E.g. abortion rights, anti-LGBTQ, contempt for atheism, Christian nationalism, etc.

  • NataliePortland@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    Some users have come to this thread to answer this question honesty and openly. Without cussing or name calling or anything.

    I think it’s shameful for people to be downvoting them. Downvote something for being off topic, or for being violent or hateful that’s fine. But for having an opinion that’s different from yours in a thread specifically asking for that?

    There are always going to be people who you disagree with. On every topic.That kind of behavior will only push people away.

    • GiddyGap@lemm.eeOP
      10 months ago

      I agree.

      I asked this question because I really want to try to understand people who are different than me and hold other opinions than me. Broaden my horizon. Maybe help people question their own reasonings.

      So, I asked a question on a topic I don’t understand. I hope people will answer honestly and that people who disagree will avoid persecuting that honesty.

      We all need to find common ground somewhere.

      • NataliePortland@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        Good for you that’s a great attitude to have. Having honest and open conversation in good faith is so valuable and healthy. Keep it up and don’t let those types get you down.

        I totally agree about the common ground. Understanding has to occur on both sides. You must be willing to listen before you expect anyone else to.

    • Fal@yiffit.net
      10 months ago

      Get over it. If people post unpopular things, they’re going to get downvotes. Even if answering an explicit question

  • Trantarius@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    I used to consider myself republican, and I think I’m still closer to republican than democrat. I prefer small government, which is at least sometimes a republican ideal. I am also against identity politics of any kind, so I am against affirmative action. I am in favor of gun rights, with regulations that allow for appropriate tracking of who has guns where, how they are stored, how they are transported etc. However, regulations that prevent particular people from owning guns or ban any particular weapons should be very conservative. Even felons should regain gun rights after an appropriate period of time. Only ridiculously dangerous weapons, like nukes, should be outright banned. Stuff like full auto weapons should be legal, but restricted to only be stored at a gun range or something. As far as LGBT goes, I don’t think the government should have anything to do with them. Let them do what they want, let people react how they want (as long as it isn’t violent of course, which is already illegal under other laws). I’ve never been really sure about abortion. My gut reaction is to just let people do what they want, but I struggle to logically justify it as anything but murder. Not to mention the impracticality of banning it.

    I wouldn’t really call myself a republican anymore though. This is largely because of the religious aspects. I don’t know if republicans have actually become more authoritarian or if my perception has just changed, but either way they don’t seem to prioritize the same things as me anymore. Things like right to repair, net neutrality, and E2EE are important to me, but they don’t align with that at all. The party also keeps embracing identity politics, just with different identities than their opposition. Religion should be a non-factor from a governmental perspective. It doesn’t need any special protections, just to be ignored.

    If I had to call myself something, I guess I would be a ‘libertarian socialist’, however much of an oxymoron that seems to be. For instance, I like the idea of UBI, largely because it would allow almost all welfare/social programs to be eliminated (including social security). Doing so would reduce government control, because they no longer have an ability to tweak who gets what, since everyone gets the same amount.

  • Throwaway@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    They happen to align with my values. I was raised Christian, and I only became agnostic in college, so that probably plays into it.

    For example, abortion, I think murder is abohherent, baby murder especially so. I don’t know when the right to life begins, so I err on the side of caution, at the earliest point, at conception.

    Im not anti-lgbtq.

    I dont hold contempt for atheism, I dont like /r/atheism

    Christian nationalism is weird one because no one seems to know what that actually means. And hell, freedom of religion is one of the most important rights, right next to free speech.

    I hope that helps.

    • enki@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Banning abortion doesn’t stop abortion, it just shifts it to a black market where women are far more likely to die.

      What does demonstrably reduce abortion to effectively insignificant levels is better sex education and easy access to contraceptives.

      Prohibition has never worked. Education always has.

      • Throwaway@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Let’s replace some words. I think that abortion is murder. So it becomes:

        “Banning murder doesn’t stop murder”

        Do you see the point I’m trying to make?

        • enki@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          You can equate the two, but they’re not functionally the same in reality. There is statistical evidence that banning abortion does not work and in fact has the opposite effect, so swapping the words makes no sense. A better comparison would be Prohibition in the US in the 1920s - banning alcohol didn’t stop the production or use of it, it just made it exceedingly dangerous, lots of people got sick, went blind, and died from homemade liquor that contained too much methanol.

