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Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoChaotic Good@sopuli.xyzArmed to deter cops
    2 days ago

    The reason the police do this is that wage slaves won’t be forced back into the worst, most poorly paid jobs we can find if they’re not facing death by starvation.

    Systemically, yes this is why the police are allowed broadly by society to discourage helping those in need.

    On a more personal, fundamental and visceral level, it’s because the police are a product of people who have held power for a long, long time. And you know what poor and homeless people are to the systems that maintain the status quo? They’re an inconvenient reminder that our system is designed to benefit a few, and that there are people hoarding gold and diamond backscratchers for every day of the week while children starve on the street.

    That’s a pretty downer reminder, isn’t it? Throw in some of our human vices that we all share from top to bottom like substance abuse and you have a complete picture of what any of us could become if we’re not careful.

    See, for the vast majority of comfortable Americans, the homeless they pass every day are not reminders that humans need help, they are a reminder of failure. In a world where success is measured in dollar signs and possessions, someone without either is a scary, harsh reminder that we’re all on a tightrope.

    Brush them aside. Put them somewhere. Get them into some kind of “camp” and shuffle them out of view, lest they spoil this perfect image we have created of the modern world.

  • if you have to wipe with toilet paper anyway, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a bidet?

    The purpose of a bidet isn’t necessarily to make toilet paper unnecessary, it’s to clean properly. Before getting a bidet I would just step into the shower and use the removable shower head to wash my ass with a little soap and warm water, towel off after, bam super clean. I still do that, but now the bidet can save a step if I’m in a hurry.

    Basically, try this experiment. (Quoted from some comedian) Smear some poop on the back of your hand. Then wipe it with dry paper and nothing else. Do you feel clean? Ready to go through the day? Of course not! You want to actually wash that off, and that’s the pleasant feeling from using a stream of water to feel thoroughly clean, not just removing residue but getting up in there into the outer wrinkles of the butthole, reduces the chance of getting the itchies later.

    (This is particularly of consequence if there is ANY chance whatsoever of ending up naked with another person. You might not notice it, but other people would get hit with a musk the moment your underwear drops, and not the nice kind.)

  • Why are people so confounded by these things? Have y’all never used water to bathe before?

    I feel like some people were never given actual hygiene instructions from their parents growing up. I can only imagine the way some people are so hung up on genitals and waste products that they can’t even think about it, those kinds of people going on to have kids… do we really think they’re going to pass on useful information on self-care?

    And it’s not like there’s tons of social messaging and helpful guides all over the place on proper bathroom habits, it’s purely a passed-down skillset.

    Every time this comes up on reddit, there are a lot of people sharing stories about knowing men who literally don’t wipe their own ass or touch it while showering and just constantly walk around with shit all over their ass. I used to think it was a meme, but then met people in real life who also had encounters with men who thought touching their own ass would “make them gay.”

    So yah, people getting anxious about using a bidet? That tracks. I think a lot of people are at very least, just anxious because they’ve never really been shown anything and might be doubting their own habits. Basically the bathroom and poop and related topics are just this mysterious realm that nobody talks about. Insecurity over our most intimate and private acts is a tradition as old as time itself.

  • Our obsession with owning land and borders will be the death of us all.

    Like, without hyperbole, if we all die, it will be because of our attachment to the concept of “owning land” and having to draw imaginary lines across ground and rock and water to signify who owns what.

    But when you step back and really think about it, it makes zero sense if you actually care about an equitable world where people aren’t hurting each other. It makes zero sense from a cosmic perspective, as this is a rock flying around a star, it has been here longer than us and will outlast us to a degree that our presence here, no matter what we do, will be a brief blip in cosmic time. We have no legacy, no real connection to the dirt below us other than how it gave us life. And yet claim ownership over it?

    It makes no sense from a material perspective either, all borders do is reduce the flow of goods and services, creates artificial limits on who can go where creating “pressure zones” that eventually explode over and become migration disasters, and of course the people who pretend to rule these patches of dirt and rock and water and will send millions of people to death to preserve this roleplay. And we all cheer and defend this concept with all our heart.

    Make it make sense.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMildred
    3 days ago

    I used to watch Thought Slime a lot, even donated to them a few times… then started watching videos from the people they’ve “called out” on stream, followed a rabbit-hole of people who were hurt and never apologized to and realized they’re just another youtube dramafarmer clicks-at-all-costs, no discrimination, storyline-crafting liar. Like everyone.

    Free yourselves humanity, stop watching streamers.

    edit: I know the parasocialism online runs really deep and just saying this is going to get some people losing their shit to defend their fav streamer, I literally don’t care, you have to be aware that every streamer has an army of knights to defend them, and I don’t like engaging that way and am not going to spend my time arguing. I’m not out to change your mind, just explain why I changed mine.

