The 2-day rollup numbers…
The Liberals better call this election quick if they want to capitalize on this.
I dunno that PP is capable of rebounding from the grave he’s dug for himself. And I, for one, am ecstatic about that. \○/
Dare I feel… hope?
No. But be prepared for a nice surprise after you organize your family and you cast your votes. 😂
From the other site, credit to u/OK_Bad_4732 on ogft, apparently even Frank is a bit shocked with how unprecedented this is.
Yeah, I saw that. I didn’t want to bring in the speculation since I’m still skeptical. But yeah. Frank’s disturbed. :D
Totally fair! Have to see if it continues/is echoed by others
Eagerly waiting for new numbers from Mainstreet. They stopped publishing federal polls during the Ontario election.
Frank is by far the most biased pollster around. He’s on record saying he would do anything to crush the CPC. But broken clock twice a day and all that.