Tap for spoiler
They’re turning the frogs mice gay trans!
Is it true?
Its really something the white house published, but it’s also a disinformation campaign to make trump look like he isn’t an idio. It is also an attack on freedom of the press, scientific research, and on lgbqt+.
The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual).
Sounds very official and professional. Everyone at the white house is required to talk like Trump now?
Ladies, gentlemen, and my fellow freaks and geeks, i give you: the final form of the US Government.
It’s somehow even worse than Idiocracy.
Because in idiocracy they acted out of incompetence but were generally not bad people, this is just straight up malicious intent.
They probably have a Trump AI for this sort of thing.
The I stands for idiocy
“Artificial Idiocy” does have a certain ring to it.
There’s nothing artificial about it.
Oh wow, I just realized that they could put an AI in office if Trump were to die, and the only way it could be found out is by lack of typos and correct grammar.
You’ll know when he seemingly gains 20 iq points.
The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual).
so it’s not /s
And I am being serious here, it’s actually bolded on the webpage.
I want to laugh. I want to cry. JFC. The world has gone insane.
for now, I plan to dig deepering into the actual claim, but the wording of the press release is… something…
I am livid at seeing this kind of language on my government’s official commissions.
How do we even find redemption at this point? How can the world ever take us seriously again?
Easy. Elect Democrats in a landslide in 2026. Impeach Trump, send him to jail for the rest of his life. Impeach and arrest anyone complicit with his crimes. Replace those open seats with more Democrats. Put heavy restrictions on Vance and drum him out in 2028.
Holding corrupt people accountable is the only way out.
Voting isn’t enough. We need a plan B and it will take hard work. We need capable organizers, physical security, mutual aid, economists, doctors, and more. If that’s you, please consider joining the DSA.
Conservatives have stacked the system in their favor through gerrymandering, coups, politicized courts, voter intimidation, and at times outright fraud. Not to mention that many Democrats vote alongside Republicans in favor of the oligarchs.
Vote, yes, but also please help us make a society that renders oligarchy obsolete.
It will be hard you will have to work very hard now.
This is why I sorta roll my eyes at the people who cry about the sarcasm tag. Poe’s law is too strong, it always wins.
I’m quoting the press release, those aren’t my thoughts.
eventhough cnn shills for trump in some form.
I mean even CNN issued a clarification of their own fact check that says what he said is true. Just in typical Trump fashion he worded his rant like a 5 year old that found a thesaurus.
transGENIC - meaning they were able to modify cells in mice to more resemble human to be able to develop new medications that were difficult to develop, but I guess anything that has word “trans” is woke. The transportation secretary should be on a lookout.
I’m kind of torn on this one. I’ve seen the “transgenic” explanation in several other places, and as I normally do, my initial reaction was “Ha ha, stupid Trump.” (And also a deep underlying sadness that doesn’t ever really go away)
But I clicked the link on this post. They listed the grants referenced in their $8 million total. One did mention transgenic mice, though others could use transgenic mice and not specifically mention it. But if you click through to the grant proposals (which I assume DOGE did not write), every entry does indeed involve research on the effects of gender-affirming medication, even the one that mentions transgenic mice. To be clear, the other claim from media reports is also true - that these are grants for cancer and HIV research. But specifically, for things like the interaction between HIV vaccines and gender affirming meds.
To make my position clear, I support these studies. I think it’s important to study how asthma and cancer medications may affect the trans population differently than those not on gender-affirming meds. And you never know what additional discoveries will be made along the way. But I think that the response that MAGA got confused about transgender vs transgenic is disingenuous at best, if the information from this link is true (who knows if the 8 mill is the full contract or remaining values, etc).