          If you truly care about the life of the child at conception and after its birth, you’d choose the option where there is never an unwanted or accidental pregnancy. Most unwanted pregnancies result in children suffering abuse, entering the foster system, and eventually aging out without ever having a permanent or stable family. Many of these kids live a life where they’ve NEVER been loved.

          There are nearly 400,000 children in the foster system in the US right now and the number grows every day. There’s no one to adopt these babies. Forcing women to have children does not work. No child should ever be unwanted, every child deserves loving parents. This is the world that abortion bans create.

          Nobody is pro-abortion. Nobody likes or wants women to have abortions, especially the women getting the procedure…it is NOT pleasant. Pro-choice supporters would be thrilled if there’s never another abortion again, as long there were no unwanted pregnancies.

          The best, statistically proven method to prevent abortions is education and easy access to contraception. Full stop.

          • Aa!@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            The point behind this is that your argument boils down to essentially “people still break laws, so why have laws?” That is a poor argument that isn’t going to convince anybody who believes that abortion is murder. Particularly if you are saying that the “murderers” in this case are just putting themselves at risk.

            I say this as someone who agrees with you, that the best way reduce the number of abortions is to provide better sex education and access to birth control.

            My mother has been an anti abortion activist for as long as I can remember, so I’m familiar with the thought process.

            • enki@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              We have laws that regulate abortion, alcohol, etc already. I said nothing about “why have laws?” in any part of my argument. I said banning abortion will not reduce abortions, much less stop them. That statement is a proven fact.

              You and others seem to be applying my belief that abortion should not be illegal to all other laws, which is not the case. That is my opinion on a singular issue. I never stated nor implied other laws shouldn’t exist.

              • Aa!@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                You’re still missing the point.

                When a person sees abortion as murder, the view of abortion laws is the same as those of murder. If you say “making murder illegal doesn’t reduce the number of murders” anyone with any sort of a moral center will say “I don’t care, murder should still be illegal.” And that’s the perspective will not be changed no matter what the murder rates are. That’s how the argument gets reduced to “Why have laws?” To them, it’s basically saying “It doesn’t help enough, so why even draw that line at all?”

                That said, let’s look at your proven fact for a moment. I don’t believe the data will help, because when you narrow the focus to the US, and look at reaction to legal changes, you see a very clear drastic rise in abortions in the 70’s, which didn’t begin to fall until the 90’s, and it fell at a much slower rate, and is still higher than it was in the 70s. ( source )

                Which makes logical sense, if you increase access to the service, of course more people will be able to use it. At the same time, since Roe vs. Wade was repealed, there have already been multiple news stories showing that the strict abortion laws did prevent some (often medically necessary life-saving) abortions.

                You may say these numbers aren’t statistically significant, but to a person who sees abortion as murder, preventing even one is better than not preventing it.

                Anyway, all of this misses the major point of the abortion rights side to begin with. Which is that sometimes abortions are medically necessary and that should be between you and your doctor to decide when that is.

                I want to say that the most effective argument is to show just how drastically the abortion rates fell in the areas where they increased access to birth control and sex education. However, when I showed my mother, she responded with a Youtube video that tells me how Planned Parenthood eats babies.

                • enki@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  You’re missing the point. If you conflate abortion and murder, you’re either being willfully ignorant or exceedingly simple. Just because some people equate two things, doesn’t make them the same in reality. Whether you like it or not they are different, and applying the same standards to them makes no sense.

                  Your argument is like saying “Advil and heroin are both pain relieving drugs, so the law should apply equally.” They are not the same, and we should not treat them the same, even if some people mistakenly equate them.

        • Eldritch@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Aborting a non viable pregnancy isn’t and never will be murder. In fact, stopping women with non-viable pregnancies from getting an abortion often can be murder itself. Therefore abortion != murder

        • Ataraxia@sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          More like banning any medical procedures during pregnancy will force people to get then somewhere else. Also killing someone who is using our body without your consent is self defense.

        • money_loo@1337lemmy.com
          10 months ago

          I see you lack basic understanding in science and human development, and it’s unfortunately infected your opinions, feelings, and thoughts on the matter to the point you’re too far gone down the rabbit hole to ever come back to reality.

          Good luck down there!

      • FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today
        10 months ago

        Banning abortion doesn’t stop abortion, it just shifts it to a black market where women are far more likely to die.

        Perhaps, but it will likely at least severely reduce it. It’s certainly not appropriate to assume that every woman who would have had an abortion when it’s safe and legal would also do so when it’s dangerous and illegal. More likely, it would lead to a rise in babies given up for adoption.

        • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyz
          10 months ago

          There is historical precedent that your assumptions are not the case. Assumptions are deadly if you use them to ignore the world around you.

          And it’s not like there are great systems in place to support babies given up for adoption, even if that was what happened.

          • FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today
            10 months ago

            So you’re saying it’s better to perfectly kill babies than to imperfectly give them up for adoption?

            There is historical precedent that your assumptions are not the case.

            Yeah, I’m going to need a source on that.

            • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyz
              10 months ago

              No, I don’t see fetuses as babies, I feel no moral stress whatsoever in supporting abortion rights. But that is a different point. You were casually claiming adoption as a solution even though it requires thousands of times more effort from a society that currently refuses to provide that effort.

              And this is an internet comment, not a research paper, google it. There is so much data on this shit, I’m not gunna spoon feed it to a stranger just because I point out something they said is BS.

            • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyz
              10 months ago

              You know what I changed my mind. I’ll do a little research paper for you, but only if you do it first, defending your claim that the most likely result of an abortion ban is (mostly) an increase in adoptions.

              I prefer sources to be papers, but I’ll accept anything that cites it’s data well.

              • FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today
                10 months ago

                I honestly wouldn’t know where to start looking for data on that. But I didn’t make the claim that this was definitely going to happen, just that it was the likely outcome, based on the common sense assumption that if abortion access wasn’t easy, safe, and anonymous, and involved a significant risk of injury or death for the mother, more women would likely find it less risky to carry their pregnancy to term and give up the baby for adoption if they haven’t changed their mind on it by then.

                Also, they may simply choose to use birth control more often, and/or insist on their partners wearing a condom.

                From my point of view, I find the claim that making abortion illegal would not prevent even a single one from occurring far more incredulous and therefore requiring a higher level of proof.

                • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyz
                  10 months ago

                  Alright I’m gunna take this point by point because broadly I understand what you are trying to get at but you have a few details that bother me and I feel derail the whole thing.

                  But I didn’t make the claim that this was definitely going to happen, just that it was the likely outcome

                  Me neither, I was talking about historical precedent, not some hard and fast rule of the universe.

                  based on the common sense assumption that if abortion access wasn’t easy, safe, and anonymous, and involved a significant risk of injury or death for the mother, more women would likely find it less risky to carry their pregnancy to term and give up the baby for adoption

                  First of all, with the “death or injury” part of this, I don’t see why this is preferable. Seems like threatening their lives and happiness in the interest of forcing births. But also, this assumes there aren’t other ways this can shake out in the end, and child abuse, abandonment and childhood homelessness, and human trafficking are all part of this topic and all things that increase when abortion is illegal. Your common sense assumption is based on a situationally perfect example, and it doesn’t make sense when applied to real world experiences.

                  if they haven’t changed their mind on it by then.

                  This is just a piece of that bullshit take that argues women will learn to love their future babies if they are just forced to carry them long enough that abortions are more difficult and less legally accessable. Nah

                  From my point of view, I find the claim that making abortion illegal would not prevent even a single one from occurring far more incredulous and therefore requiring a higher level of proof.

                  Good thing I wasn’t claiming that then. I’m saying the amount prevented would be negligible, not magically impossibly zero. It would likely be a small amount, and utterly overshadowed by the negative effects of banning abortions.

                  I honestly wouldn’t know where to start looking for data on that.

                  Generally any search engine is a good start, although you can go to google scholar if you want more academic and dense results. Then, just look for what experts/doctors are saying. Try to stick to groups that verify each other and are verified by outside groups, individual experts are fallible on who knows what, so trust the experts that other experts seem to trust. Generally unless you want to be a researcher yourself, these are the most trustworthy and direct sources for data and such you can possibly get.

        • Ataraxia@sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          I would rather die than be pregnant. Nobody wants their body hijacked and raped for 9 months. That’s something you only do if you consent to it. Otherwise you might as well waterboard someone for 9 months they’d much prefer it.

    • Fal@yiffit.net
      10 months ago

      think murder is abohherent, baby murder especially so. I don’t know when the right to life begins, so I err on the side of caution

      Why stop there? You have no idea, right? So why do you masturbate or use condoms? You’re killing millions of potential babies!

      If you don’t know, you should err on the side of caution for the rights of the people who you do know are real.

      Or maybe you should just stay out of it, because as you say, you don’t know. Leave it to the scientists and doctors who DO know and who almost universally support abortion access.

