An excerpt from the article:

Ms. Jones has been scouring the West Los Angeles rental market to find a house that the family could rent for the next eight months, or longer. On Friday morning, she noticed something disturbing on the rents of at least three of the properties she had been tracking: 15 to 20 percent increases overnight.

The sudden surge in rental costs took Ms. Jones by surprise, but aligned with what she has noticed since wildfires started to tear through the Los Angeles area on Tuesday. Ms. Jones was touring a rental house in Beverly Hills with her client on Thursday when the listing agent raised the monthly cost by $3,000 — on the spot. Agents and landlords are aware that some displaced Angelenos might be willing to pay given the circumstance.

“People are so panicked and desperate to get into a house right now that they’re just throwing money into the wind,” Ms. Jones said. “People taking advantage of this. It’s horrendous.”

And now, totally unrelated to this, the definition of “parasitism”:

Association between two different organisms wherein one benefits at the expense of the other.

    2 months ago

    Now I would just like to take a moment to warn anyone who owns an investment property near the fires that the listings are online with the exact address where literally anyone can find them, they can see that you are taking advantage of the market conditions as is only fair to improve your financial position, they know the house is unoccupied and probably isnt being surveiled or protected in any meaningful way.

    There is next to nothing to stop people with no respect for the law or how hard you work from going straight to the property and vandalising it or otherwise making the property unrentable. They dont even need to break in, glue in the locks or spraying the garden with weed killer as they stroll past.

    Please take care.

    • archomrade [he/him]
      2 months ago

      probably isnt being surveiled or protected in any meaningful way.

      You should probably assume all of these properties at least have video doorbells and smart cameras

      Doesn’t mean you couldn’t be brazen about it, especially if you have nothing to lose