ without actually being evil.
This is just his way of separating the goats from thr sheep
Trump is literally the Anti-Christ, he takes Christians away from Christ and thinks it’s funny.
I actually read a report somewhere that said Christians were having to choice between their Churches and Trump… and they choose Trump
said Christians were having to choice between their Churches and Trump
it’s an easy way for believers to see and avoid the unholy temples now worshipping the ungodly
Fake Christians in Christianity? More likely than you think!
Did the Bible predict the apocalypse would start with trumpets or Trump/Pence?
That’s a compilation story book, take everything you read there as fantasy. My favorite story is Genesis, the part were the dad offers his virgin daughters to have sex with a furious gang of people.
It makes sense.
People don’t go to church to be Christian. Christians can believe and pray at home if they want to, and many do. The ones that go church are looking for something else.
Something about worshipping false idols?
New Christian’s love this stuff
Feels very old testament to me… Kinky
So, literally worthless statue made from scrap paper.
Hey now. That could be a really nice archery target.
I can think of a few better ones.
I wonder if Luigi is an archer.
What’s worse, idolatry or idolatry + fraud?
That’s a trick question, these idiots don’t care. Makes me wish there actually were an afterlife for them to suffer in.
Another way of looking at it is that it is a worthless statue made from evidence of counterfeiting and forgery.
Why a goat? It’s an odd choice considering the association with Satan.
It’s an old testament sacrifice thing.
Leviticus 17:7
They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols[a] to whom they prostitute themselves.
Edit: it appears in a few other places.
he hasn’t read the bible and probably doesn’t talk to anyone who has. more likely a reference to “the goat” meaning “the greatest of all time”.
Well yeah, but the goat idols were used in some kind of previous religion and are being forbidden in Leviticus, as can be seen from the quote. So it’s not exactly an old testament thing, it’s just mentioned in the old testament as something you shouldn’t use.
The dude that donated/sold it just really likes goats lmao
Ok now he is just memeing the false prophet thing. He can’t not be aware, can he?
I agree. I think it’s intentional. Probably has a whole Project 2025 chapter about it.
Spread this in Christian communities.
Lol they don’t care
Hi I’m a Christian and I care. The goat seems to be made to auction to spread awareness for human trafficking. Very bizarre to go with this method though. I also know nothing of the organization and it’s effectiveness in helping stop child human trafficking. Especially after that movie and the backlash it got with how little it did in helping the actual core issue. Bunch of hypocrites.
Yeah but did you vote for Trump before?
The project is an initiative of Athletes & Causes, an organization in Florida that pairs athletes with philanthropic efforts. Its founder, Rob Canton, also runs the Grady Goat Foundation in Florida, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fundraising through goat yoga classes in order to support disadvantaged children.
I don’t know anything about them, but the auctioned thing being a perfect representation of trump’s ego, I’m fully expecting that none of the money will actually be used for the cause
Yeah, probably. It’s a non profit but I don’t know how that money gets audited. If law even applies here.
Exploiting peoples love of Trump sounds like a great idea to support people in need
Bonus points if the its supporting trans people
I call bullshit; christianity hasn’t been a real thing since its final resurgance which ended during the siege of munster. john brown at the lastest, and that was still calvinism.
edit: wait, shit, tubman was also a christian fanatic, but she had massive head trauma, so I think she can be counted as an outlier.
No idea what you’re talking about but Christianity is definitely a real thing, and it’s not the Christo fascism that you’ve been exposed to.
she’s probably doing the Nietzschean “the last christian died on the cross” bit
oh. what’s their holy symbol? is it a symbol of statist exemplary violence, a monument of terror used on slave rebellions and sometimes other people? or some other thing?
I get there are people who still call themselves that, but they’re not, and there is no continuity.
They’re the ones who like this stuff!