At the first Trump cabinet meeting, he stated his intentions clearly. He restated blatant lies and disinformation, and he won’t really be questioned on it from the press or from any US politicians. The US is the enemy of Canada and should be understood as such. Take heed of his treatment of Ukraine - when he noted that they would lose the war without US help - and consider what he will propose when he uses the same argument on us. He makes it very clear in the video.
And very carefully consider which of our political leaders will stand up to Trump when he makes the argument that we need American military in our country to protect us.
Heck they’re a threat to US sovereignty
Definitely the wrong response is to triple down on Ukraine, including throwing out the idea of sending soldiers.
Normalize relations with reset of world. US only protects Canada from Russia because Canada lets the US tell us who our enemies are. If Russia is not our chosen/fabricated enemy, then NORAD is Canada protecting the US.
The lies that Canada support for US consumers/industry is a cost to the US, or that it is responsible for fentanyl, should result in more public anger about liars, and breaking off relations with liars, instead of correcting facts as if that will make a difference.
Export tariffs on energy to make Canadian energy after tariffs the same price as WTI, or US electricity alternatives is crucial, even if auto tariffs are not reciprocated. FFS, make sure Canada’s next harvest is sold to China or elsewhere undercutting US agriculture. The most disgusting reaction in all of this is no talks with China on anything.
So step up the game already, Canada. Become a threat to US Sovereignty. Make a real offer for the blue states to join and be willing to protect them with military force when Trump retaliates. Enact an American refugee program to bring the best and the brightest across your borders. Get Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker and Walz to the table and start making real deals.
Because as a Californian, I’d rather be a Canadian on the side of democracy and justice than an American on the side of fascism.
I live in Illinois please make me Canadian I’ll grow weed for you guys we have really good soil
We don’t really have a military.
There is only one cou try in the world who would have a chance of standing up to America in conventional warfare, and it definitely isn’t Canada. I don’t think #2 would win either, but they have a chance.
You underestimate Canadian geographic advantage I think. I would love to see America try to occupy the rockies in the winter and I hope they wear bodycams when that happens so we can laugh after the fact
You can’t hide an army in the rockies. You couldn’t even really hide them in the Shield. But if there’s an invasion I expect there will be a holding withdrawal and then a lot of guerilla groups with well-trained leaders will suddenly appear.
Wait till the rednecks on the east coast get ahold of them in the swamps. Hahahaha
We’re definitely looking at insurgent warfare. Asymmetric as possible.
Something in the neighborhood of ¼ of Canadians has a registered firearm. That’s pretty close to 10 million folks. With our long-standing hunting culture, if even half the people with a firearm decided to join an insurgency effort, and a relatively small amount of the rest of folk run support? That’s gonna be a bad fucking time for the US.
Remember kids, until Canadians teamed up with the Polish, it was a Geneva Checklist. And we’ve already burnt the Whitehouse down twice…
You’d need part of your military to turn on him which likely won’t happen. Our military isn’t even remotely capable of standing up to yours.
Problem is, CA and TX are both littered with bases and a shitload of stuff that goes boom, similar with other red and blue states. Seceding means war between states that have the economy and war fighting capability to beat whole countries on their own, so our only hope would be officers following their oath to enemies foreign AND domestic
That’s probably some of our best bet. The more they fight themselves, the less they’ll be able to fight us.
The US is now a threat to the entire world.
Now? I think it has become a bigger threat for sure, but the US has been a straight up villain to the world before this.
Not to every country in the world. Even Russia and North Korea would be well advised not to trust the US.
And not that egregiously as far as upcoming damages to the environment are concerned - which also affect the entire planet.
Yea, we are in for a very bad ride. :(
I’m seriously mentally preparing for an armed conflict.
That is a beautiful piece of hardware, with kickass livery!! Gives me a patriotic quarter chub.
I want my C7 decked out like this.
I’m missing my C7 lately.
I’m getting my PAL this month after never being interested in firearms before. And at least if the conservatives do win here, we’ll probably be allowed to purchase automatic weapons again.
Actually 10 of us at work are doing the firearms course together and we are autistic sysadmins lol
Pick up some Canadian made body armour if you’re in Quebec or Ontario. Practice practice practice.
And learn how to build and fly drones. There are some great DIY drone suppliers in Toronto area.
Also trauma Feild kits. They will be necessary. Many of them. Everyone planning guns or drones should have one. I am happy to offer my skills and whatever equipment I can round up…but I will need a lot.
And the training to use them.
Many of them are quite pricey. What do you recommend, preferably Canadian made, that I can stock up on?
