Lol nothing says we are afraid of the working class like banning subreddits on suppressed news they don’t want us to see. I came here bc I got a warning on my account for liking a comment that said “Luigi”. My alt account got banned for sharing the DOGE email list that is public info. Fuck Reddit. I’m done.
Just got my ban for saying how Luigi is my favorite super marios brother. Like on the racing ones, how accurate he can dome someone with a turtle shell. And he is insanely fast. Like dude can go from one side of the map to the other in speeds unexplainable.
They banned me for violent comments.
I appealed with a ‘eat shit, DDD Spez’
I don’t care. Reddit banned me like 4 years ago for stating that “If you have the opportunity to punch a Nazi, you should always punch the Nazi.”
Truly mind boggling to see how very little a site that once called itself “The Frontpage of the Internet”, seems to understand the internet
got banned for telling a trump supporter to go fuck himself after he joked about the 51st state among other things, im canadian. also i upvoted luigi content and got permanently banned. not just one email, but all connected emails as well.
im out. that place is a censored shithole. fuck reddit. i hope they ban all the real ones so they come here.
Yep, I got a frikking lifetime IP ban a few months back for saying “Fuck Elon Musk all the way to hell” in r/politics - apparently some fanboy decided that was “inciting violence”. Fuck Reddit, happy to be part of Lemmy.
So, Suppressed News has in fact, been suppressed…
Welcome to all lemmigrants !
Reddit is compromised.
I’m done as well. Fuck them.
Man the censorship is just vile too. It’s not like “Oh this incites violence” it’s “anything and everything that we and our shareholders don’t agree on is gone”.
Worst part is if any other countries went after them then they would just restrict it to US news.
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this
They are Streisand effecting the information though because the more they censor, the more people will talk about it. There’s already been a news article published by The Verge. It’s going to backfire so badly lmao.
Seeing that non-right sided medias are picking this up is good. Hopefully it builds more traction and if they can even say something as simple as “Lemmy is an alternative” we can see healthy growth. I know r/conservative is probably loving it but in the last month I’ve seen them advocate for more violence than any other subreddits. Yet they remain free and open. Gotta love how contradicting reddit has become since the blackout.
not contradicting at all if you consider them as part of the putin/musk propaganda apparatus
putins trolls control the sub, and the mods. not an accident why they are constantly on the front page all the time. and then theres the subs that “pretend to be both sides”
Hey they got me long ago but permanently banned IP address maybe? Tried new numbers, new emails, and glad after the last few days
Lol same. I’m finally starting to realize it wasn’t a me thing. I’ve really disliked the general flow of reddit for a while but it’s just such an easy thing to open up and scroll through. Didn’t know alternatives like this existed
they also looked for same device, browser fingerprinting, behaviour pattern, reddits banning filters is the most aggressive of any social media, and site.
Reddit has been compromised for a while now. 2016 opened them up. The API fiasco blew the door down. r/place exposed it and exploited Reddit for what it is. And we’re now seeing the new course of direction continue.
How did r/place expose anything?
Doesnt that kinda go against the whole point of r/place? Kinda fuckin stupid
Ok. Thanks.
Reddit is compromised.
Elders of Lemmy:
I just got my 3 day ban under bullshit reasons. Reddit is now a place of tyranny and fascism.
A thousand Luigi’s upon Huffman and Musk!
I just got banned for saying starlink to be not trusted as coms for military ops.
I have a feeling someone from right wing has bought a huge stake and they have exerted pressure on the management to mute all anti establishment discussions.
Everytime they just use the rule: comment should be civil, which is freaking left to their interpretation. Below is what I wrote.
I would not use starlink for any of my coms. These mofos may have given Russia intercept ability and location tracking.
Well… that’s just going to be most American sites going forward. That’s why ultimately platforms like Lemmy are so important. What a lot of people here in the States don’t realize is that this is a war on information.
After 12 years and over 900K Karma, I got permanently banned for repeating an opinion that I’ve posted many times over the past decade. Then Trump gets elected, and the exact same opinion gets me a permaban.
Now I’m hearing that they are banning people for UPVOTES! I wondered why Reddit had decided to throw in with the Nazis, and I this week I see in the news that Ohanion wants to buy TikTok. The new owner of TikTok will be personally chosen by HitlerPig, so Zuckerfuck has been kissing up, and now Ohanion wants in on it. HitlerPig will award it to whomever kisses his ass and pays him the most.
Reddit doesn’t want users participating in the site. They want eyes looking at ads and that’s it. Look, don’t touch. We’ve got bots for touching.
Lurkers are more lucrative than posters.
14 year old account for me. Mod of a million plus sub. 700k karma. Built fucking subreddits into real communities. Banned over a joke I made for a decade. Reddit is dying and we now have a new federated home.
That’s the problem with these corporations — the foundation is rotten, and they have no principles beyond more money. It has been this way for some time.
Now, we have an economy where the arbitrary whims of billionaires and our king is the main determinant of their share price. This is how Reddit kisses the boot.
They would exhume my grandmother if it increased share price by one tenth of one percent.
Capitalist cunts.
I’m here because I replied to “let’s not give them an inch” with “let’s give them 9mm” and was permanently banned from politics, no recourse. That’s the most left leaning sub on the website.
When they took API access away I was pissed but I stayed. But taking away my free speech, seriously? They can go fuck themselves.
I created my first Reddit account in over a decade and was shadowbanned almost immediately. I didn’t even get a chance to post a semi-“controversial” opinion! The site is total garbage these days.
you made acct at a bad time, they went hard on banning people last month, and ive been hearing on other sites that they were banned almost immediately after commenting once on reddit as a new user, thier bot sensitivity filter is so high, that any comment that was removed was considered a “spam activity”.
ever since trumps first term, thier ban have been come very heavy handed against left leaning comments more so than right wingers, i pointed it out so many times over the years that this was happening. there was suspicion that r/politics was taken over by a right winger, that wanted to seem like both sides, its pretty obviously who was getting banned and what was getting posted.
Now I’m hearing that they are banning people for UPVOTES!
Only upvotes involving Mario’s brother, so far. Presumably the “issue” being that he has too much support and the time between posting and it being moderated away it’s getting enough votes to still have significant visibility which is what they’re trying to avoid.
Don’t leave us in suspense - what was the opinion?
Shit, they perma’d me for constantly agitating in non leftist subs… I can’t help it.
China’s not going to let tiktok fall out of their control. If it gets sold it will be to someone beholden to them.
Same here. Got Banned from r/WorldNews for talking about Luigi when that CEO incident happened. Perma-banned a day later.
What was the opinion that got you banned?
Dont mind me just slowly transitioning over to Lemmy
I received an IP ban for sharing the public list of DOGE employees, 11 minutes into my 10 year cake day.