      • FrenLivesMatter@lemmy.today
        10 months ago

        Why stop there? You have no idea, right? So why do you masturbate or use condoms? You’re killing millions of potential babies!

        Not the guy you’re responding to, but you have a point. Coincidentally, most religions are also against both, so at least you can’t accuse them of being inconsistent on the issue of reproduction.

    • Alto@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Honest question. How do you reconcile your claim about not being anti-lgbt when the GOP is very vocally and openly pushing anti-lgbt messaging and legislation.

      • NataliePortland@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        You know I voted for Hillary and Biden even though both trashed the idea of Medicare For All. That’s a huge issue for me, but you don’t really get to pick your politicians. You only pick the lesser of two evils. Republicans don’t like Dems. They might not love Trump or even Ted Cruz but for some people that’s their lesser of two evils. So I can’t speak for this other commenter but I can understand why you might vote for someone who doesn’t share your values

        • Alto@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          And for plenty of policy points that’s not an issue. When we’re on the topic of basic human rights, I’m not entirely sure how you* can handwave those abuses away because you want lower taxes.

          * generic you

            • Alto@kbin.social
              10 months ago

              If there’s an answer that isn’t basically “well they’re not on my priority list so they can get fucked”, I’d love to hear it. We’re not talking about some relatively benign issue like zoning laws or whether or not we should introduce a new sales tax to fund the park system. Sitting by complacently is actively tacitly supporting the policies trying to further these abuses, and it’s not some trivial issue that doesn’t matter.

              • Praise Idleness@sh.itjust.works
                10 months ago

                People can have different opinions to what is important and what is not. If someone try to censor every online forum in order to protect people from cyber crimes and financially support North Korean government even though time and time it has been proven that it doesn’t go well, fuck up all the housing crisis even more, but is the only candidate who (remotely) supports LGBTQ, I’m not voting them, which is exactly the case in my country.

                There are other important aspects of people’s lives and you can’t just go around and say your priorities are wrong. You can however argue about the reasoning that led to said priorities and initial opinion, which is exactly what people are talking to you.

              • Throwaway@lemm.ee
                10 months ago

                The right is pro-2a. The left is not.

                The lgbtq should arm themselves, before anything else.

                The gop is unintionally better for lgbtq than the dnc.

                • Alto@kbin.social
                  10 months ago

                  The left is not

                  Neo-libs may not be, but there are plenty of us who are adamant that the workers shall not be disarmed.

                  Ignoring that…

                  The gop is unintionally better for lgbtq than the dnc

                  Only one is actively imposing legislation that oppresses the lgptq community. If you honestly believe that, I beg you to take an actual hard, honest look at the legislation the GOP has passed in the last 6 years. You’ll find that’s just simply not true. Lying to others is one thing, but don’t lie to yourself.

                  Are there individuals within the GOP who don’t support those things? Perhaps, but they’re clearly at least not opposed to them. Unfortunately the “old guard” have decided they’d rather let the complete and utter batshit insane corner of the party drive the platform. It’s time to realize that.

      • Throwaway@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        I look at the actions. The GOP is (more than the DNC at least) pro-2a and pro-free speech. When you have those two, the rest follow naturally.

        Yes, I believe the GOP is unintentionally better for lgbtq people and their rights than the DNC.

        • Alto@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          the rest follow naturally.

          You must have a much higher tolerance for glacial paced change than I do.

          As someone who is aggressively pro-2a (although almost certainly for different reasons than you), I might have been able to legitimately see your point 10 years ago when the GOP was less actively hostile to the very existence of gay people. Unfortunately we don’t live in 2013 anymore.

    • Stoneykins [any]@mander.xyz
      10 months ago

      I’m on team “glad you responded” but I still wanna respond to 2 things you said.

      First, a lot of anti-abortion people want the abortion conversation to end at “this is murder”, but how do you address the bodily autonomy argument? Even if I accept any and all abortions as the full death of a complete person, why are women compelled to donate their bodies to save another person? I don’t support forced organ donations to save lives, and by that logic I also do not support forced pregnancies. Any opinion on that perspective?

      Christian nationalism isn’t complicated in what it is, it is just the desire/push/beliefs from the people that want a nation with an explicitly christian government, a christian theocracy. If it completely took over everything, freedom of religion would be dead, everything would be christian. To try and rephrase it bluntly, Christian nationalism is the desire for and work towards a Christian nation. Some people take it seriously, some people don’t, some people outright support it, others deny it even is a real concept.

