I don’t have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn’t choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to “hear” music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn’t even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y’all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
Volume control for the ears, with equalizer, decibel normalizer, and active noise cancelling.
Active noise cancelling for this fucking tinnitus would be a godsend
As someone with misophonia, this is the one augment that will have me standing in line to be among the first to sign up. I would love nothing more than to be able to mute my girlfriend’s annoying birds and their stupid repetitive screaming.
All those features you mentioned, plus the ability to focus my ears on specific sounds while eliminating the rest. Sign me the fuck up.
A monkeys tail! Third hand, balancing, grabbing, etc.
Improved eye (singular), a second thumb on right hand, internal physical storage, modular left arm with power tool extensions, a nose and jawline that are very clearly technological but don’t do anything else, and a set of integrated wheelies
I wanna see the hype about regular colour. I’ve got red green blue yellow colourblindness. I wanna see how things are meant to be coloured.
You only see greyscale? O_o
New skin. It doesn’t need to be fancy, just no more scars and a better fit.
Fancy skin wishlist:
- No drying and flaking
- No sweaty palms
- No hangnails
- Impenetrable by mosquitos
- Immunity to paper cuts
A skin that isn’t trying to kill itself would be pretty high on my list. Along with parts that are falling apart from old age. But I’m not sure those would be augmentations so much as bug fixes.
A way to monitor and regulate body chemistry or neural action would be nice. Change and directly see my stress and sleepiness levels, regulate pain at will if necessary etc. I think there would be tons of uses for things like that.
Some kind of general pain suppression.
You could turn it off, if you’re into that and sometimes pain let’s you know there might be a problem, but the endless agony people go through would end.
Mechanical “eyes” that correct my vision.
Speak any Human language
Similar to this, or perhaps in obtaining it, perfect memory recall and retention
A magnum dong to go with my magnum condoms.
I used to think a future with cyborgs would be pretty cool but personally, I’m not so hot on the idea anymore. The problem is that you would be beholden to whichever corporation or government manufactures and pays for parts. And who is to say that the support for whichever product that you’ve surgically implanted will be for life, and that you won’t end up with useless landfill electronics sewed up inside of you.
Personally I think that if AI was ever made with altruistic purposes, that could fill the role of things like complex calculations and extra memory or a log. And good Augmented Reality could fill the role of interacting directly with entertainment and blocking out the outside world. And maybe one day there would be effective ways of interacting directly with computers through electrodes or even wirelessly. Although who knows how our privacy would be invaded then. There could be literal thought police in that case.
The problem is that the tech will always come from someone else. Imagine integrating this kind of tech into your life on such a deep level and then the person in charge of over seeing and maintaining this tech turns out to be an authoritarian nazi.
You mean like our real-life situation with Neuralink and the new Nazi called Elon Musk?
Cyborg butthole
None cause if I have to blast all the synths out there I don’t wanna lose pieces or, worse yet, die
A brainchip would be amazing. But realistically no corporation should be in your head.
This would enable real life language translation, internet functions, scanning, a hud of vitals etc.
joints that don’t wear down over time