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Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAI taking over the world
    7 hours ago

    It’s not about AI having God like intellect.

    It’s about AI not having all that much to catch up to. I know we are slaves to our ridiculous egos, so ridiculous we constantly invent new ficticious supernatural forces that must have created us in their hypermagical, divine, amazing, perfect image (talk about hallucinating), but we aren’t all that.

    We wandered around for the vast majority of our existence, about 200k years, before it occurred to some of us we could grow food in one place.

  • Outsourcing is the problem.

    The owners take advantage of our commons, tear up our roads, and succeeded because of domestic infrastructure, only to refuse to pay full price for labor and allowing even those wages, in lieu of the taxes they bribe our government to enact loopholes to dodge, to “trickle down” domestically as their always bullshit yay market capitalism talking points lied?

    It’s absolutely clownshoes that outsourcing labor/manufacturing is allowed, not because of domestic shortages for a skill, but to explicitly pay pennies on the dollar for the employees you need and screw the country you don’t want to pay taxes to despite record profits even harder.

    It’s insane. But we let the owner class dictate whatever they want here, and our well bribed government will even sell it for them by calling it “something something freedom” while never mentioning social consequences, accountability, or responsibility. We aren’t so much a country as a piggy bank and cudgel for the global owner class.

  • The cruelty has always been the point.

    He belongs in prison, he’s a monster, but there is a part of me grateful to him for throwing away all the dog whistles Republicans had been cultivating for decades and removing the ambiguity that allowed them to spew their venom in polite society.

    I’ve been talking about what a danger the Republican party is, and what they actually want through their dogwhistles since Bill Clinton was President, to eyerolls of friends and family. I wrote papers about the dangers of the Federalist society and an unchecked SCOTUS in college only to be met with professor’s notes that I “lacked essential respect” for esteemed and “apolitical” institutions, lol, so virtuous they are beyond reproach. Not to mention feeling like I was taking crazy pills in the face of indifference to the slow moving cataclysm for our species that is climate change. How bout this heat?

    I’m not happy that time has proven me correct, but I am vindicated. It was always about greed appealing to and manipulating America’s most abundant resource, hatred, to take control of our institutions for short term profit, the social framework and even our shared sole habitat be damned.

    Welcome to the party, pals.

  • I’ll vote for neoliberal dementia grandad to try to stop fascist dementia grandad, without hope, just to be able to say I did what I could to minimize harm.

    That said, if you don’t see the writing on the wall that our constitution and government has run out of road, cannot be repaired, is too corrupted, is basically a puppet of the owners of our rigged economy that works against most of us and humanity’s future for a quick buck, and we need a new constitution and nation based in punishing and limiting greed/sociopathy and rewarding cooperation, then I don’t know what planet you’re on.

    Even IF we miraculously manage to keep squeaking in Neoliberals to stop the fascists, the Neoliberals agree with the fascists that massive economic disruption for the sake of OUR ONLY HABITAT isn’t acceptable, which means this new climate will continue to worsen at an accelerating rate.

    I’d rather not scapegoat vulnerable groups as we fry, which is why I’ll keep showing up, but this is water pumps on the Titanic, the outcome of accepting this framework is still drowning, just at 2:48am instead of 2:42am.

  • The Earth will heal after a couple million years, nothing to the 3.8 billion year history of terran life. Might as well be eternity to our monkey brains, but good news! We won’t be around anymore to suffer the wait.

    Once our mother has dealt with the surface nuisance, at least.

    I take solace in knowing we’re only destroying ourselves and many of the contemporary species unlucky enough to have existed during the short time in Earth’s history where we played pretend we were this world’s masters/owners instead of its children/subjects that we actually were.

    Man, we were a rotten fucking kid.

  • I did as well when I started pontificating on the current gender conflict, only to be rebuked not on the facts or the data, but on the feels with ad hominems directed at me.

    But the thing is, in addition to dictating all poors must work in the wake of the loss of their jim crow pseudo-slave workforce, the market capitalists want us divided in every conceivable way so we never look up at them basking in the dragon hoards we never stop growing for them with our bodies.

    They use the media they own and the curriculum they inform through captured governments to stoke racial/political/sex/cultural divides. It is in their interests to keep us ignorant, largely devoid of critical thinking, and hostile towards one another.

    Neither men nor women are setting these terms on the basis of their inherent drives, their drives are being manipulated to serve the market by a few thousand sociopath families with aligned interests based in unquenchable avarice. All of us without considerable net worth are less than human to the market capitalist owners.

  • I agree with you, though its all a symptom of the larger class war and the market capitalist owners need for mooaaaaaaar that required almost everyone to work to support a household. Same reason they limited abortion for poor women here in the US, the need for more desperate workers.

    The sad reality is the truths you lay out are just not palatable to the current culture, despite being true. They also will not even begin to improve until the larger global class war occupation is addressed and the greed of the owners is put into check by force.

    Even that is a losing battle, but at least it has meaningful support. If you’re going to fight a just but losing battle, fight the one that informs all others that won’t get rotten fruit unfairly pelted at you in the public square.

  • I feel like given the weather events we’re seeing, that will continue to worsen, greed as a justification to destroy the habitability of our only world will be met with contempt once most have lost friends/relatives to the accompanying destruction/famines/droughts. No different than the highly profitable slave trade.

    If we make it and find ways to mitigate or tolerate our new climate that will take millions of years to repair itself from what we’ve done in decades, we will likely be considered very backwater and primitive for doing it eyes wide open.

  • Assuming there is a future for us, big assumption, oh to be a fly on the wall when people are taught that in our era, already aware that we were destroying the planet with heavy industry, we decided to amp up the destruction by generating energy intensive to produce encrypted digital bullshit tokens with fake value as yet another thing to trade with one another just for the hell of it.