Oops. Wrong Hitler.
Rick: “You know, Mr. President, the more you use that word, the less impact it has. At this point, it’s like a terrorist is just a guy you don’t like.”
Pres: “Shut up, you terrorist!”
This is from memory, so isn’t gonna be fully accurate. Ah well.
Kinda wish the same thing would happen to insert other us based car manufacturer just to see the spin. But fuck Elon, glad some people are waking up to his idiocy. Too many people have too long equated wealth with integrity & intelligence.
Indeed, the Government of Putin protecting Nazi owned property.
By far the absolute worst election promise of Trump47 was to give blanket immunity to police for murder, which directly leads to “don’t let this extortion turn into a murder, and don’t say liberal shit”.
Musk recommending to pardon George Floyd cop murderer is a ploy for protests and crackdowns on protests. During Trump45, the Jerusalem capital/embassy was opportunity to murder protesters, and he also amplified George Floyd protests as a re-election ploy to keep suburban moms safe from the uppity negroes.
Musk is intentionally inciting domestic violence through his divisive and hateful recommendation. He’d just prefer the violence be directed at angry negroes than his cars.
This is the inevitable conclusion of decades of justifying endless violence by labeling people “terrorists”. The word has no meaning other than “target of the state”. And now the state is this.
“And now the state is this.”
"It was at dawn of Abril 25 of 1974, during the parade of Practical Cavalry School, in Santarém, that (Capitan) Salgueiro Maia uttered the famous speech:
’ Gentlemen, as everyone knows, there are various modalities of State.
The socialist States,
the capitalist States,
and the state we came to.
Well, in this solemn night, we will end the state we came to!
So, whoever wants to come with me, we go to Lisbon and we will end this.
Whoever is voluntary, go out, form up.
Whoever doesn’t want to go out, stay here.’Every 240 of those man that eard this words, spoken so firmly, so characteristic of Salgueiro Maia, formed up immediately in front of him.
Next they went to Lisbon and marched on the dictatorship. "
And with more and more military/citizens joining in through the day, they ended a 41 year old dictatorship that kept Portugal in poverty and ignorence.
Another great man, Commander Seixas Louça, of the frigate “Gago Coutinho” in the river Tejo,
going out to open waters to join a NATO mission, was order to go back up river, stand anchored in front of “Terreiro do Paço”,
(the open square and nevralgic center of Portugal, from where most of the ships went to the discoveries of globalisation more than 500 years before, and where the Ministries are today)AND ORDERED TO SHOOT on the city, on their brothers in arms and citizens, if the “movement” continued.
He refused. He did take the ship there, but didn’t anchor and pointed the guns up.The Wolrd needs more people like Capitan Salgueiro Maia and his 240, that knew when to take action,
and more like Commander Seixas Louça and his battleship of warriors that knew when not to take it, because they knew what war was, and that the “movement”, wasn’t it.The only good things about Antonio Salazar (Slytherin…yeah Rowling used his last name as the first name of the wizard) was (mostly) keeping Portugal out of the wars (mostly) and dying.
Certainly.my mother went to work in Lisbon this day and returned safe, no one died. My dad was enlisted overseas and returned home soon after. and a couple of years later, i was born. We still celebrate these heroes every year in our national Revolution day. I was fortunate to not have to know what living in a dictatorahip is
My grand mother was arriving in the city in a bus with my mother with 3 years old beside her and my aunt on her lap.
I had to leave some friends behind on the past years.
I listened to my grand mother. They didn’t listen to theirs.
Terrorism is politically/religiously motivated violence.
So is he trying to say that attacking a (supposedly) independent, non-government owned corporation, which is (supposedly) held and headed by a person who is officially nowhere on any governments payroll, is political?
This is just like with the murder of Brian Thompson, the charges reveal the truth of what they think.
It’s weird, fascist, demented behavior.
I am Spartacus!
Those are the “goodie” terrorists… The fascists!
He’s talking about the “baddie” terrorists… The antifascists!
Their goal is also to normalize political persecution through designating everything antifascist as a crime.
n 1: the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
Well, kind of sounds like textbook terrorism. And to be clear, I’m cheering on these terrorists. This is terrorist on terrorist action and, in my opinion, a fair and fitting response.
If that’s the definition, then I think it’s textbook not at all terrorism. One of the standard definitions of violence, and the one that I agree with, is using force to hurt a person or living being. In other words, you can’t use violence against an empty car dealership in the middle of the night. So it’s not violent.
The target is the company owned by Elon Musk, and he is a member of the government. In other words, the act of inflammation is a protest against the government, not against civilians.
It depends on the arsonist, but I don’t see these acts as ones that are designed to make people fear anything. Rather, they are designed to help people band together and fight against Elon Musk and his evil Nazi ways.
