Allowing your kids to die of measles: go right ahead
Allowing your kids to be happy: straight to jail
The question I have is why? Who does this help? What good does it do in the world? All this sort of thing does it hurt people, regardless of whether you agree with their life choices or not.
What religion teaches people to behave this way?
All republican talking points are grievance politics scapegoated onto undesirables. Any legitimate issue is the fault of immigrants, trans people, gay people, etc. Therefore when trump hurts these people, he is fixing the problem.
Now, you’ll notice that the average republican suffers more under republican rule, but they don’t notice because people that make them feel icky are getting shafted harder and that’s the important part.
ThE pArTy of SmAlL GoVeRnMeNt
Small safety net.
Large authoritarianism.
When they say “small government”, what they mean is “consolidated power”.
small enough to inject into your blood!
nanogovernment! utility clouds of government! grey government goo!
What will stop them if everyone, literally everyone just said they identify as their gender? And if asked if they are trans all say yes? It’s easy solidarity and respect for each other
Texas has already been making lists of trans people.
Fun fact - “detransition activist” Chloe Cole (a seriously mentally ill woman who detransitioned after several bad LSD trips as a teenager, who’s mostly being puppeted around by Do No Harm, an extremely shady anti trans organization) - well, her lawyers want data on all trans people and their care covered by Kaiser.
I think Vanderbilt also outed a bunch of its trans patients to several state’s attorney generals.
HIPPA is toothless right now.
As long as children keep dying from measles, this is a wonderful distraction!
The slow removal of my basic human rights and criminalization of my very existence feels like a little more than just a distraction. I’m not upset at you I just really hate these things that in fact are greatly affecting my mental health and overall well-being. I’m afraid to even leave my house presenting as my true self.
I don’t know how helpful this is, but we’d welcome you with open arms in most of europe on a social level, especially west and northern europe. On a institutional level there are requirements that vary from country to country about work and skills etc.
Since things are getting really bad over there, it might be worth properly researching.
Given they don’t understand what pronouns are, I’m pretty sure there’s recursion in this bill and a future where all Texans have to send themselves to jail. Silver linings.
Easy loophole: Just identify as your gender. Trans women are just women now. Trans men are just men now.
Nah, Trump made Women and Men non existent. Everyone who goes by Mr. or Ms. needs to go to jail and become slave labor. Sorry mate, best we can do
Identify as embryo or slave, no other choice in the free world
Well, that’s better than socialism where you have no freedom, and you’re forced to have as many genders as there are in reality. /s
I have trans friends in the US. This bill probably won’t pass, but that doesn’t mean more will come. They’re already putting immigrants in concentration camps. So it looks like the gays and trans people are next. Probably not long before dissidents are after that.
I have a trans sister with a trans wife, I keep trying to get them to move back up to Canada. They’re ok where they are right now. But how long will that last?
I really don’t understand how any American trans people with dual citizenship to a friendly (to trans people) aren’t using it.
They are looking for any excuse to go after AOC. They are foaming at the mouth to get anyone who speaks against them already
kinnda funny the same rednecks running ‘dont tread on me’ flags are fucking terrified of trans people. cowards.
It’s all about freedom in Texas. Freedom for me and my kind.
I wonder if the most hateful are their women…
These people are some of the shittiest people in the US. It boggles my mind attacking people who do NOTHING to them except exist
My theory is that anyone who’s bothered by gay/trans/etc people is a closeted something and doesn’t want to be reminded of their own insecurities.
How isn’t this just a way of blaming transphobia on trans people, or homophobia on (closeted) gay people?
Yeah, never a fan of this argument. Lioe saying straight people can’t be homophobic lmao
are you not saying that homophobes are secretly gay?
I do think that’s part of it, though I wouldn’t even necessarily call it closeted. A lot of very vocal transphobes are uncomfortable with finding some of us attractive.
Here we must also acknowledge the reality that one of the consequences of centuries of forcing trans people into the margins of society is a long history of trans people resorting to professions of desperation, one of which that’s become particularly associated with trans women being prostitution.
