it has always been so weird to me that national public media isnt 100% funded by the government. i honestly didnt realize that the funding was this low, but i figured it would be at least in the 10’s of percents :(
I guess that’s a good thing considering the state of things. Better to go from 100 - 99 % funded vs 100 - 0 because some clowns decide you shouldn’t exist anymore.
I think RT is about 100% government funded, do you like them?
my ignorance is showing… what is RT?
So are ARD and ZDF, and many others.
Do you consider them vile propaganda?
What’s good for the goose is good for the fascist.
NPR is essential for national security.
Wonder why the oligarchy is targeting it then
That 1% number is a bit misleading. Federal funding isn’t paid to NPR directly and instead goes to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB gives money to non-profit radio/tv stations and those stations pay NPR, PRI, APM, etc for content. Without the CPB, tons of radio stations, mostly rural, couldn’t afford to exist and wouldn’t be paying NPR anything.
Isn’t the whole idea of public broadcasting that it doesn’t need to be commercial, that it can go for quality over entertainment value?
They’re also less biased ideally. When they’re not being threatened that is. This is cyberbullying more than anything if you ask me.
Seeing this SICK BURNS! in 2025 as I remember Biden re-upping and expanding SpaceX contracts in 2024.
Liberals will post this EPIC SLAM WITH FACTS AND LOGIC on Facebook, then roll their eyes and tell the stupid Leftist Tankies to go sit at the kids table when you ask why the fuck prior administrations were bloating a fascist’s bank accounts during the four years prior.
Are you ok? Literally most of the people who are pissed at Musk being a welfar queen were just as pissed at Biden for being a weak centrist about the whole thing. Anyone even slightly to the left has been going after Elon for years.
That country has next to zero nuance available come election day. You can’t just say everyone who’s against the obvious fascist was therefore all-in on Biden. If they had a better option they would have taken it. Well, I suppose you can say that stuff if you aren’t paying attention or acting in good faith.
Literally most of the people who are pissed at Musk being a welfar queen were just as pissed at Biden for being a weak centrist
If I had a dime for every 2-pt font “You fucking leftist idiots don’t know what Biden’s done for you, here’s a big list!!! He’s the best progressive since FDR!!!” posts I’ve seen in the last year, I’d be clinking glasses with Warren Buffet.
You can’t just say everyone who’s against the obvious fascist was therefore all-in on Biden.
Biden’s not against the obvious fascists. That’s the primary critique of his administration. He wrapped himself in the language of liberalism while funneling enormous fortunes into the pockets of the far-right through government contracts and public-private partnerships.
Well, I suppose you can say that stuff if you aren’t paying attention or acting in good faith.
Acting In Good Faith would mean prosecuting people like Tulsi Gabbard, Devin Nunes, Jared Kushner, and Steven Miller for espionage, divorcing the Treasury from far-right plutocrats like Musk and Bezos, and downsizing government departments that have been co-opted by extremists.
Instead of using the authority of the federal government when he had them, he dumped the powers of the presidency directly into the lap of a known asset of foreign powers.
I think you’ve completely confused the Dems and the people who vote for them because they have no other choice.
Something about appealing to moderate Republicans, as if that has even been a thing.
The Democratic Party is flush with them. Bloomberg hosted Bush Jr in NYC for the 2004 RNC and now he’s one of the Dems’ most mega of donors. Neocons like Bill Kristol and the Cheneys have been getting dumped over the line by disaffected Republicans for the last decade. Candidates like Charlie Crist and Lincoln Chafe have been fleeing to the Dems in order to escape contested Republican primaries.
Appealing to moderate Republicans is also a great way to fundraise. Lots of wealthy midwesterners and coastal small business tyrants that love neoliberalism as economic policy and just hate the Wokeness that comes along with it.
Those are all wildly unpopular people with all but the wealthy donor class. They are all ghouls who Democrats hated 20 years ago, and trying to emulate them today is when they keep getting shit on in elections. No one wants a Diet Republican Party. They want the real deal or progressivism.
The problem with the Trillionaire Class is that one trillionaire carries the weight of a million millionaires.
Wealthy donors carry so much more weight than rank-and-file voters. And if you don’t support the donor pick, you must be a MAGA sympathist.
Thanks to listeners like you.
But not you
Defund an evil foreign billionaire dork.
Defund SpaceX, it should survive on its own.
But, would NPR approve of my desire for a harem more than my space opera novels? I think not.
Why is it framed like that though revenue vs budget?
Revenue is money received for work done etc.
Budget is money allocated for the purpose of getting things done.
So Space X provides a service NPR is floated along.
Unless the poster was genuinely wrong on their terms here.
Not that I’m defending any of this but just don’t make unfair comparisons and think it’s great.
Bro what, am I reading this wrong or is your premise that NPR doesn’t provide a service?
Because they absolutely do.
I don’t really know what NPR is National Political Radio?
My point is their 1% budget from your Orange Dad isn’t revenue and doesn’t come from providing a service.
Your big chest Daddy Musks revenue comes from providing a service
Then you’re not understanding what NPR is at all. NPR is a non-profit radio station that provides free access to news, music, and programming over the radio and through TV and internet channels. Whatever NPR makes in revenue is through donations. Of course their budget is separate from their revenue. You have to have a budget at all to produce revenue.
What this is saying is that NPR spends 100x more than the government will give them to provide a literal free service to the citizens of the USA. NOR is practically self-sufficient while SpaceX is a for profit corporation whose bigger client is the federal government. If either of these organizations are a leech, it’s certainly not NPR. One of them needs the money to survive.
So why did you make your comment when you didn’t do even 30 seconds of research on NPR?
Because I don’t care what company it is. Compare apples and apples don’t fall for the stupid political double speak that has gotten Amerca to where it is.
Propaganda is propaganda regardless of if you agree with it or not
Ah gotcha. You’re just arguing in bad faith. I won’t be engaging with this then.
maybe when searching for stats, the first sources they found used those words. I don’t think you should immediately suspect propoganda, and I think that budget and revenue are comparable enough so that these statistics are still usable.
edit: according to Wikipedia, NPR’s budget and revenue were approximately equal so…
I suspect it’s because NPR doesn’t have consistent revenue year to year, because they do rely on donations, and spacex probably doesn’t have a consistent budget (because extra revenue would immediately be allocated for executive bonuses, or more charitably, expansion).