Buy just the bag and find a medical supply house in your area. The supplies are pretty cost effective and can be bought separately. Look in the industrial parks in the cities around you or that you live in. There will be medical supply houses that stock first aid kits and supplies as well as hospital supplies and such. Get a list of goods and stock everything you can. They may also be designated as rescue supply or safety supply. Avoid drug stores as the costs are exorbitant…
If you can’t manage all the goods buy PPE (gloves especially), trauma bandages, chest seals, tourniquets, tape (hockey tape works surprisingly well for a lot of things) and a pair good heavy medical shears. Stock as many as you can manage. Those will be the most used items.
Here is a list for a good basic Field kit you can follow. Put it in a pouch that can attach easily to a belt or a pack and be accessible always.
PPE (gloves, mask, eye protection)
Small pocket mask, NPA, OPA
Trauma scissors
Quick clot
1 or 2 tourniquets (SWAT-T, CAT)
Chest decompression kit
2-3 trauma dressings (Israeli type)
4-6 hemostatic dressings
2-3 open chest seal (Bolin, Hyfin, Asherman)
4 roller gauze, compression bandages
1 heavy duty 2" tape (e.g. NARP Gecko tape)
1 personal care kit (PCK) that includes personal medications, sunscreen, insect repellant, and/or contact lens supplies
Edit: here is an online supply house from Canada that has many items to choose from. Canadian made is going to be hard but I’m sure if you contact them they will do their best to help you out.
And sands has been a Canadian supply house for years. I have ordered from here quite a bit over the years.
They have this very basic premade kit as well…
I’m an extremely experienced drone pilot. It sounds funny but flying a drone for me came so easy because I set the controls to the same controls used in the attack helicopter in bad company 2. Which I have hundreds of hours of helicopter in that. So it was just plug and play for me lol
I’m in BC if you have any recommendations for body armour here
What do you recommend for people in MB?
You can purchase made in Canada body armor and trauma kits online.
automatic weapons
Semi-automatic. Not trying to be a dick and I love that Canadians are seeing the threat and arming up. Just want to help with the terminology. Enjoy shooting!
It’s already started, It just isn’t traditional war. It will be the same as how they took the states… through disinfo and pushing their stooges into power. (Pierre Polievere etc)
We are fighting a war against bullshit.
Current polls suggest Poilievre is one of the first casualties of Trump’s tariff threats. Which is hilarious.
The only good thing he has done.
Yeah look up the Mar A Lago Accord:
Trump wants to annex us in any way he can - economic annexation is easiest. These are serious discussions in the White House, and we need to take them seriously too.
And I can guaran-fucking-tee that Poilievre will drive straight into a US economic annexation, such as described at the link above. He will go along as the US drives us into deeper economic subjugation and dependence.
We are Ukraine in 2013 right now.
Yeah, my wife and I reached the same acceptance. We spent the last month or so thinking we were overthinking it all. Now we’ve realized that it may happen, and we’re resolved to stay and do what we can. The kids will go overseas with their grandparents. Between all of them they speak three languages, they’ll be fine. We accept that we’re likely to be killed but we have to do it for our kids. It’s a strange journey but now we can get on with regular life, knowing we have a plan. It took her a bit more time but we both got there eventually.
We’re also resolved to protest and push back. I’ve never really gone to a protest but this is existential.
If there’s someone in your life that is on the wrong side of this, and they are worth the effort, come to them carefully and listen. Don’t just attack them, as they will dig in their heels. Instead, make sure to ask them why THEY think you disagree with them, and why THEY think you believe what you do. Take the time to talk to them. Don’t get mired in policy. And think carefully about how you will answer the above questions when they turn it around on you.
If they are strangers and you don’t want to spend the effort, then don’t waste your time. Give them no benefit of the doubt, nor any assumption of good faith. They will surely not extend those to you. Ignore them. The sooner you realize they are unfortunately your enemy, the easier it will be.
We’re a threat to the entire planet currently and even a good portion of us are begging for the madness to end. Invade us, seriously, someone put an end to it.
There are still dipshits saying “it’s just hot air” gaslighting me on a daily basis. But yes we are the next Ukraine right now, it’s a mirror image. But instead of Russia’s dog shit economy, horde of orcs, and soviet weapons, it’s the United Fucking States. We are completely fucked if we don’t become pro active. In my opinion an American civil war is the only hope for our survival. And we should be intervening. A large group of armed Canadians should be going into the US when their civil war starts and backing up the real Americans and helping them fight against the fascist traitors. If we just sit here with our thumbs up our asses then Trump has a chance to solidify his power, and then we have no choice but to get fucked.
Right path for Canada is certainly to encourage State secession, offering them provincehood if they wish. But it is also to immediately disassociate with US empire and its enemies list. We need alternate foreign investment and trade partners inclusive of the US’s enemies list. Nuclear protection from North Korea if they are the only ones with balls that are cheap enough to buy protection from.
