For some context I really want to loose weight and get rid of some pre hrt male fat I still have, I currently only eat one meal a day but from my thinking since they all seem to have some level of surgar I’m actually gaining weight even though I’ve only eating once that day. I’m not really sure but I know exercise will help and gym membership seems semi cheap.

    1 year ago

    One thing to keep in mind is to not under-eat, but instead eat better. Salad wraps with a protein are kind of a go to for me as I can get a bunch of greens in with minimal bread and use a fish protein. Raw foods ftw as well. Eating more often rather than all at once is also a good as it keeps your metabolism going for longer.

    Avoid skipping meals. If you eat too little your body will assume food has become scarce and it’ll store away as much as possible as fat to use later, kind of defeating the purpose of your exercising.

    Beans and mushrooms are also good sources of protein. Quinoa > rice. Finding good healthy recipes is also a must. There’s a ton of delicious recipes that you can do. Naturally fermented foods are also great in moderation (high salt content). In general, if it’s cooked the food is easier for your body to use and the calories are more accessible which is why I’m recommending raw veggies and such.

    Also, you can make your own granola really easily by tossing oats, pecans, pumpkin seeds and some honey in a bowl with some oil and oven roasting it for a few minutes. Find a recipe and enjoy it with unsweetened whole milk Greek yogurt and some fresh fruit. Overnight oats with chia seeds are also easy to get going with the same idea of adding fruit.

    Hope this is helpful!