And then you’ve misidentified the goal. I think one of the goals, other than helping people band together, is to hurt Elon Musk’s company economically. Now you might argue that people want to inflict economic costs upon him because of related political goals, but now you’re getting into indirect reasoning, which would allow you to argue that anything, any act at all, or not acting in the first place, counts as terrorism.
Assume I somehow manage to blow up that obelisk in Washington DC. Would you consider this terrorism, even if no person got hurt?
How is that relevant? The definition doesn’t fit the situation. If you want to propose a new definition, feel free.
The relative risk of trying to do that is such that you are highly likely to injure someone. If no one got hurt in that type of attack, it’s by sheer luck.
Also, not a soul thinks people attacking unpurchased vehicles is a threat to escalate to hurting people.
It’s a crime, but not everything is ‘terrorism’.
What about something different, farther away from civilian population centers being destroyed? Like, I don’t know, Mount Rushmore being exploded? Or someone burning down an empty library? Maybe someone gaining access to an airport and throwing a molotov at the turbines of an empty jumbo jet?
These examples are explicitly more severe than damaging Teslas. But only few would argue any of those aren’t terrorism, be it perpetrated by anti-imperialist Native Americans (exploding Mount Rushmore), by anti-intellectual fascists (burning down a library) or by environmentalists (molotov @ plane). All of these groups would have political motives which is really all that’s needed for damaging property to be terrorism.
Whether terrorism can or cannot ever be justified is a different question. But I’d argue attacking Tesla dealerships through violent means is domestic terrorism - be it shooting them up or setting them on fire.
Depends on the motives and way it happens. That is a valuable perspective but reality could be grim.
In other words, you can’t use violence against an empty car dealership in the middle of the night. So it’s not violent.
Enough damage to that dealership costs someone money. That’s harm.
Maybe not a lot of harm. But it’s harm.
In the U.K. it’s criminal damage, not sure what the USA exact term will be, but it won’t be terrorism.
Still not violence
It is if you’re using the definition provided by the person I’m replying to.
The thing is: nearly everything can cause harm, in some small, indirect way. And everything is political, even if only some small, indirect way.
So taken to the “logical” extreme, me eating oatmeal for breakfast is terrorism. It harmed the people in the fields working for low wages, and it’s a political choice to eat less meat for a meal.
This is why it seems silly to meant of us to call burning Tesla dealerships terrorism. Does sitting bud light cans count as terrorism? Do boycotts count as terrorism?
Property damage is not violence against civilians.
What if I blew up a water tower?
Or burned down every grocery store in the city? (At night, while no-one was there to get hurt)
Who is the intended audience of that comment that you believe will equate sources of food and water to swasticars?
He didn’t say “swasticars.” He said “property.” Property damage can absolutely be violence against civilians.
My audience would be anyone tempted to think that planting a burning cross in the yard of a black family does not count as violence against civilians, because it’s just property damage.
Hahahaha, you went and one-upped your own stupid comment. Yes, clearly any rational person sees vandalizing swasticars to be just as evil as destroying essential infrastructure for human survival or terrorizing innocent people with racial hatred that has historically let to their murders.
You’re a fucking idiot cosplaying as an iNTelLecTuAl.
You’re also blocked because you’re a waste of everyone’s time.
Just another Elon stan
That’s a threat of violence against a civilian. Fucking cars in a dealership is just vandalism.
I wonder where you were when that guy showed up and beat Paul Pelosi almost to death with a hammer. Laughing probably, along with most Republicans
Why do you think that? Because I’m trying to get us to make a sensible argument rather than a simple, incorrect argument?
Then your act of vandalism/sabotage would have effects that harms people. Is this so difficult for you to understand? SMH.
It’s quite easy to understand. But you said “Property damage is not violence against civilians.”
Clearly property damage can be violence against civilians.
Yeah, I get the argument that you’re trying to make, but this is a really shitty time to play devil’s advocate.
I’m not playing devil’s advocate. I’m trying to get people on my side of the political divide to stop supporting their ideas with falsehoods. That is one way the right wing is able to attract a certain kind of adherent. They just have to point to things like this, where we say, and support, a false idea that we demonstrably don’t even believe ourselves.
If our ideas are good, we only need the truth to make them look good.
Falsehoods? Like equating municipally owned water towers and privately owned charging stations?
You’re 100% playing devil’s advocate and drawing false equivalencies. Trying to sound like what you’re saying matters only works when what you’re saying… actually matters.
Anything that’s not the state is civilian. That includes civilian property. And I, too, cheer on violence against the oppressive class.
I don’t consider property destruction “violence”. Violence for me can only occur if there is a nervous system involved. Defining it otherwise seems a bit disingenuous, imo. Vandalism is not the same as an act against a person or animal.
If I break into your home and trash the place, it’s not violence? You should speak to people who experienced that. Granted, this is between real people and not corporations. And there is a line, somewhere, between vandalism and destruction where it turns to violence. It’s compIicated. I just completely disagree with the statement that destruction of property is never violence.
