• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • 100 seems like a lot for just a pillow. However, you use it every night and it helps you waking up without back or neck pain. So, investing 100 dollars into something you use 1/3 of every day seems like it’s basically nothing. My pillow costed almost 200 euros, my matrass was 1800. I’ve had it for 10 years, so it costed me 2000/3650= ~0.548 per night, 7 to 8 hours per day. Almost 55 cents for proper back and neck support, so I don’t wake up stiff and sour. The longer I use it, the cheaper it becomes, but I think in a year or two I’ll buy a new set so I’ll be sleeping like a princess for another 10 to 12 years.

    Plot twist: learning to sleep without a pillow is even better for your back and neck. So, there’s your cheap option.

  • The best response is exactly his response. He’s better then Trump, so he acts like a better person by not saying stupid shit like Trump does. Although I’m sad the shooter missed, political assassination is always bad, and likely will work in Trump’s favor. If Trump would have died, another even more radical replacement would have benefitted from it. There is no positive outcome from a political assassination. Trump will either get more support or become a martyr.

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldshitpost
    7 days ago

    Sure. My parents weren’t one of those “few”. Yet they do complain. “Oooh our pension is barely anything”. “Everything is so expensive”. “We can’t afford anything these days”. Living in a massive house, surrounded by water, having an expensive motorboat, a sailing boat and a row boat next to their house, owning a caravan and SUV to pull it, going on holiday at least 7 times a year. “Oooh we’re being screwed by the next generation, we are suffering so much!” yeah, right. “We don’t want to drive all the way to you, fuel is so expensive. Can you come to us? Oh by the way, we just bought new solar panels and a heat pump. And we completely redid the entire garden, do you like it?”.

    They are second degree war victims. Their parents were in the resistance, some of their grandparents went to concentration camps. They always told me there is nothing wrong with being gay, and Jewish people should never be discriminated.

    Now they complain about all Muslim people, wanting them to be deported out of the country. They also say ‘transgender’ is bullshit. They voted far right. They are the biggest hypocrites out there. “You can’t call me racist because I think what I say isn’t racist, so no one else may see it as racist”. Yeah mom, that’s not how racism works.

    Fuck those boomers. All of them.

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldshitpost
    8 days ago

    Yeah, they had the happy days. At the cost of ours. They had everything, while ruining it for the future generations. And now they are complaining they aren’t getting enough money and respect. They aren’t even saying sorry or anything. I mean, sure, they can earn my respect but at least they have to do something first to earn it: fucking die already.

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTruth
    9 days ago

    Fuck that, I’m the one in control, I decide when my music stops. When an app does this, it is removed.

    I also hate it when an app on my pc thinks it needs to be pulled up in front of the screens I’m working in. I haven’t found a way to fix this yet. When you need my attention, send me a notification instead of annexing my entire screen.

    When I open Kodi and click on another screen right after clicking it’s icon, it opens in the background so it can scan for new media while I finish what I was doing. Like it’s supposed to. I click on it whenever I want the screen to be on top.

    I hate it when something takes control over something I own. Which is why I’m leaving windows. Can’t wait for proper Linux phones. Fuck Microsoft, fuck Google. And no, not fuck Apple, sadomasochists need a place to buy their products too.

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTruth
    9 days ago

    Either I pay for the app to have it without ads or I remove it. Both my pc and my phone are ad free. I watch YouTube without ads thanks to the grayjay app, which includes sponsor block. I removed Reddit when Boost stopped working for it. I don’t watch sports because of all the ads. I live an ad free life.

  • Ah, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you’re wrong. It was her plan all along to sleep on your lap, she just tricked you into thinking “you trained her” to do so. Whenever you think you are smarter than your cat, you live in the illusion they created. They are superior beings. We are just humble servents and science experiments.