• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Okay for real though… storage size? Terrible I agree.

    But I’ve been kinda obsessed lately with the form factor of diskettes. They’re:

    • Not super easy to lose (looking at for you, nanoSD)
    • They’re easily labeled.
    • Unlike flash drives, aren’t vulnerable to snagging and getting ripped out of the machine or damaging the port when inserted.
    • Easily stacked or filed away.
    • Most importantly: Make a nice satisfying “ka-chunk” when inserting into a drive.
    • Satisfyingly fly out of said drive when you push the eject button firmly.

    Nowadays, if we made a diskette that basically replaced the magnetic disc with flash memory, and the shutter protected the connectors, you could hypothetically store like 1TB in that space, it could likely be read super fast, and would obviously be way more reliable than the old “Oh no a speck of dust ruined my 2MB file” of old floppies.

    I’d even settle for an open standard akin to Sony’s chunky little Memory Sticks…I liked those.

  • Worked for a public library in the U.S.

    It was eye-opening and soul crushing how many people were there just because the government/insurance/medical/legal/whatever was forcing them to fax pages.

    What’s more hilarious is that faxes are only in black and white…and these jokers would demand faxed IDs and licenses…and then complain when all the pretty-pretty reflective anti-counterfeit layers resulted in a mostly black blob rectangle.

    We had to use some scanner that basically “e-faxed” it anyway. It took a long time per page, charged $1/per, BTW, and after it connected to a kind of “courier server” it would attempt to establish the phone line connection.

    This would routinely time out and require you to hit “retry” before it just closed and erased everything you just did.

    Even then, it would regularly encounter some random connection error and…close and erase everything you just did.

    …Sending so many stupid faxes was a huge motivator behind quitting that clown show, among a million other things lol.

  • That’s cool! Always cool to read when someone finds an entry point to broadening their gaming horizons!

    I’d highly recommend

    • Enter the Gungeon
    • Nuclear Throne
    • FTL

    The top two are fun frantic top-down shooters where you can feel yourself getting better between runs, barring terrible RNG luck of course. (But fighting against the odds is cool too.)

    FTL is just a very “tight” experience. I’m sure other games have perhaps improved on its principles but it’s focused and knows exactly what it wants to be.

  • I get what you mean. When updating Linux mint, the “This needs to get some additional packages too” window, relatively benign, has a big scary ⚠️/ /!\ on it.

    Felt the need to explain to the person I was installing it for. “That’s totally normal, just look it over first and continue.”

    …like, it’s gonna do that almost every time it updates, it doesn’t need to look scary. :|

  • Right after my morning stimulants if I browse comment-centric stuff (like I’m doing right now oh no)…I have to be super careful I don’t suddenly produce an 8 paragraph comment outlining my points of view on the topic and then backing up each point against hypothetical but inevitable challenges to said point of view.

    Sometimes this is in private messages to my long-suffering friends, sometimes it’s Lemmy…

    Wish I could just bang out a novel instead but I feel like gradeschool programmed me for “persuasive essays” vs. creative writing at like a 5:1 ratio. :( :(

    (Stopping here before I do it again ahhh!)

  • Nexus mods is working on a Linux client which is really exciting! Also Steam Workshop works on Linux. This covers a ton of use cases.

    Not saying everything is 100% perfection, but it’s easier than ever to switch, and only getting easier.

    I imagine “Windows locked mods” would probably also benefit from just disconnecting the internet and keeping it set up just the way one likes it, since MS is gonna drop Win10 soon.

    That’s the case with WMR VR headsets. Sadly don’t see those getting cracked to work on Linux any time soon. :(