• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • lennybird@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    14 hours ago

    It’s actually a good thing in my view. Republicans are desperately trying to stop this effort because lower registration of youth yields better outcomes for Republicans.

    They ask because it’s a matter of convenience. State Department of Motor Vehicles routinely handle Voter Registration requests. So when you’re there they ask on the forms, “Would you like to register to vote?” And if so, they ask if you want to choose a party or remain independent. Many states including Pennsylvania have closed primaries, which means if you are officially registered as as a Republican you cannot vote in any other party’s primary.

  • lennybird@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWhy?
    1 day ago

    I’ve heard reports stating he had no scope. This dude had no military training or anything of the like and I suspect in a moment like that your adrenaline is going through the roof. Odds are quite high he was shaking like crazy. Odds are high he knew he was going to die in seconds.

    Where he stands politically I don’t know, but this could be case of “suicide by cop” combined with a, “well I might as well…”

    To just provide a counter-narrative, his father is a Libertarian; his mother is a Democrat according to a local canvasser. It’s possible when going to the DMV he was pressured by one of his parents to pick a registration at 16 and that of course stuck with his record. Not exactly a long political history between 16 and 20. Nevertheless we shall see. His interest with Demolition Ranch and the discord channel may reveal some insights. Maybe the Epstein files sent him over the edge or something.

  • Yep. But let’s explore this further under the hood.

    • Nobody of the progressive caucus can break ranks lest that be used against the party as a wedge-drive issue by operatives later, whether Biden stays in or not.

    • Bernie was essentially promised a high level committee position if he traded falling in line with Biden. This his returning of the favor.

    • Calls for Biden to step down will be completely ineffective from the progressive coalition anyway. Biden is a centrist and doesn’t hold much respect for them. The people who matter are the likes of Clyburn and Pelosi.

  • Discussion aside, wtaf is boingboing.net? I’m even hesitant to click that link.

    • Reliable pollsters are accurate albeit snapshots in time.

    • Aggregate reliable polls even more so.

    • Nate Silver’s algorithm is over 90% accurate in its prediction model across thousands of races over the years.

    • Cook Political Report is the gold standard.

    • Even internal polls reported by democratic Congressional campaigns as well as the President’s team themselves admit they’re behind.

    • They were 10 points up at this time in 2020.

    • If you aren’t going off this, what ARE you going off of, vibes? In one breath you say don’t put stock in polls, then point to an outlier? I mean, what!?

    So you can’t comfort me saying that when Biden should’ve come out 1 step ahead from that debate, he is not maybe only 1 step back as he has been for ages, but possibly 2 steps back.

  • I think you’re looking at this all wrong. All data points to an inevitable Biden loss. Once you accept that, then the question of the alternative almost doesn’t matter.

    The problem is that you cannot in good conscience say that an 81-year-old with THAT debate performance is truly the best Democrats have to muster. If true, then that’s fucking sad.

    Now, I’ve written many write-ups, and now data supports it, showing that any alternative including Harris would fair better. Win? Not necessarily. But have a better chance? Absofuckinglutely.

    • A Harris path is better.
    • An open convention is to me even better with solid reasons for why, if you’re interested.