sam, 34, ♈🌞♑🌛♐⤴️, sie/hir||they/them, chaotic genderqueer demon and future bigenital androgyne, pansexual, polyam-curious, adhd+autistic, (invisibly) disabled, anarcho-socialist, former apple evangelist turned linux novice and android noob, romantic satanist and daemonolator

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • the irony of blåhaj going down after you posted this. seems we’re back but just barely. i might not be able to post this comment!

    i’ve been seeing these vents from the sidelines and i’m sorry your wife suddenly turned like this not even 2 weeks into your journey. i don’t think i can answer these questions for you, but it seems like she might be getting severely influenced by her family? something similar happened to me a long time ago, where a family friend tried twice to get me to break up with someone on his own personal moral grounds (read: some lies he made up). it only succeeded the first time.