• andros_rex@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    They aren’t supposed to be cheering for the antichrist and his companions though! (And the dumbass premillennialism. Sola scriptura my left foot.)

    I had a lot of dreams of standing up to Nicolai Carpathia - the antichrist who is clearly evil because he leads the UN and wants nuclear disarmament and world peace. (He was also conceived via surrogacy for a gay couple IIRC)

    It just felt like the whole point of the series was how badass it was to stand up to the anti-Christ - like when Rayford Steele (author self insert) sneaks some kind of wooden gun to shoot Nicky, even though he know it has to fail through prophecy. Although I guess both main characters do work for the antichrist for the first few books - oh shit. (The token Asian side character gets the mark forced on to him by his parents who are very committed to him being able to get a prestigious career working for the Antichrist is also waived of the normal ramifications of the mark, while keeping its benefits as it benefits the plot)

    IRL there definitely are accelerationists and a desire for the end of the world - those that cheer for events in Palestine and hope that Hamas will perhaps retaliate in a way that would destroy symbolic sites in Jerusalem. There are programs dedicated to breeding a specific red calf for prophecy.

    Everything about Trump just seems like such an in your face deliberate insult to the tenants of the Protestant Christianities that these people claim to be following. Like it just sometimes seems like things are winding down, and that God is playing a joke on them to teach them some sort of lesson. To show that Christianity for many had in practice become a way to cover up a private revulsion/latent guilt related to homosexuality and transgender people. That Christian nationalists are more the latter than the former.