This is worth delurking for.

A ficus-lover on the forums for iNaturalist (where people crowdsource identifications of nature pics) is clearly brain-poisoned by LW or their ilk, and perforce doesn’t understand why the bug-loving iNat crew don’t agree that

inaturalist should be a market, so that our preferences, as revealed through our donations, directly influence the supply of observations and ids.

Personally, I have spent enough time on iNat that I can identify a Rat when I see one.

I can’t capture the glory of this in a few pull quotations; you’ll have to go there to see the batshit.

(h/t hawkpartys @ tumblr)

    3 months ago

    I swear all those fuckers are like “I was 4 rooms over but just heard the word ‘paprika’ being screamed from someone over this way. time for you to hear all about my bowel issues, in detail! you wouldn’t believe what happens if I smell onions”, but at a conference as a lightning talk to the main hall