curl https://some-url/ | sh

I see this all over the place nowadays, even in communities that, I would think, should be security conscious. How is that safe? What’s stopping the downloaded script from wiping my home directory? If you use this, how can you feel comfortable?

I understand that we have the same problems with the installed application, even if it was downloaded and installed manually. But I feel the bar for making a mistake in a shell script is much lower than in whatever language the main application is written. Don’t we have something better than “sh” for this? Something with less power to do harm?

    2 days ago

    It’s convenience over security, something that creeps in anywhere there is popularity. For those who just want x or y to work without needing to spend their day in the terminal - they’re great.

    You’d expect these kinds of script to be well tested against their targets and for the user to have/identify the correct target. Their sources should at least point out the security issue and advise to grab and inspect before straight up piping it though. Some I have seen do this.

    Running them like this means you put 100% trust in the author, the source and your DNS. Not a big ask for some. Unthinkable for others.