While Elon indulges in political theater and self-aggrandizing quips, Tesla is experiencing an unprecedented slump in both sales and stock value.
Still too big, but I appreciate the visual.
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I hope elon musk dies alone and unloved in tremendous pain. When he dies I will be throwing a party. Him and Trump.
And afraid. They should be full of fear, pain, and loneliness when they go into the dark.
While wearing uncomfortable underwear!
And wet socks!
And itchy buttholes!
I mean, this is how everyone goes so at least we got that going for us.
Unfortunately, this is how everyone goes.
Still worth billions but whining. Go sit in a corner, Nazi.
I hope he gets so sad he just ends it for us
Cry more.
Stupid shit like this does more damage to conservative shitheads than any amount of “intellectual dismantling” of their ideology. This is their level of petty attacks on appearances, this is all they really know.
The left needs to get a lot stupider and a lot more superficial a lot faster if we hope to beat them.
He’s not running the buisnesses he spends most of his time high on ketamine shitposting on twitter.
Nah, he’s definitely running them. Straight into the ground.
He should list five things he’s done for TSLA this week.
Absentee CEO.
- Damage the brand by association.
- ???
- Get the president to advertise the brand
- ???
Get the president to advertise the brand
This is the same as “Damage the brand by association”
FR idk why they thought it would help them at all.
Basic economics for anybody with the initials E.M. and a net worth in the billions:
Unless you’re product is drama and intrigue, there is such a thing as bad publicity.
Exposure can only increase demand with diminishing returns up to a asymptotic threshhold. A brand that everyone already knows about won’t see increased sales from promotion.
I hope his panic attacks have panic attacks. I hope he goes to bed and never rises for fear of the mess he’s made. I hope he stumbles in his fear, and fucks with someone with little enough left to lose they do something about it.
Fuck you F’Elon Ballstink, if your dreams come true I will personally stowaway on a rocket to Mars after your death to shit on your grave.
I know this makes people happy and all that, but I won’t be happy until his black heart stops beating and his cold, lifeless, Nazi remains are shot into the fucking sun. Fuck Elon Musk.
shot into the fucking sun
That’s a lot of delta-v to waste on a billionaire.
As I’ve said before, sometimes you go the extra mile (or extra Δv in this case) to send a message.
after he dies we should send his corpse to Mars and crucify it as a warning
Warning to who?
That’s why they invade all pissed, in any movies with Martians.
Way too cool of an ending for him. Flush the ashes.
You’re right. Let’s give his skeleton to Craig Ferguson so he can be more useful in death than he was in life
Best SpaceX can do it blow it to pieces over the ocean m.
David cross?
If you’ve never seen Mr. Show, you are in for a treat.
And Bob Odenkirk too!
He would like that idea too much.
Throw his remains in the middle of the ocean or just flush his ashes down the nearest toilet. Let every molecule that contributed to wannabe spaceman’s existence be forever bound to this planet he liked to fuck with.
Why wait until he is dead?
Good point.
Dressed in sunglasses, a gold chain, and a t-shirt proclaiming, “I’m not procrastinating, I’m doing side quests,” he paraded on stage.
What’s the side quest for Elon; being on stage for the republicans or trying to get to Mars?
Each of his children is a side quest to him.
The ketamine ran out and reality rushed in
Behaving like a shithead has consequences. Hanging out with corrupt shitheads has consequences.
Welcome to the real world Elon. Now cry me a river and get the fuck over it.
I hope he feels worse soon
Well I wouldn’t mind if he felt nothing at all
Coming down from your nazi ketamine meth binge must be a hell of thing…