  • Depending on the PH levels they may never “go bad” as in, suffer bacterial or fungal growth. (Anything lower than about 4.6ph will have much lower chances of spoiling but this risk is not eliminated completely and there are plenty of people who get botulism poisoning from high acidity foods improperly stored, this is because while the bacteria may not thrive there, their highly toxic bi-products may persist even through cooking.)

    But that’s not the only reason we refrigerate stuff. Food, including condiments that are salty or pickled, are made of organic molecules, oftentimes many different kinds of complex molecules. These delicate structures begin breaking down the moment they’re created the same way a jiggling lego tower will eventually become unrecognizable.

    Refrigeration slows this jiggling and preserves the structure of these molecules, preserving the flavor and nutrition much longer than if you leave it out. If you go through those condiments fast, in less than a couple months, it should be fine, but everything eventually reaches a point where it doesn’t have the same flavor or texture anymore and it won’t be as nice as fresh ingredients.

  • If you keep those items in the frig, they will last for years. If not, you will have to replace them faster because they DO go bad eventually, even if it’s just the taste degrading. Organic molecules are complicated and start breaking down the moment they are created, so everything food-related changes over time to “not food” or at least becomes flavorless and devoid of nutrition. Refrigeration slows the molecules from jiggling so much and preserves these fine structures.

    It’s just a choice. I don’t really see the point of buying your own bottles of that shit unless it’s just a matter of convenience. So come on, let’s be honest, unless your roommate chain the ketchup the refrigerator, ya’ll are just buying your own condiments anyway.

  • Imagine a world where corporations that aren’t even involved in your life can decide where you can and can’t go, where you can and can’t live, if you can receive medical care or not, what you can and can’t eat, and so on. If we can break every aspect of society down to a system of “fees” to have basic services, we will rapidly have an entire nation of shanty towns, with about 0.1% of the population living in fucking castles on the mountains.

    And this is what they want. Because the people pushing this tripe always think they’re the ones who will live in the castles.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldShit libertarians say.
    4 days ago

    Not saying the current system is good, but replacing it with a “libertarian utopia” will be even worse. At least the system does the bare minimum work, we do have roads, we do have medical care, we do have trash pickup. It’s not much but it’s enough for most people so you would have to do a lot better to convince people why they should topple their comfort and pleasures.

    It all sounds like it makes sense but it’s not realistic. Rapidly we will end up in a situation where you have pass through 200 different forms of toll/fee collection to get to work, because without strict regulation of all companies, both public and private, they are going to exploit your lack of options. I haven’t had anyone explain to me why we should expect a society of hundreds of millions of people to all suddenly be able to say “That’s enough, line doesn’t need to go up anymore.” It’s not how humans function.

    You would need a central authority that would audit and review all these “fees” that pay for our roads and medical care and fire departments, and make sure they are allocated where they’re supposed to go. And if we’re doing that, why not just send the money to this central authority to begin with so there’s no hiding shit? And now guess what we have. We have the system we have because it’s how things evolve.

    Our argument isn’t that we should do away with a central authority that distributes our work, it should be that we want that work to pay for things we actually want, not the things that a few defense contractors and banks want. I don’t want to do away with government, I want one that makes less self-interested decisions with the money we lend them. And so far all the alternatives save one or two, they just make it easier for these people to make self-interested decisions.

  • barely being taught even basic math under the guise of homeschooling.

    yah that was me.

    There was no actual “schooling” it was just a cover-story so people didn’t pry and learn that my parents were too crazy/drunk/high/delusional to properly raise children. The first couple decades of my life I basically just wandered in the desert alone around my parent’s “religious compound” a couple hours from the nearest town and tried to get my hands on any actual scientific or rational reading material that extended family members managed to smuggle in.

    It had disastrous impact on my adult life. I did go to school later and excelled and soared through AP college classes… but with my life so handicapped from the start, I was unable to continue higher education due to poverty, unable to land a stable career, and worst of all, severe depression and anxiety from the CPTSD of basically spending 20 years of my most important developmental years isolated with two toxic, hateful, abusive parents and literally NOBODY else. I became non-verbal for years, people thought I was autistic. I have been in and out of therapy, on and off meds, and have had long, extended struggles with substance abuse, depression so bad I can’t move some days, and thoughts of self-harm.

    My parents were absolutely convinced that biblical prophecy was real and was about to be fulfilled, they saw themselves as actual prophets or chosen ones that would play a part in the coming apocalypse, and for years of my life I was also convinced that I was part of some greater destiny.

    Fast forward through my adult life, and I’m clearing out my parent’s belongings after they drank themselves to death, wondering what the fuck happened and what my real future is going to look like. Do you think AI is going to replace grocery baggers? Because I fully see myself at 80 bagging groceries.

  • I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but it kinda sounds like an engineer trying to make their career/passion into more than a clever trick which comes as a result of learning how to abstract information to better manipulate the world.

