I’m not so sure that the issue is mainly logging. I thought that they’re selling them off piecemeal as conclaves for the ultra rich.
I’m not so sure that the issue is mainly logging. I thought that they’re selling them off piecemeal as conclaves for the ultra rich.
Lost me at “climate change religion”.
Look here, GOP. Deregulation does not have a great track record, and is as challenging to implement as the regulations you’re trying to skirt!
Murca: let’s use frickin lazor beams!
Canada: magnets boil water go brrrrrrrr
So did Viet Nam, right?
Cool Pravda Propaganda, Ivan.
It’s not a stretch to say Russia has extended enough ‘good will gestures’ in this conflict. In short, the US is asking Russia for a big favor.
Lol. Lmao, even.
We should start with Civil Defence Corps training.
Exactly, we hit the bully, we don’t talk to Fox n Friends.
If you’re really into this, like me, I suggest using Edmonton’s “Shop Canadian” app. There’s other apps too. As you use it, you’re going going to find ratings from other users as to how Canadian it is. It’s data crowdsourcing at its best.
CBC’s other apps: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/buying-canadian-shopping-apps-barcode-scanners-1.7463039
Ratings are from 1 to 5 stars, where 5 should be “Product of Canada” owned by a Canadian company. A rating of 1 is not Canadian at all. I usually rate a 3 or 4 for “Made in Canada”. I rate a 2 on things like NoName where it’s “prepared for” a Canadian company.
You can rate each product yourself, if you want, and it can save you a lot of time reading labels when there’s ten ketchup brands to look through.
You don’t need to, Canada gives it at steep discounts already.
“We are unabashedly pursuing a [RUSSIAN] policy of more
Americanenergy production and infrastructure, not less,”
FTFY, Murca
In the future, there will be no history except Krasnov’s.
Exactly. OP is super fake.
Despite the clear evidence pointing to the image being old, the photograph is still circulating on social media platforms and has been featured in Google searches related to the supposed annexation threat. This highlights how misinformation can easily spread online, especially when fueled by sensational claims and misleading images.
Most Canadians didn’t get the memo
Yes, he sees some Ukrainian IP’s, then blames Ukraine to fit Krasnov’s narrative of Ukrainian interference. Remember Ukraine refused to give him dirt on Biden in 2020. This is personal vendetta and a way to empower Russian oligarchs.
Krasnov did not say he’d lower the tariffs back down to 25%. He said that Ford is strong man with much millet. Beach party every day!
There are dozens of us.