Yeah op you’re right, people who hate science are definitely liberals with dyed bright hair
Agree with your sarcasm, but Poe’s Law applies. Always close your sarcasm HTML tag.
lol not all people with dyed hair are lefties
It’s still the recognized Internet stereotype.
People just aren’t noticing that this is protection.
Just 99%
No shit it’s not shaped like an eagle. It’s shaped like a velociraptor.
People have started to believe that opinions are the same or better than facts. That’s also the reason why politics is fucked.
Started? Ooooo sweet summer child.
Ironic that the Right is the movement associated with the phrase “Facts don’t care about your feelings.”
“Facts researched by the University of My Brown Balls”
People have also gone from disagreeing with each other to outright despising the other party and all people who are associated. Social media has created an echo chamber that has divided us unfortunately.
The internet is a very big reason for that. It gives everybody a platform to spread utter bullshit.
Like people thinking the earth is a sphere. Weirdos.
Eh… a lot of people were protesting “Frankenfood” when the human genome project was going on.
People have always been idiots about science, just that the idiots are more organized and more vocal now.
MSM let them on and gave them a megaphone.
What do you have against Adam Conover, a certified member of the reality-based community and someone who has spent much of his career fighting on the side of facts against myth and misinformation?
I was wondering the same. Simply seems like a right-wing meme relabeled. Although notice the cyclist and colored hairs.
The problem is that Adam Ruins Everything is guilty of spreading more misinformation than it solves. (The Video Games episode is particularly embarrassing)
It’s neat entertainment and it does expose some bullshit, but it aint perfect. And to its credit it does have a few “Times we were wrong” episodes
Edit: Don’t know why the crowd is stereotypes of Liberals though, they’re not the ones on the Science Denial train unless they’re the “Betraying Transpeople will win us elections!” type
I always think it’s so weird when someone uses the
aryannaziblonde hair blue eye chad guy or whatever it’s called to show the “good old days” or whatever. Additionally in this case I find it curious that the images used for the folks who seem to represent the regressive anti-science crowd are a group of characters with more diverse looks. Care to explain your choices OP? @[email protected]Edit: thank you for the correction!
Not disagreeing with you, but we really need to stop letting “Aryan” mean what the Nazis decided it should mean. Aryan is, and always has been, a term for the Indo-Iranian languages. As scientists, we need to be the first to take it back to its actual meaning.
Honestly, my opinion as someone of Indian descent is the only people that really care about “reclaiming aryan heritage” from nazis are hindutva “Brahmin piety” type people
I consider myself Indian, not Aryan
That’s just my opinion, I don’t claim to represent all indo Iranians but like honestly in my opinion the nazis can keep the aryan name
“Real” Aryans aren’t even worth being proud of anyways, the Aryans were primarily known for using chariot warfare to subjugate the Indian subcontinent and then spent centuries enforcing and enacting the horrific caste systems.
Nazis can keep the Aryan culture personally I don’t need it anyways
- my own opinions ofc
Ethno nationalism is bad, whether it’s nazi Aryanism or Hindutva Aryanism
Totally fair. As a student of ancient languages, I primarily think of it in terms of language development and archeology, so I can certainly see why its modern connotation would be spurned. I think that, since the term’s misuse came out of the bullshit archeology of Nazi Germany, it’s better to air it out for the bullshit it is.
Consider also that “Semitic” is a philological term for the languages of the varied peoples of the Arabian peninsula and the Levant, so for an Israeli politician to claim that Palestinians are “antisemitic” is hilariously stupid. There are a lot of uses of these old archeological terms and symbols that got corrupted when the Nazis first did their Nazi thing, and my hope is to disempower their rhetoric by contributing to the disempowerment of the bullshit they spawned.
