I’ve lived in Canada the majority of my life and have never heard of the Newfie Curse.

I’m glad to see some research into a cure!


The article discusses the urgent efforts of researchers to find a cure for a mysterious and deadly illness known as the “Newfoundland curse,” which can strike without warning. This condition has been linked to a genetic mutation affecting the population in Newfoundland and Labrador, leading to severe health issues and, in some cases, death. Researchers are focused on understanding the genetic basis of the disease and developing potential treatments. The article highlights the challenges faced in this research and the hope that a breakthrough could improve the lives of those affected by this condition.

  • JohnnyCanuck@lemmy.ca
    5 days ago

    Will shit, this would be quite the way to find out I’m cursed. I get irregular heartbeats all the time and half my ancestry is Newfie going way back…