They try to make it equivalent so they can classify people who smash windows in protest as “violent criminals” in order to increase the penalties which is a complete mischaracterization. If the act of vandalism has knock on effects then those are separate from the act itself and should be dealt with separately.
Property is not people though.
Otherwise shorting companies would also be terrorism.
Only if you’re shorting them to further a political goal.
Yeah, but have you ever heard of people shorting particular companies for political reasons being called terrorists outside WallStreetBets?
No, but if someone did, and could support their case, I’d allow it.
One person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.
It’s not terrorism if it’s not even trying to kill people. That’s just destruction of property or arson in this case.
What you’re missing is Trump includes holding a sign as an “attack”
just put maga on the sign
Easy. Just run for president and pardon yourself. Duh.
Guess that means they get a free pardon. The opposition should start calling them Patriots & promising them pardons.
Ken Klippenstein is a well known and well respected journalist.
Not trying to be rude, but he should be a good enough source even though this is only a screenshot. Here’s a link to the skeet (is that what they’re called? gross?):
But if that’s not enough here’s Reuters corroborating the same point:
Trump says violence against Tesla is domestic terrorism
This took me less than three minutes to search, compile, and post. Cheers.
EDIT: The edits took longer because I’m also a dumbass and make a lot of silly mistakes and typos.
Reuters collaborating the same point
I think you mean corroborating
I am indeed a dumbass and that is indeed what I meant. *hats off
You know, 99% is still an A+
Casual reminder, fuck Tesla. Fuck Elon. Damn swasticars, and a nazi to boot!
Thank you!
…they’re harming a great American company
I’d argue that Musk himself is also harming the company by exhibiting behaviors that Tesla’s target customers find objectionable. If I didn’t know Tesla shareholders better, I would have thought he should have been released from his position as CEO by now.
Ken… Klipppenstein…?
The names right there. Maybe one of the most famous journalists in the current, albeit fragmented, era?
But tilting at windmills is still patriotic.
But it is domestic terrorism, it completely fits that definition. I’m not saying I really give a shit, but let’s be clear what’s happening.
Is it though? Terrorism is the use of violence to achieve a political goal by creating fear in a population. The people who are targeting Tesla dealerships aren’t directing their message to the general population, they’re directing it to one Nazi in particular.
Exactly. They aren’t even attempting to scare Tesla customers themselves. It’s all about tarnishing Musk’s image, sending a message, and damaging his cashcow.
Yes that’s by definition domestic terrorism, Elon is part of government and even if he weren’t so long as the fires and such are intended to raise awareness by fear or loss of profit it would still be by definition domestic terrorism.
For reference according to the FBI since 1982:
The FBI defines terrorism, domestic or international, as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.
If the sentence begins with “the FBI defines…” you can be sure it helps fascists…
Dank hyperbole but that really doesn’t change the definition.
I don’t know how weird US Law can get, but Elon Musk is not “a Government”, a “civilian population” and at this point not even an elected official.
Since these protests are aimed at discrediting and damaging a specific individual and/or enterprise, the FBI definition does not apply.
He is part of the government and you’re either being stupid or you’re actually stupid, let’s hope it’s an act.
They also say he’s not a Nazi, trust your eyes not the proven liars.
Still, legally the definition of the FBI would not apply.
Yeah the issue is somehow white nationalist mows down a mall = troubled teen, liberal (re: minority because nuance and reality are things they struggle to grasp) attacks on private property resulting in zero death or major injury = domestic terrorism.
Iirc they didn’t even label the assassination attempt as domestic terrorism.
Then there’s clearly a distinct and significant double standard at play here, which is 100% the actual problem.
Yes that’s what the other person is saying. It is clearly domestic terrorism but because the left in large part feel it to be a moral action that it isn’t domestic terrorism and that’s just wildly idiotic. Almost to a person terrorists believe themselves to be doing something morally correct while also being intentionally morally abborant.
It’s a very dumb term to use in earnest, just call them what they did and stop trying to make morality a legal question.
I’m the same person that made the original comment. Yes, that is what I was getting at. How long before “proud terrorist” merchandise? Can’t believe how silly the future is.
This is basically like that time Jimmy Carter’s peanut fields were torched because of high gasoline prices
I mean, if someone was to burn a dealership down, that would be rather similar. I assumed a certain severity of attack, because that word implies a degree of violence to me. I may be wrong there. I don’t think graffiti could ever be accurately described as an attack, for example.
Rage bait used to be believable
So you disagree with the FBIs definition? Why does your disagreement make it bait?
Maybe I’m missing something if the “attacks” in question are water balloons or whatever. I assumed, possibly incorrectly, that something more severe was implied by that word. Like arson, or similar.
“Think before you drink before you drive me mad.”
Carefully chosen words to make people go “oh, that’s terrible” and side with what Trump is saying.