    “Engineering” isn’t a fundamental quality of the universe, it’s a word we have made up to describe honestly a lot of different things. There’s nothing wrong with calling what humans learned to do “engineering” and it wouldn’t be inaccurate, but I’m saying you can simplify that more, to just the quality we learned, which is how to take information from the past and from right now to synthesize pictures of tomorrow, and then abstract that conclusion to share with others. Being able to share abstract conclusions about future events is a far, far more profound skill, there’s no parallel in nature, not even “kinda” like beaver engineering. Engineering comes from this ability, so I’m just trying to describe the order of carts and horses.

  • I think the invention of engineering is what finally broke evolution

    While true, we can be more specific here what quality or trait allowed us to become engineers. Being able to engineer is by itself something that can even exist in genetic memory, instinctual. There are a lot of animals that do engineering, but have never come anywhere close to what humans do. Beavers, birds, ants and termites arguably are better engineers than most humans on an innate level. (I’ve also known some engineers who are incapable of some very basic life skills.)

    What separated us from evolutionary processes and also allowed us to become engineers is the capability to abstract information and use those abstractions to predict the future, extending our “reach” of influence into the further future than most animals can calculate. This required us to develop strong continuity of thought and experiences and with this also came the ability to analyze and compare complicated events to find patterns. This gave us a huge edge when we were surviving around predators that were able to easily dominate us. Nowadays these abilities mostly cause of mental health conditions as we try to use tools designed for navigating glaciers to navigate a world of social media, zoom meetings, Tinder profiles, electric car recalls and democratic electoral politics.

  • Do you think people become more conservative with age or is it society becoming more progressive and leaving them behind?

    I am getting up there in years and seeing this play out over and over.

    I think every generation wants to be more progressive than the last, but we tend to carry baggage of fear and insecurity through the generations. Or more specifically, older people tend to gain the political and monetary capital needed to affect policy and shape our societal outlook and attitude. They will always be more conservative than the younger generation who will want more freedoms and personal rights, inherently, and as the ruling class will clash with newer sensibilities, over and over.

    What we’re asking here, is the conservatism reflected in our elders and leadership now broadly more harmful or helpful? Are we out of the touch or is it the kids who are wrong?

    I think it’s a mix but mostly it’s not our real problem. Our real problem is that no matter what our age, we have greatly misunderstood how our own existence works. Most people have been taught that they have brains designed to exercise logic and reason and that brains are the best thing ever if you use them and make them smart.

    No, our brains are not logical tools. We are not a rational species. There was no “age of enlightenment.” It’s all a hoax. Our brains are tools designed to write a story to explain how you feel. And that’s it. It doesn’t even have to make sense. When we all learn how our brains actually work we will collectively make better decisions, have more compassion for each other, and likely sink into even deeper despair as we all start to realize we have no free will.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldWhy don't you?
    4 days ago

    Our society’s rules about sex and dating have been upended several times in the last few decades, people are broadly more aware of far more social issues and the plights of others than we ever have been because we have all that access to people’s innermost thoughts on the internet, whether or not those thoughts are reflective of reality is not important, it’s the idea that we are all worried about becoming a subject of that collection of negative thoughts, and we tend to have negative reactions to even the idea of some people finding other people attractive because it’s a sharp reminder that most people don’t look like this, and most people don’t know first thing about how to compensate for not looking like this.

    And many guys don’t even want to “compensate” by trying to fit some other image they don’t know how to achieve.

    Also, even though broadly our standards for women, sex and dating have changed so much, our expectations and standards for masculinity haven’t really changed at all, so it’s created a huge, confusing “wall” of sorts for men everywhere who don’t really know how to find a place in a world that simultaneously expects them to live up to these standards that were established in the ice age, but also be some kind of “new male” who has feelings and is sensitive (but only if they’re the “sexy” kinds of feelings) and doesn’t threaten anyone.

    Most young men growing up in the developed world right now have no idea how to date and be loved or even how to have positive emotional states or feel proud of anything while swimming in this social-media-soaked landscape. A lot of young men who haven’t developed emotionally choose to either “disappear” from the world of dating and romance, or go the opposite direction and latch onto horrible grifters promising simple answers like the Andrew Tates and Sneakos of the world, and this is all also why the rates of intimacy and relationships between younger people is plummeting right now, to a degree that is seriously going to become a major problem.

  • I too am taking advantage of the summer sale and am about 20 hours in and still wildly infatuated with this weird, weird amazing game.

    After a while you start getting a slightly better idea of what’s going on, but that doesn’t make it more “game like” if anything, the more you learn about the game, the more it reveals itself to be a giant tool to explore meta-narratives and there are some moments of conversation regarding this that are absolutely chilling.

  • The impact of human fertility cycles ("concealed ovulation’) and human evolution is a vast, deep field of study and speculation in itself, but I am making some very sweeping generalizations here, referencing people’s capability to choose when to reproduce on the broadest levels, not that there was a period or specific instance of this having an impact… more like, it made a difference over very large scales of time, as evident by the fact that our breeding cycles are nothing like most other mammals.