I personally think it’s just hilarious that the term for “white, blonde, and blue-eyed” among racial purists literally refers to a heritage that virtually cannot be further from their supposed “ideal”. It is for this reason that I correct people, because it is just another case of Nazis and White Supremacists showing that not only do they know nothing, they actively look less intelligent with every word they spew. The more people who realize that the Nazis are wrong, the better. In the case of the thread OP to whom I replied, it seemed like an opportunity to pass on this tidbit, because their stance makes me think that they and I are like-minded in our opinion of Nazi idiocy.
Makes sense to me
Thank you for pointing that out, I have changed it to be more accurate.
Agreed, as an Indo-Aryan person that always made me feel uneasy
Dude, I’m sick to death of these undying white supremacy memes. There’s billions of cartoon faces out there, why does everyone have to use the one that’s born out of racism and hate?
It’s mostly the red hat cult that doesn’t trust science.
What do you have against
They shifted to a paid subscription model and fucked over any goodwill they had. Yeah they were major contributors to open source, but we gave them clemency because we didn’t think they’d position themselves to fuck us over so eagerly. Had we known, we wouldn’t have made so many downstream distros from them.
When was RHEL non-sub? I’m guessing you’re thinking of the code availability change, or maybe centos? Or are you literally thinking of the RH and not RHEL?
Yeah they were major contributors to open source
Still are.
Had we known, we wouldn’t have made so many downstream distros from them.
I remember rocky, alma, oracle, and Amazon. 2 of those are now upstream, 2 are still downstream (and only 1 wasn’t corpo backed).
Alternatively they might not have made that change if people weren’t literally repacking their product and trying to steal their market share by giving it away for free with cheaper enterprise support. Imagine telling that to a room of rich shareholders.
You can’t jump on an already successful FOSS product, make large changes to it under an extremely copy-left license free for all to use, and then turn around and claim that people are stealing your lunch.
In the world of business where everyone claims to have bootstrapped their products out of thin air? Sure, use that Looney tunes logic.
I agree with you, but we aren’t corpo assholes. And those changes were allowed under that extremely copy-left license.
Those changes were heartily welcome; no other company that I know of has believed in Linux so strongly and so early on than RedHat. But if they were doing it all for financial reasons, (as any company would, as there was definite money to be made in a Windows alternative for enterprise systems), then either they were blind to the idea that they would empower any future competitors who could fork off their contributions, or deaf to the notion of what FOSS ultimately was and sought to undermine/control it in the long-run.
I’m bitter about RedHat because I wonder now if the second option was the plan all along.
Not that red hat cult, the other one. 😂
This one?
I really don’t get it.
MAGA cult
“Science just doesn’t know if this trans stuff is safe, don’t Leftists know their biology? Men are men and women are women!” Is something my trans ass is tired of hearing.
There’s always been people doubting science. Nothing new
It’s an awkward example to pick. Human genome research was so controversial someone made an award-winning dystopian sci-fi movie to criticise it.
We did collectively get Maya Hawke out of that deal, though.
Incidentally, that was written by the same guy who made dystopian fiction about reality TV and corporate-sponsored vtubers before either thing existed. Andrew Niccol turned out to be amazing at spotting upcoming trends, terrible at identifying how exactly they would ruin things.
I call bs. The crowd calling liar is wearing confederate flags and maga hats. A few in suits are pretending to, but they know the truth and dont care because their grandkids will be able to afford air and water subscriptions
This memes imagery couldn’t be more reversed from reality even if the message is accurate.
Science then: if you try to prove that the Earth orbits around the sun, we’ll have you tortured and killed
Science now: 2x2 is not 6, but go off Terry
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I mean at the time, religion and science were closely intertwined, with primarily religious scholars studying astronomy and astrology
The idea that science and dogma are entirely separate things is a great way to turn yourself into a Richard Dawkins. Everyone has some ideology or another that will influence any research they do.
To be fair: there are momebts when 2x2 =6 may not be an entirely unreasonable way of looking at things. (It would mean that 2=0, which is an assumtion that both can be made and is sometimes made)
The earth is an island on a turtles back.
Is that the Andy Ruins Everything guy?