I think diversity, equity, and inclusion are exactly what we need, and historically, a lot of harm has been caused by treating white male as default in medical studies. It is a truly terrible thing that they are canceling studies like these. But I think we need to recognize that when they say things like, Biden spent 8 million dollars trying to make mice transgender, what we’re dealing with is bait. They want us fighting over whether or not we made mice transgender. The point here is that this is yet another example of this Federal government usurping the power of the purse without being checked. They will always try to use small lies to hide the Big Lie.
Gender affirming does not mean Trans.
Testosterone creams and pills would be gender affirming medications. It’s probably important to know how those medications are going to react with other medications and conditions. 9 Mil for a study is a drop in the bucket.
Doge is chasing fragments of pennies, at a time where there are glaringly obvious actual loopholes and waste in the government.
I agree. I saw a point brought up elsewhere that the asthma study included research on whether there is a difference with asthma rate before and after MTF participants took estrogen. The reasoning being that the prevalence of asthma among females compared to males tends to double by the end of puberty, so having trans participants in the study allows them to isolate the effects of estrogen in an ethical way. Very cool happenstance.
But no, the point here was not whether the science is good or bad, as you and I both full well know. The point was to Ctrl+F “transgender” in government-funded study abstracts and cancel all of them you can find so you can tell your base you’re hurting the people they wanted you to hurt. While you rob the nation blind with the other hand. MAGA doesn’t care that the research might have helped them. They don’t care that 9 million bucks is only a drop in the bucket. They have centered their lives around how important it is to win. All they care about is that they feel like they’re winning.
The point was to Ctrl+F “transgender”
I think they are literally doing a Ctrl+F on “trans”. I can’t wait to find out how much the military spends on transmissions. It’s probably why they are so keen on getting rid of trans service members.
Thanks for sharing this thought. I had the same feelings and was disappointed to see that many of us are falling into the same headline clickbait trap that we accuse the other side of. Thankfully, you’re getting plenty of upvotes.
Yes, the word transgenic was used in the description of the one of the funded studies. However that same cited study is intentionally attempting to study the effects of androgen treatment on reproductive health for the benefit of transgender individuals.
I do not condone this ridiculous writing from an official Whitehouse press release. I also fully approve of every single study listed. But the “haha they’re dumb” rhetoric is not helpful. What’s helpful is encouraging people to demand sources, think critically, and hold authority figures accountable when they lie.
Oh my god, I looked at the Rolling Stone article and this is the real explanation? I expect them to be stupid, but this is the basis for their talking point?
I am accurately using the word “literally,” when I say I literally can’t keep up with how stupid they are. I genuinely lowered my expectations as far as I could, and it wasn’t low enough.
I am accurately using the word “literally,” when I say I literally can’t keep up with how stupid they are.
Which is such an easy strategy to counter if the dems could just grow up. All you have to do is some outrageous act or make some outrageous claim and the zone will get more flooded pushing out the gop shit. It’s not a good way to do news but we have to stop trying to counter bullshit with plain reason. It’s not effective. We need to first get the bullshit out of the lime light then tackle it in smaller settings where facts can be agreed on. The “zone” is better suited for cat memes and what ever else, not political shit.
… transgenic mice to test whether male-level androgens … are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters
They used the transgenic mice to test if hrt works. And the others have nothing to do with transgenic mice, most are explicitly about hrt and one is testing if asthma differences in sex is actually caused by hormones.
Thanks for the hint. Also CNN added context to their article.
The morning after Trump’s speech, the White House provided a list of $8.3 million in federal grants to health studies that involve mice receiving treatments that can be used in gender-affirming health care. The White House list made clear what Trump, in the speech, did not: The studies were meant to figure out how these treatments might affect the health of humans who take them, not for the purpose of making mice transgender.
More than meets the eye!
What will they publish when they wind out that the government transcribes speeches and so on?
Yeah, they want to make genes trans now. The woke are out of control!
deleted by creator
The fact that Whitehouse.gov has turned into another extension of Trump’s Twitter is so fucking insulting to the entire country and everything it stands for. Go fuck yourself you whiny little pussy.
