• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • What am I not getting about this?

    The assumption is that the simulation runs constantly and at least as fast as real time.

    Neither needs to be true. A simulation might be to see what would have happened if we made different choices, it might be a video game, it might be a way to gen TV shows based on “the historical past” that we consider present time.

    We might just be an experiment to see if free will exists. Start 10,000 identical simulations to run a century, and at the end compare the results, see what’s changed, and if those changes snowballed or evened out.

    And just like how video games only “draw” what’s in field of view, a simulation could run the same way, drastically cutting down resource needs.

    And “impossible levels of energy” isn’t really right. At a certain point a species can get a Dyson sphere. And once they get the first, every subsequent one is a cake walk. It’s as close as possible to “infinite energy” there’s no real reason to even go past one.

    Hell, it doesn’t need to be “everything” everything. Generate a solar system and as long as no one leaves, you don’t need to generate anything past it other than some lights.

  • The White House said Sunday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency had sent emergency responders, search-and-rescue teams, bottled water, and other resources along the coast.

    I get that they’re helping to get votes…

    I just hate how red states refuse to help Blue states.

    And if there’s a Republican president, feds won’t help blue states.

    Yet, Dems constantly bail out red states.

    Give them help because it’s the people that suffer, but give the state government a bill.

    This isn’t getting caught once with you pants down and learning the lesson, red states are actively fighting science and not taking the steps to prevent this shit in the future. And everyone else has to pay for them when we have our own problems.

  • What I was saying is that fascism is its own kind of ideology, and although yes it’s been pretty fluid over the years, the hallmarks are authoritarian capitalism, emphasis on private enterprise, social Darwinism (supporting “the strong” and loathing “the weak”), misogyny, and the hatred and outright murder of the Other (jews, foreigners, people with the wrong religion, people with no religion, whoever).

    Well, if you lump misogyny in with other bigotry like it should be…

    That’s a pretty good description of “moderate Dems” and Joe Biden’s entire 2024 campaign specifically.

    My point is, breaking it all up into every slice getting it’s own special name is ridiculous and just confuses people.

    But I don’t think you’re going to magically start understanding any of this if I keep replying.

  • If economics reporters were only serving at the behest of billionaires,

    I just can’t believe someone that doesn’t understand billionaires own media companies to control the public narrative still exists in 2024.

    Still, that low amount of inflation tends to be the best we can do.

    Because straight capitalism is unsustainable…

    But you want it to be the only option and will accept everything else we need to prop it up.

    Have a nice life, don’t expect any more replies.

  • Do you think that every article written about inflation just happens to forget that prices are still rising?

    I think media organizations owned by billionaires are going to keep repeating what billionaires want the poor people to hear…

    And that with rampant wealth inequality what’s good for “the economy” is rarely good for the average person.

    I thought as a society, we all understood that by now…

    But you don’t seem to have gotten any of the memos.

  • So you’re saying a “moderate liberal” who supports genocide is more of a fascist than a “tankie”? Or would you call them a “tankie” for saying theyre on the left but openly supporting genocide, siccing police on peaceful protestors, and immediately cutting off any voter/media/politicians who disagree with them?

    Sxomeone that openly refuses to step aside unless “lord God” tells them? Someone that insists they’re the only one that can save the country, and if they don’t personally win the country is over.

    Would you call them “tankie” or fascist?

  • If prices fell, we’d have an entirely different and much worse set of issues.

    No, it would be a lot worse for the wealthy

    Deflation causes people to save money and accumulate wealth.

    The wealthy say this is bad because we won’t buy products, but now we don’t buy products because we have no money. Which is worse than not buying products because we’re saving money for a thing like a house or planning to have kids.

    Except for the wealthiest who want all the money and can’t get what people are saving. They want everyone broke and all the money they don’t have already, being in circulation so they can take it.

    Like, come on bro, it’s not complicated but there is generations of capitalism propaganda repeating that inflation is a good thing, it’s just not true for 99.99% of us. If it still doesn’t make sense, feel free to ask for clarification.

  • it’s just I do know there will be people that wanted to vote exclusively Biden who will no longer vote because it wouldn’t be biden

    I mean, the DNC isn’t putting a progressive in the race, it’s almost certainly gonna be Kamala if it happens.

    If there are some who will only vote for Biden (I doubt it) I just can’t see them not coalescing around the DNCs pick.

    Even if they do, it’ll be like 08 PUMA where it turned out to be just an incredibly vocal but tiny group