      Edit to add: if you aren’t anti-lgbtq, will you call your representatives that you vote for and emphatically tell them so? The difference in opinions between conservatives and their politicians about lgbtq is something I hear from most conservatives I’ve talked to, but it makes me sad to see they don’t really care beyond saying “I’m not anti-lgbtq”. If you vote for an anti-lgbtq politician because of other policies they support, please at least tell them you don’t agree with their anti-lgbtq stance. It is literally the least amount of help I can think of to ask for.

      • blackstampede@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I’m anti abortion once the fetus is viable. Prior to that point, a woman is refusing to let someone else use her body to survive, and while there are personal moral questions there, I think she should have the right to make that call. After that point, she’s attempting to kill someone else to avoid the suffering that a birth would entail.

        I still support her right to rid herself of an unwelcome guest, I just don’t support abortion as the method.

        I’m aware that late term abortions are so vanishingly rare that this is a pointless hair-splitting exercise, but I like to have a consistent moral system as much as I can, whether it’s currently relevant or not, and I thought someone might appreciate my .02.

      • Throwaway@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        In my mind, so long as lgbtq people have both free speech and the right to bear arms, the rest of their rights will come. See: The marches and protests that lead to gay marriage. Those two rights come before everything else, and support everything else.

    • Ataraxia@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      Being a fetus doesn’t excuse a foreign body’s presence inside of mine. I do not intend to be pregnant and if my partner’s sperm invades my body when I do not want it I will take every step to eliminate it or the process that follows it. A fetus isn’t important. If anything forcing someone to exist is the utmost violation of bodily autonomy. As they say, just because something is natural doesn’t make it good.

    • Skavau@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Unfortunately, many Republican elected representatives are, to varying degrees, anti-LGBT and do support Christian encroachment into non-religious people’s lives.

    • centof@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Kudos for sharing. Feel free to ignore those who challenge your values. It takes a bunches of mental energy to argue and it isn’t necessarily worth it to argue.

      With that said, I will still would like to ask you a question, if you are up for it.

      How did you form your values?

      I only ask because it is easy, when you are raised as Christian, to uncritically accept the teaching, values, and views of those around you as your own.

      As kids we are conditioned through school, parents, and in general just information asymmetry to accept what adults say as fact and not question it. It is easy to carry that same tendency over into our values and viewpoints. Kids and adults have a hard time separating fact from opinion. We tend to treat widely held beliefs as fact instead of as the opinions they actually are.

      • Throwaway@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Well, abortion is basically a modified pascal’s wager. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal’s_wager

        Pro guns, all sorts of historical precedent, from the US in Iraq, to Roof Koreans, to the French Resistance, to Australia. (This is honestly my strongest belief, guns and free speech)

        Free speech, how can you speak up if you can’t speak?

        • centof@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          I understand your justification for your beliefs and even share some of your moral beliefs. It seems to me like you didn’t really answer in the way I meant to communicate it. I’ll try to rephrase my original question to what I mean clearer. What causes you to rank your own values in the way you do?

          Why do you think access to guns is more important than your beliefs on abortion? Or why are they more important than not getting overcharged on everything from housing to education to healthcare?

          • Throwaway@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            TLDR: Without guns and speech, you have no rights, and I have historical evidence to back me up. But also they’re pre-crime laws.

            Simply put, the right to bear arms protects every other right. But before you grab the ammo box, you supposed to actually say something. Protest, make yourself heard. Free speech and guns go hand in hand in my mind.

            For guns specifically, guns protect rights I can point to any number of historical precedents. Even in America, gun control basically started as a way to disarm black people, and it’s still trying to keep poor people from arming themselves, and look how minorities are treated. In Nazi Germany, one of the first things they did was disarm the Jewish people. On a lighter note, Australia disarmed, and now they banned hentai. You can’t make this shit up

            Guns are powerful tools, poverty stricken farmers in the middle east held off the most powerful military in the world for decades, whether or not you agree with them. The IRA successfully kept most of Ireland independent from the UK with guns. The French Resistance wouldn’t have been able to do anything without guns. Hell, the Roof Koreans wouldn’t have saved their stores without guns.

            I can come up with more, but I think you get the point.