Can we take the time to acknowledge that the phrase “fake news losers at cnn” was used in an official executive white house release? This is on par with the release they put out a couple weeks ago that spelled “executive” as ecexutive” 🥴🤡 America is cooked.
I saw that, and knew it was going to be a wild ride.
I knew it was going to be a wild ride 9 years ago the first time the democrats moved mountains to sabotage sanders at every turn in an effort to prevent any administration that would resemble FDR from gaining power effectively handing trump the win which was their preference to moving even a millimeter to the left on policy. I mean instead of listening to the working class this time they instead decided to move further right and court conservatives with endorsements from the cheng family, george bush and others. Neo Liberalism has pushed class dictatorship so far down our throats and ultimately led to this full on fascist decline we are in. It is obvious to anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex that the system will not allow us to remedy it through the mechanisms of the system and the only option we now have is a revolution and class warfare which has been waged against us relentlessly for the last 5-6 decades.
spelling is not really trumps strongsuit, nor it is followers, thats where the “weave” comes into play.
Trump Decried Millions Spent ‘Making Mice Transgender.’ It Was Cancer and Asthma Research.
tl;dr: trump lies again, while also failing to comprehend the written word… again.
Business as usual while the world tumbles into ww3 . And Next, weather
And Next, weather
fade to text card, shown for 2:30.
National Weather Service
1870 - 2025W E A T H E R R E P O R T
Look outside and see for yourself.Forecast:
Guess. That’s all we can do right now, too.Thats if we have NOAA much longer. Knowing how its going so far it will be cancelled for “maKiNg RAiNboWs aNd SuPPoRtiNg cOmMuNisT sAntA ClaUS”
hes going to get mad when he sees the word transatlantic flights.
The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual).
That’s real. That’s a real life quote from the real life, official white house website. “Wtaf” is an understatement here.
“Transgenic sounds enough like transgender to me and now I’m pissed off for no reason. Hey boss!”- Stephen Miller, probably.
Strong North Korea vibes with a note of high school bully
“As usual” 🤣 this is hilarious, just not a good and happy kind of hilarious
Transgender… Animal Experiments? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Edit: These are just experiments showing if changes in hormones effect asthma and reactions to the HIV Vaccine, this is a clear case of “I’m counting on you to get mad and not read the article”
Trump got mad that people tried to fact check his claim that Biden spent millions on turning the mice trans. Then the Whitehouse officially released this at a rebuttal of the fact checks.
“Transgenic” is the actual word from those studies. As in, genetically altered. Because they were researching genetic causes and treatments for diseases.
But fuck it, transgender mice, whatever.
The first couple links they provide are for studying immune responses of mice that have undergone hormone replacement or gonadectomies.
Still it’s not the same as their claims. There’s not even close to a trillion dollars there.
They’re expecting people to see buzzwords and jump on their hate bandwagon. Sadly, they are.
Why shouldn’t we do medicine for all humans to protect the whole herd and safeguard the core of society?
From the times of India article: “studies referenced in the document had no connection to gender identity alterations in animals.”
Researchers tested drug cross interactions. On mice. The most common subjects in lab tests.
Take a grain of truth. Twist it. It is the core idea behind every fascist propaganda machine.
Also, take the opportunity to also attack freedom of the press, dehumanize trans people, and delegitimize scientific research and healthcare.
Yeah, people are really missing that this is the point. It’s a quadruple whammy. Anything to garner further support for press restrictions, scientific restrictions and imposing personal choice restrictions on people in the “out” group.
