• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    And where is the public uproar about this?

    We’ve had crowds in the street protesting social injustice practically every year since the Seattle WTO riots of the 1990s. If you haven’t seen a public outcry, you haven’t been paying attention.

    The problem is that the outcries are fractured, the movements regularly subverted by a combination of con-artists and police, and a lot of the mass media ideology poisons people against one another by ethnicity, religion, gender, and locale. Folks who can all agree that the Sacklers deserve a long drop from a short rope will scream invective at one another because one of them showed up wearing a BLM t-shirt and the other finds it offensive. Folks who all agree de-industrialization was a nightmare for the midwest will tear each others eyes out over the abortion debate.

    That’s even before you get to the intense bombardment of mass media, fixating on everything from Ukraine to Crime Wave to razor blades in candy to whatever the hotbutton gaff of the evening happens to be.

    I don’t think anyone is hearing crickets. More that we’re trying to hear a finely tuned orchestra under the sound of exploding bombs.