            It’s a similar situation with free speech. Tons of historical precedents. Martin Luther King marching for example. (I came up with a ton of examples, but I realized just how long it was)

            In any case, gun control and hate speech laws are pre-crime laws. What’s the actual issue? Murder, assault, robbery, that sort of thing. Simply owning and saying shit isn’t hurting anyone by itself. Murder should be against the law, not having a gun and not outing yourself as a bigot. It’s pre-crime, not actual crime.

            • money_loo@1337lemmy.com
              10 months ago

              The comics are now regarded as “illegal pornography,” following fears of child porn being brought into the country.

              How the fuck did you go from “they banned guns” to “so what’s stopping them from banning child porn, when they take your guns away!”

              Holy shit you’re a sick dude.

              • Throwaway@lemm.ee
                10 months ago

                They didn’t ban child porn, that was already banned. What they banned was all hentai. It’s ridiculous.

    • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
      10 months ago

      Christian nationalism is just the merging of Christian and American identity. “America is a Christian nation”. You hear similar often from pandering and or deranged Republicans

  • ChefTyler1980@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I can only speak for my friends who fit your criteria: they’re single issue voters (like many Americans) and they’re afraid the Dems are coming for their guns.

    • mnemonicmonkeys@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      They are basically just democrats except they like guns.

      Tbf, there’s liberals like that too, myself included. There’s a joke going around that “once you are far enough left you get your guns back”.

  • Praise Idleness@sh.itjust.works
    10 months ago

    Friendly reminder that the right wing party in my country is a bit far from being religious, mostly because more than 60% of the population (and honestly, more than 80% based on my speculation) is atheist. Anti-lgbtq being dominant here is definitely not because of religious reasons but the general conservative sentiments we had for so long. Abortion is frowned upon, but no one actually believes that it should be downright criminalized except for some religion nuts.

    Protestantism is pretty much hated by general public since we had some issues with some religion nuts making people’s life miserable.

    • Devi@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Right wing in my country is also non religious, religion in politics is really frowned upon, to the point that one of our former PMs ‘came out’ as a Catholic after he left. Everyone is pretty pro LGB… less so on the T though, our conservatives are very anti-trans, our left party less so. I think our only anti abortionists are on the right? It’s a rare viewpoint to say out loud though.

  • sorghum@sh.itjust.works
    10 months ago

    Not really what your criteria is being that I’m a pro life libertarian as far as ideals I align with most on what you’re looking for.

    Even though I am religious, my argument against abortion is firstly a scientific one then on moral principal second. On the science side it’s a human from the moment of conception. On the moral side it’s that I believe all humans deserve human rights no matter at what stage of development there are. Just as soon as you make exceptions to kill for one type or subset of humankind you open the door to others. Usually this is done by labeling a certain group as not human to justify oppression of said group. Terms usually used to justify acts of violence against other humans are property, subhuman, animals, savages, clump of cells, parasite, etc. Usually for libertarians it boils down to having a code called the non-aggression principal which is essentially don’t fuck with other people. This is also why I’m anti capital punishment.

    I hope that helps. Also, good luck at your family get togethers, lol. It feels like you’re looking for ammunition for debates.

    • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
      10 months ago

      On the science side it’s a human from the moment of conception.

      Citation needed

      This basically underpins the whole thing and is pretty hand waved away

      • peto (he/him)@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Personally I think the whole ‘life/humanity begins at conception’ thing is a smoke screen. Life began a long, long time ago, and the cell line you belong to became human deep in prehistory.

        The actual question is “does the state have the right to use one person’s living body to support the life of another?” It applies to organ transplants as much as it applies to the unborn.

        • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
          10 months ago

          I’m not seeing how this in anyway even really touches on this issue at hand. A paper on human development to show that “science says” we have a “human” at the moment of conception?

          At the end of the day this is going to just be about what your definition of a “human” is rather than anything “science” has to say.

          • sorghum@sh.itjust.works
            10 months ago

            This one goes to the embryo


            But at far as from conception goes, it has DNA distinct from both parents and starts developing until stopped. Even if not developed to whatever your standard is, it’s like a picture developed from film. The picture (or in this case, the human) is still there, it just needs to be developed.

            I see justifying violence on certain humans as opening the door for society to justify violence on other humans. We look back on times when slavery or genocide was condoned and abhor that time and the humans that gave their approval to it. I truly believe that will be the way humanity will see society as it is now when medical technology advances enough to not need a human womb to develop a human to birth. That in and of itself begs the question, when a human is viable outside of the womb from no matter what stage of development, does that change how you view its rights from the earliest stages of its life?