There’s no way the people in charge of writing this article didn’t know that they weren’t making transgender mice. What they did know, however, was the depraved depths of gullibility, hate and stupidity of their audience and they played right to them.
there’s not even a grain of truth here; they thought he word ‘transgenic’ meant remotely the same thing as ‘transgender’. or thought nobody would check.
hes hoping his dimwitted supporters takes the bait
it’s not even dim witted anymore.
not that they aren’t, but the function here isn’t stupidity, it’s solipsism, entered into by an inability to cope with the complex horrors of the world and ravenous hunger for easy answers that could be called stupidity. these ex-people do not give a shit about material reality. if something material harms them, they will think up excuses in their fantasy world for that harm to have occurred, that do not run counter to, or at least do not disrupt, it’s internal logics. they are effectively dead, living in their afterlife, we’re just stuck here with their meat, and them infringing on our reality. they are in a very real sense invaders from another world. not one that truly exists, but invaders from there all the same.
Never thought anyone would claim Monsanto to be woke, but here we are…
Every day I’m just wondering if all this is even reality. I think this is The Bad Place 🤔
actually you live in a video game, you just don’t know it yet
Oh no, Rick, why did you tell me that?
gives you the ability to observe yourself from the outside.
Naw, too much hope for that
Muhahahahahahaha, aw man! I can’t believe that you figured it out! You really suck ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed.
rm -rf /
well, we created a system of social cohesion and coordination so strongly based on obedience to authority and staying in your lane that the authority doesn’t actually have to make sense or serve us for us to obey.
in fact, they don’t even need to acknowledge material reality. they can live completely, entirely, in their delusional ketamine fueled fantasy worlds, and we will still be killed for disobedience, no matter how mad and irrational their commands get. such a shame there’s no alternative.
I think what I find the most upsetting (not really, but that’s just the phrase), is just how unhinged it all is. If you sat me down, made it my job to come up with content like this, and gave me a full think tank of people… I could never come up with something this stupid.
You think you know right? You think there are limits to stupidity. You’ve met many people in your life, some smarter than others. You’ve read the news, you see what people do, you see how they react. You’re able to see just how stupid people can be.
There has to be a bottom. Then, oh look, a new and deeper hole.
It’s just absolutely wild that anyone could look at something like this and go, “Yeah, a well functioning human adult put that together.”
Username tracks
These are the same dipshits who think that “asylum seekers” are literally people from insane asylums.
I genuinely didn’t realize that was the reason they said they were coming from insane asylums.
Like, I legitimately didn’t even consider the possibility because it was just that stupid. I’m simultaneously kicking myself for not figuring it out, but also glad my brain isn’t stupid enough to quickly make the same connection they did.
Same I didn’t realize until this very moment lol wth
Clearly, if anyone has the resources to march across a desert and navigate the countless hoops of an immigration application, it’s someone suffering from debilitating mental illness.
I think Mike Judge is actually a time traveller and came back to warn us with Idiocracy. Now I just need to find out who is building the machine so I can go back and do… stuff.
Idiocracy was a better timeline than this. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho may have been a bit lacking in the patience department, but he honestly wanted what was best for his people, and he fucking listened to “the smartest man in the world,” and did what he was told to do to fix the problems. Then he actually abdicated because he thought Not Sure could run the country better than he could.
White House is now a branch of newsmax
Nah, newsmax has better editorial standards.
You’re actually right. Newsmax is still beholden to the law and has been taken to task over their bullshit.
The troubling thing is that this is Trump signaling the right wing media that it’s ok to go even harder.
dont you mean PUTINS RT news,(fox is a branch of putins/murdoch collaboration)
There’s a list of experiments. They mostly sound pretty standard, looking at the effects of various (hormone, etc.) medications on things like breast cancer, reproduction, etc. Tons and tons of medical experiments covering all sorts of different things are carried out each year. And they’re a big part of why the USA has long been a leader in drug and medical research.
Edit: The full press release:
“They also spent millions on transgender cars!”
“That says transmission repair”
My favorite gender fluid is Castrol Transmax Import Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid
US Marshals have just been deployed to your home.
Nah, he’s good. Two trans cancells each other out.
Russia isnt our enemy, the TRANS-Atlantic partnership is!