• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Thanks for taking action and letting us know.

    edit: Why the downvotes?

    No one can really answer that other than the people who clicked the buttons.
    I sincerely have no hard feelings here, but I have to point out the irony of questioning the downvotes you received but not those you cast yourself on kersploosh’s polite request.

    PS: FWIW, neither of your 2 downvotes are from kersploosh or myself but rather from random users.

    Anyway, thanks for making content and contributing to making this is one of the more interesting communities.

  • I had never really thought about this before, but I’ve always imagined and played dragons as having an undefined sexuality/gender or at least in a way where it wasn’t really a defining part of their identity.

    Sex: Dragon sexuality is a bit too much of rule34 for my games.
    Gender: Social constructs don’t necessarily translate between a fantastical species and our labels? let alone our limited understanding/imagination of whatever ficticious draconic society.

    In a broader way, most things have been tainted by misogyny or other bigotry.
    I don’t think we should hide and pretend it never happened, but rather recognize the shortcomings and try and move forward in a more open and interesting manner.

    Gygax is dead. 2024 D&D is not Gygax.

    TL;DR: If a player asks which sex or gender a dragon is, just roll for the breath weapon before they can find out?

  • I use different things for different edges.
    Most of my hard working tools end up with a convex edge, I like them better for chopping stuff like wood and asklemmy posters bones and its good durability doing so.
    So that’s either automotive sandpaper in various grits, or 3M’s paperless abrasive sheets (easier on curvy stuff). Slap a thin foam sheet or two on your work surface, choose your paper grit, work it, change to a figer grit, repeat until happy.
    What I like about those is they’re huge and easily replaced. I’ve done flat edges with them too by simply not using the foam.

    For more traditional flat edges, I’ve mostly been using a pair of DMT’s dual sided butterfly thingies, so that’s indeed 4 different grits. That’s what I use because that’s what I got ages ago and got used to them. They’re ok. Nothing amazing, but it works and it’s small enough to sit in the kitchen drawer.

    I also have a fancy kit that clamps on the blade with a metal arm that keep the tiny stone a the same angle and whatnot but it’s kinda annoying to setup.
    It’s probably more consistent than anything I do by hand, but I never bother using it because it’s clunky.

    In the end, whatever you actually use is gonna be better than anything that sits in storage.