randomly choosing a random outgroup to collectively hate must be ironically funny sometimes(see: jokes about the fr*nch)
Genuinely there is no other reason. sometimes people will create justifications/other explanations for it but really its just absurdist humor with a pinch of tribalism.
edit: i should add though, usually this type of humor is meant to be ironic by most of its participants. the more i think about it, the more it seems this is more rude than funny.
randomly choosing a random outgroup to collectively hate must be ironically funny sometimes(see: jokes about the fr*nch) Genuinely there is no other reason. sometimes people will create justifications/other explanations for it but really its just absurdist humor with a pinch of tribalism. edit: i should add though, usually this type of humor is meant to be ironic by most of its participants. the more i think about it, the more it seems this is more rude than funny.
Look we made a bunch of overblown jokes against the French for a while…
…then they got BASED organizing ferociously for their workers’ rights…
…Then we stopped joking so much…
…and now they’re not doing so hot again.
I think there’s a causative effect here. Should the jokes continue in order to spur them to greatness once more, even if only out of spite?
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