That has led to many people seeing trans woman as inherently sexualized. Add in how people and society interact. And this leads to our very existence being seen as sexually explicit. And this can lead even some people who have no gender or sexuality repression going on and have never found themselves attracted to us seeing us that way.
They can’t fucking stand that they are required to hide whatever seriously fucked up thing that they are into, and think everyone should have to suffer.
Yeah, I think it’s this. It’s cope to try to make a normal thing be seen as disgusting, so whatever actual disgusting shit they’re doing, which always seems to be pedophelia, doesn’t look so bad in contrast. It’s like a preemptive both sides
They’re terrified of seeing an attractive woman and later learning she has a dick, ✨ making them gay ✨
Its not gay if shes attractive.
Why do we allow these people to exist comfortably? They brazenly flaunt that they want to kill and imprison people and we just let them.
Love how they can’t mind their own business. Even if you think something is weird as long as it doesn’t harm you leave them alone.
To be perfectly honest, I think furries are kinda weird. But hey, they’re just doing their thing. Why would I care? Be free, my furry friends.
That’s a good value to hold. So thing that a lot of Conservatives can never understand. They then try to make up B.S. reasons about how the groups they don’t like are “hurting” them.
This is how they intend to disarm trans people.
Oh no
Also this isn’t a boring dystopia thing, it’s the regular kind
This shit hasn’t been boring for a long time. Unfortunately.
People who support this aren’t American anyway. Real Americans believe in human rights
Have you read black history in the US? :)
Or read about native Americans? I say read because they are almost extinct
Or, like, any pre-2008 American history lmao
Recognizing human rights was an anomaly over the last few years, not the norm
You’re not wrong, but I also don’t think the US is unique in that regard. There’s been a lot of bullshit going on, even in countries that you would never imagine things like that happening in.
In most decent states there’s been a ton of progress. I never claimed we were always perfect. No country has been.
No I know. I would say all countries are pretty fucked up actually. Because human leaders are greedy and awful human beings in most cases.
You say “decent states” as if you think rural east Oregon is better than Atlanta in that regard, just because Oregon is blue and Georgia is red.
bans identifying as human
The sad thing is that Mango Mussolini would be stupid enough to actually pass something like that.
The US were built on genocide and fueled by slavery.
Most countries were. You can’t work backwards. You have to work forward towards the future
You have barely worked forward, since the US have been sabotaging the global South’s political self-determination and pillaging its resources.
Who upvotes this no true Scotsman bullshit?
Your right. It’s bigger than America. No real human would support something like this.
I’m sorry, but when you actively support bullshit laws like this that dehumanize people, you don’t get to call yourself an American. Simple as that
USAian is indeed the preferred term
To be clear, I am not defending them. I am just pointing out bad logic because it leads to bad beliefs and opinions.
Unfortunately, these people are Americans, and there’s a whole bunch of them. There is no value whatsoever in trying to argue otherwise.
All I’m trying to say is that fascism is decidedly un-American
Unfortunately that seems to be changing. It’s almost as if this country learned nothing 80 years ago
Yeah I dunno about all that… Hitler famously got most of his ideas from America. He modeled a lot of Nazi Germany after Jim Crow, and all the eugenics stuff originated in the US and was big in the academic community prior to WW2.
We even had a massive conspiracy by corporations to take down FDR and install a fascist dictator. George W. Bush’s grandfather was literally involved.
I suppose you’re right that bringing nationality into it probably wasn’t the best idea.
This is still unacceptable though
i know you’ve probably been always taught differently, but this is objectively untrue. this country was literally built on genocide and slavery, it was steeped in misogyny and racism.
America has always been this.
Not to mention the US also always had a nazi problem. There was enough before we joined ww2 to fill up Madison square garden in protest. They just went quiet when we joined the war and it Became unamerican to be a nazi. And that’s not even counting the nazi scientists that moved here after the war.
They’ve just been around waiting for people to forget and become more radical to make their moves
That’d make sense. This country operates off indoctrination after all.
(replied to wrong comment)
This country was founded on dehumanizing people.