queermunist she/her

/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Stick your head in the sand, I’m sure they won’t sneak up on you while you’re hiding away from reality.

    Prove me wrong. Show me literally any mechanism that can constrain the Courts that hasn’t already been ruled out by Democrats and doesn’t require Republicans to vote for it. They can accept bribes and overturn any law they want and openly support insurrectionists and there’s jack shit anyone can do about it.

  • The US can strong-arm multiple states in the region because Israel is its unsinkable aircraft carrier. Without Israel, other states become unruly.

    Also, as you say, it would require a complacent world order - one which does not exist because China is ascendant. If Israel were gone, China could suddenly leverage the Belt and Road to become the dominant player in both West Asia and North Africa. That makes Israel so utterly critical as to be irreplaceable.

    I still maintain they’re partners, rather than a superior-subordinate arrangement.

  • It’s critical to US interests and its a keystone in the US’s power over oil, trade, and migration in the region. It’s necessary for the control of North Africa and the Middle East and the suppression of pan-Arab/pan-African nationalisms within the actual neocolonies in the region. Without Israel the US’s ability to control the periphery of its empire would crumble.

    If Israel did not exist the United States would have to create it to serve her interests in the region.

    When Israel falls, the US will soon follow.

  • How do you think quickly if you need to say everything in your mind? Is the voice very quick?

    Pretty quick, yeah. It’s basically my voice, but also, I don’t need to breathe or move my mouth or anything. Ever heard the term “stream of consciousness”? Also, grammar and punctuation aren’t necessary, I can just talktalktalktalktalk and I understand myself because I always know what I’m saying.

    I’m sure if you could listen to my thoughts it would sound like a fucking mess tho lol

    But also, there’s a difference between when I’m just thinking about stuff to myself and when I’m busy doing something. If I’m in a flow state or “in the zone”, I don’t necessarily monologue everything I’m doing. I just do it, y’know? It’s only when I slow down to think that my thoughts actually become dialogue again.

    It’s also unfathomable to me how people can think of what they need to do tomorrow and not see it.

    I can’t imagine why you need to see it! I know I need to lay some mulch on my garden tomorrow, I don’t need to visualize that? I can just make a mental note of it and keep that thought stored away as part of a to-do list. What would I even use pictures for when I can just tell myself “I need to do X, Y, and Z”?

    I just think we don’t understand our own internal processes very well. The conscious part may come long after we had the thought and if you say it or see it doesn’t matter.

    Well yeah, consciousness is an illusion. I think they’ve demonstrated with active brain scans that our conscious thoughts come after we’ve already made subconscious decisions. We make up our minds before we know it, consciousness is more like a way we convince ourselves to do the things we’ve already decided we want to do.

  • The US can’t survive without superprofits and the Zionist entity is a crucial component for their extraction and distribution.

    It’s how the world’s oil supply is secured for Western interests, trade through the Red Sea is secured for Western interests (which makes the attacks in the Red Sea an extremely powerful tool!), and the movement of people from Africa into Asia and eventually Europe is heavily restricted to maximize the availability of superexploitable labor in Africa for Western interests.

    Israel is so critical to the US, and the West as a whole, that I really don’t think it could survive without it. “Were there not for Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region.” This puts them into a strong position and makes them into an equal partner, because if Israel falls the West will fall soon after. Inshallah

    It would suddenly find itself paying through the nose for oil; unable to control commerce through the Red Sea and thus crippling its ability to extract resources from East Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and South East Asia; unable to control the movement of people out of the underdeveloped African regions necessary for extracting superprofit; without Israel, the whole imperial project implodes.

    I don’t think Israel could survive without the US, but I don’t think the US could survive long without Israel either.