            • electric_nan@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              Imagine the 'Trolley Problem" where there is a toddler on one track, and on the other track there is a cooler containing 100 in-vitro embryos. Which would you save, and why?

            • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
              10 months ago

              It wouldn’t because I have criteria, most specifically the ability to suffer, that underpins how I feel about abortion. This is independent of wombs or even DNA potentially.

              I mean, I understand not wanting to allow violence on humans. But this still tied back to the definition of human. And, for me, if we take it back to ability to suffer, it makes a direct case for the way I feel about any entity’s (human or non human) rights

            • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
              10 months ago

              As far as I can tell you see abortion as an “exception” that allows killing of a specific type of human.

              While I am not really concerned with humanness. But of the underlying phenomenon that make protecting humans something we should want to do.

              If you think about why we want to protect humans and tie to to consciousness and ability to suffer. There’s no exception and we can use our knowledge of human fetus development to inform abortion policy to prevent abortions that would infringe on those conditions.

    • admiralteal@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Not that you’re asking for an argument, but I do want you to know why I, and many like me, find this whole life-from-conception argument totally ethically unpersuasive. And it’s not the usual nonsense of “it’s just cells” because, as you well know, that’s an unimpressive and pointless debate. Whether a fetus is a human or not is fundamentally subjective. And so I’ll grant that it is, because I have total confidence in my pro-choice position even then.

      The issue with the pro-life position is not that it asserts that abortion is bad. Frankly, I don’t give a crap if you or anyone else thinks it is bad. Again, that is subjective. A personal preference. The issue with the pro-life position is that it always seems to assert that abortion must be banned and even criminalized. That’s what pro-life is. It doesn’t mean “I think abortion is bad”, it means “I think abortion should not be allowed.”

      My position isn’t that abortion is good. Mine is that the pregnant person has a right to choose. I think the moral calculus on when and whether it is good or bad is FAR too complicated to form a rule, and so we must leave it up to the biggest stakeholders to figure that out privately.

      I think a lot of things are bad, but having a preference against something is different than justifying use of the state’s violence to prohibit it.

      A Defense of Abortion by Judith Jarvis Thomson, PDF - 1971. Hardly new, and I doubt you’ve never seen it, but ultimately it is still the line of argument that I do not think has been convincingly rebutted. This essay is still probably the most sound and straightforward work of philosophy that shows that banning abortion is impermissible in an ethical society, and it presumes life from the moment of conception just as you do.

      My extreme summary of the point it is making: at the end of the day, you have two competing human rights. You have the right to autonomy of your own body against another’s right to life. Both are undeniably rights a person has – and highly related ones, at that. When these rights are in tension, we need to make a choice as to which is supreme. And the consequences of giving life supremacy over autonomy are disastrous compared to the consequences of giving autonomy supremacy over life.

      Rather than empower the state to take any and all actions necessary to protect life, we instead must impose a limit on the power of the state – it may not violate someone’s ability to make choices about their own body functions, even if to protect the life of another.

      I’d prefer to be in a world that has no abortions at all. Just as I’d prefer to be in a world without contagious disease. One way to get rid of all contagious disease is to systematically euthanize every sick person at their first sniffle. Problem solved! Such is an abortion ban.

      We get rid of disease by investing in research and healthcare and doing our best to use it maximize efficacy with fair triage, vaccination programs, etc… We get rid of abortion by preventing unwanted pregnancies from the get and by creating a world so supportive and safe for pregnant people that they do not want to terminate it.

    • Lvxferre@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      I won’t mention the rest of the text because I’m not interested enough on the discussion to do so. I’ll focus on a single thing.

      On the science side it’s a human from the moment of conception.

      What should be considered a human being or not is prescriptive in nature, because it involves ethics. Science - i.e. the scientific method - does not give a shit to prescriptive matters; science is descriptive, it’s worried about what happens/doesn’t happen. For science it doesn’t really matter if you call it a human, a tissue, a wug or a colourless green thing sleeping furiously, as long as you’re unambiguously and accurately describing the phenomenon being studied.

      As such, no, science itself doesn’t really tell you “when it becomes a human being”.

      [From another comment, after being asked for source] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33620844/

      The only thing that it “proves” is that the author (not “science”) is referring to foetuses (from nine weeks after conception [not zero] to 16 weeks) as “children”. And it certainly does not back up your claim that [ipsis litteris] “On the science side it’s a human from the moment of conception.”