Instead, our negotiators are just begging to enslave us into supporting US war on China.
Just look at one of the commenters on this very post. I truly hope he’s an American, for his sake, because if he’s a Canadian yearning for hostilities I can guarantee he and his ilk will be the first up against the wall. Metaphorically… of course.
There are quite a few pro annexation Canadian traitors and fascists. And we ought to do something about them. I know of a few prominent ones in my own city. I am wondering when the right time is to take action.
Trump can piss right the F off! They could not win a war against us.
- All our measurements are in metric they would just be lost.
- We will cut off their power and the average US citizen will get mad because we give them so much electricity, at least the northern states.
- We will cut off the oil tap and their military vehicles will not be able to run. At least until they reformat their refiners for their oil, leading to more power outs.
- Their economy will just crash because of power outages. Leading to the people who would retrofit the refiners demanding for more money, that the oil companies do not have on hand.
- The people will rise up in the US because of the massive and very fast inflation, Trump will be remembered as the president who destroyed the US in a mater of a few months of taking office.
I do not want to say go a head and try but the US loses either way, I also understand that there are military people way smarter than me who have battle plans drawn up. I did not know that these plans are kept up to date as well.
People will rise up, that is true. But if Trump solidifies his power, and it wont take much longer, he can easily work around all of the other leverage we have. He is more than happy to trade with Russia, NK, India, Iran, etc. to displace anything Canadians import. They will have plenty of fuel for their vehicles.
Take away potash as that kills corn farmers. Corn is the base of a lot of industrial plants owned by the ruling class.
And also medical isotopes. Those old politicians will find it difficult to see their doctors without scans and X-rays. Shame how many heart attacks and strokes there will be.
Bad news. Trump is buying Potash from Belarus and energy from Russia. Canada is moving away from the US but the US is moving away from Canada.
Trump is busy assembling the new Axis of Evil.
I am aware but if we act now we can affect this growing season regardless. That may be all it takes to piss off the citizens enough…if that is even possible.
Potash does so much more then fertilize Corn, it fertilizes everything! If the farmers cannot fertilize their feilds the food products will suffer, more so than it did this year with Trumps big imminent round up. I read somewhere that it takes one year of not fertilizing a feild properly to mess it up, for something like 5 years I could be totally wrong on that memory but I do know not fertilizing properly really screws things up. Farmers that also raise cattle maybe able to make it more than two years but they will be suffering fast.
That is a long term war plan, what I laid out would happen within weeks, if not days.
It will affect everything but trump is already importing potash from Belarus so he will just get it elsewhere. The big deal is corn because of the uses for the product. It’s in literally everything in some form. Next to soy it’s the largest crop by far. It fucks the entire system including animal feed. I grow veggies on a small scale ((1/4 acre) I assure you corn will take a hit before they can replace potash but we need to act fast.
Saskatchewan has the majority of the worlds potash in the world. It is 7 or 8 of the other mineral extraction is not mined like it is here, it is filtered through water or something. Yes there are other deposits around the world but it is not the same quantity or quality as it is here.
I am aware. Not as easy to access. It’s mostly mined worldwide. Thus it’s more expensive. It also doesn’t have the same growing capacity as ours because of micronutrient content. It still can be replaced and modern crops adjusted to suit. That takes time. This the need to hurry the hell up in potash.
Trump reviving “Fifty-four forty or fight!” any day now.
But first work on your psychopathy and pathology.
Care to expand on this?
Edit: Nvm I see your post history. You can fuck right off, you treasonous Yank sympathizer. Best you get out before you’re put out.
On a related topic, Nazi lives don’t matter.
Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
Remember kids, before we teamed up with the Polish…it was just a Geneva Checklist. And we’ve already torched the White House twice.
Except that you don’t know what the word Nazi means. It does not mean what you think it means.
I know what it means you impotent jackweasel. My grandfather spent half a decade putting them in the cold ground, and he hated them for the rest of his life. Fuck them, and, again, fuck you too for sanewashing them.
And again, don’t forget Nazi lives don’t matter. Not even a little.
You are making the fallacy of holding on to a colloquial.
And you seem to be under the impression I either care what you think or care to discuss it.
I’m done talking to fascist apologists. No one cares what you think. You and I both know that you’re all puffed up behind an anonymous nym, but you’d never dare say this stupid shit in public. Slither back into your hole Trumpfucker.
That’s a presumptuous take
I assume you’re referring to my assertions to your cowardice.
If you have a message about the master race, I implore you to try your limp-dicked, pasty-faced beer hall putsch outside the Eaton Centre. And don’t wear a mask.
Until then, go wrestle your nub ya wanker.
How enlightening to assume OP doesn’t know what it means, and to follow up with not providing the meaning you claim it has.