As fossil fuel interests attack climate accountability litigation, environmental advocates have sounded a new warning that they are pursuing a path that would destroy all future prospects for such cases.
Nearly 200 advocacy groups have urged Democratic representatives to “proactively and affirmatively” reject potential industry attempts to obtain immunity from litigation.
“We have reason to believe that the fossil fuel industry and its allies will use the chaos and overreach of the new Trump administration to attempt yet again to…shield themselves from facing consequences for their decades of pollution and deception,” reads a letter to Congress on Wednesday. It was signed by 195 environmental groups such as the Sierra Club, Earthjustice, and Sunrise Movement; legal nonprofits including the American Association for Justice and Public Justice; and dozens of other organizations.
Can’t shield yourself from a Mario party 🤞
Haha. Legal immunity.
They’re still worried about what the courts will do to them.
Not 320 million people with pitchforks.
I was just thinking that we need more Luigis
I don’t know what this country is coming to. Used to be you could just tell the pitchfork people that the torch people wanted to steal their pitchforks and the mob would take care of itself. Nowadays, the torch people and the pitchfork people are actually talking to one another. Kinda makes me nervous, ya know?
Wouldn’t even need pitchforks everybody just grab a handful of billionaire and pull.
Need some chemist to come up with a cheap chemical that can be added to oil to render it useless without an incredibly expensive cleaning process. They’ve got millions of miles of pipelines that they can’t police constantly. All it would take is picking a spot and injecting that chemical into the line.
If they can’t be attacked legally, that means the only option is to attack them illegally and to go after the thing that matters to them more than anything else in the world, their money.
I wonder if dish soap would fit the bill.
Probably. If sugar was cheaper it’d do the trick as well.
Sugar is actually super cheap, relatively. Especially if you’re talking about corn based sugars. Gotta love corn subsidies.
I would have said that, but I seem to remember reading that sugar isn’t as big of a deal as TV made it seem.
I dunno. In my bad youth we managed to seize a nasty person’s engine using sugar. But that was back in the 70’s with leaded gas.
I would think it would mess things up still tho. Canada’s oil is heavy crude and needs additives to flow (esp in cold weather). Once the oil has passed through the pipeline and enters the refinery it is heated, which would dissolve the sugar. Then further refining occurs with pressure and heat, etc.
I’m assuming testing would occur at each stage to verify the chemical composition, but as the sugar crystals would remain solid untill heated it ‘might’ make it to the refinery.
Destroy the world and then get to walk away with all the money. I am sure they will get away with it. Evil is having it’s day.
Getting away with everything will be much harder in a destroyed world. They’re still trapped on this planet, just like the rest of us.
They always do before they’re carved up like gammon.
I’m so tired…
Sure. Because of course they would get legal immunity.
Regulatory capture.