Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • SituationCake@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Not long ago I was talking to someone who mentioned going on holiday in October and I said I guess you’ll have to vote early. And they said they had no idea referendum was happening, and what’s it about? Ok odd, but I explained it. And then tonight on tv I see other people being interviewed who also had no idea. The thing that I now wonder though, is how can someone be so totally isolated from any and all tv, radio, social media, discussions etc, that they literally have not heard a thing? I felt oddly philosophical, how does a person live such a life? Spending your time on earth having no idea of the events that happen while you are alive. Philosophical musing over.

    Update: thankyou for your insights! Re-reading my comment, I hope it does not sound critical, it was not my intent, just wondering what the circumstances were, because in my lifestyle I get a lot of exposure to all kinds of current affairs.

    • bull⚡@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Hello you’ve just described me. I don’t consume any television (only streaming and downloads), read any newspapers or news websites, listen to any radio (only Spotify), only use Lemmy, Reddit and Facebook Messenger and I don’t really talk to anyone about what’s in the news.

      I also don’t get that sort of mail because my official address is my parents place not my apartment and I haven’t been on the electoral roll since 2017 when I planned to leave the country to live but came back but never re-added myself.

      In saying that, I’ve vaguely heard about what this vote is about. I didn’t actually know it was going to be a proper public vote or when it’ll be until the last few days. I don’t know much about the details.

      Google headlines on my phone and Reddit give me just about everything I hear about, and neither has had much about this on it.

      I just don’t want to be a part of the mass media’s rage and anxiety machine so I opt out. People more engaged than I am can worry about the things we can’t change and if it’s important enough to my life I’ll hear about it. I’m not saying it’s the best or most noble way to live but it’s what I choose.

    • Force_majeure122@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      For some people it’s a choice, it helps them live a more contented life, more in the moment. I find that to be quite a noble and admirable trait

    • Bacon@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Huh even if they don’t watch anything, there is an official referendum pamphlet in every mail box. Or do they not check that either.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I think what might’ve happened there is their eyes have seen the posters and their ears have heard the ads, but none of it has registered - in such an over-saturated media environment and overstimulating world, their tired/wired brains are probably filtering out anything that is too complicated or doesn’t instantly hook up to their dopamine circuits. Anything with a whiff of an official political campaign to it gets cut off.

      I say this sounding all condescending, but I think it happens to most of us at some point in our lives… I’ve definitely lost track of big events when my battery has been very low and if something isn’t about to happen RIGHT NOW it isn’t important and I forget about it.