I’ve definitely turned into the paranoid nutcase within my friend group in recent years, I hate that everything is “smart” nowadays requiring an app/internet connection & account, just to do basic things that didn’t require any of that before.

What’s some things currently making you ramble like an old man?

  • raubarno@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Growth of lynch law and political statements, primarily based on religious/moral motives.

    In my opinion, you have to do anything as long as you’re not hurting the freedom of other people.

    But no, taboos exist for some reason. In my country, LGBT is a taboo, even though they’re not hurting anybody. Moe/loli are also taboo for some reason, even though they’re not harming anyone, in contrast to gore which gets its place on most movies. Alcohol & weed is a different beast, I guess, it causes a hard-addiction and damages people’s minds. We’re getting sensitive about small things and get completely ignorant about what is really killing people and nature painfully, like social inequality/injustice, lack of education, healthcare, etc.

    Alienation is also a problem, it’s been here since the 19th century, just that now it gets a boost ‘If you’re not on social media, then you don’t exist’. Every public event is a public relations event now as well. It’s damn important to get a checkbox that we attended a f…ing meeting. Attendance and formal presence becomes more important than social interaction, knowledge and problem solving.

    EDIT: I’d like to clarify that sexual abuse of people under the age of consent or sexual abuse of adults who didn’t explicitly consent in any means equals to torture, which is against the other’s person’s will and it breaks the freedom of abused person and it shall be forbidden. Note that people under the age of consent cannot consent because they are not responsible for themselves and cannot make such choice. My point is that moe (including loli and shota, which can look disturbing) are stigmatized and did not deserve an attribution to obscenity or sexual abuse material. This stigma shall be broken.