      And no, “The growth and development are positively influenced by factors, like parental health and genetic composition, even before conception.” does not prove it either, given that the author is solely mentioning conception as a time of reference.

      Sorry to be blunt but the way that you referred to science sounds a lot like “I’m ignorant on science but I want to leech off its prestige for the sake of my argument”. If you don’t want to do this, here’s a better approach:

      • Show how certain actions generate certain outcomes. Science will help you with this.
      • Explicit the moral and ethical premises that you are using, to judge said outcomes as good/bad. Science will not help you with this.

      It’s also a nice way to avoid a fallacy/stupidity called appeal to nature (TL;DR: “[event/thing] is natural, so it’s good lol lmao”), that often plagues discussions about moral matters like abortion.

    • money_loo@1337lemmy.com
      10 months ago

      Even though I am religious, my argument against abortion is firstly a scientific one then on moral principal second. On the science side it’s a human from the moment of conception.

      This is true…literally everyone knows the instant a piece of pollen lands in the flower of an oak tree, a fully formed oak tree is created in that moment. Literally, no other steps between those things even worth defining with their own special words or meanings like book people use to try to sound special(smart).

      That’s why I’m glad we’ve got the REAL science of Jesus and the almighty.

    • centof@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      I like how you call out some terms used to dehumanization. Fetus, baby, and child also fit into that bucket imo.

      So ,to clarify, you want the government to restrict and punish abortion? I thought libertarians were for less government.

      Why should the government have a monopoly on violence and force in this case? Instead shouldn’t the enforcement of moral law like the NAP be up to their peers or free market hired private contractors?

      • sorghum@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        Some libertarians are minarchist meaning as little government as possible, some are anarcho-capitalists. Pro-life minarchists would be fine having punishment of abortion be treated like any other killing of a human. Anarcho-capitalists would rather not have government have a monopoly on violence.

        If the NAP could be easily dismissed by just reclassifying who is and isn’t a human, then yes some form of law setting clarifying what a human is would be necessary. You bring up THE most interesting debate though in libertarian circles IMHO. Tom Woods did an interview with Gerard Casey about this topic. I highly recommend listening to the interview and giving Casey’s book a read.


    • Praxinoscope@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      So don’t fuck with other people, unless they’re fully grown women making decisions about their own bodies, or underage victims of rape.

    • maegul (he/they)@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      Appreciate the honest and (somewhat) applicable answer!

      I also DO NOT appreciate the downvotes … we really need to get rid of those. Don’t agree, fine, move on or respond civilly. A downvote is a manifestly uncivil action sanctioned by the interface.

      Otherwise … to respond to the abortion argument … where this falls down for me is the complete lack of any mention of the mother or woman in your reasoning.

      Scientifically, this challenges the “humanness” of a foetus in the way it is tightly coupled and dependent on another human to live. Morally, it raises much of your reasoning in relation to not fucking with people once you consider what is effectively done to women by forcing them to carry any foetus to birth which is a massive, very active and obviously risky undertaking.

      Whether these are convincing for you or others, the lack of any weight given for these considerations indicates that the act of birthing is presumed as a duty of all women. A presumption that IMO undermines the completeness of your scientific and moral arguments.

      To take that a little further … should people be legally compelled to secure and save the lives of babies? As it is now, that’s not the case anywhere I know of. Causing harm would be criminal, obviously, but failing to save a baby or anyone else from harm is not.

      In debating the legality of abortion you enter into similar territory. Only by presuming birth as a duty can you think otherwise.

      While aborting a foetus is a positive act, there’s the complication that it’s purpose is to avoid the onus of pregnancy and birth, which can be easily seen as tantamount to “simply not doing the thing that would save the foetus’s like”, ie all the work of pregnancy and birth which is probably all too easily presumed by men (which I’m guessing you are) as a more passive and natural event than an act of effort, toil and cost.

      • wantd2B1ofthestrokes@discuss.tchncs.de
        10 months ago

        The more fundamental issue is tying it to “humanness” at all. And I don’t think dependence on the mother really comes into play in terms of if it deserves protection. There’s really no reason you couldn’t have a concious parasite.

        All of the highlights why it’s important to define what specific qualities we are looking for in determining the degree of rights an entity would have.

      • sorghum@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        Your last paragraph is why I want nothing to do with killing humans just for convenience. Also look at my last comment with wantd. I posed a question about when a human is viable outside of the womb at any stage of development. Would it change how you view its rights?

        Although I don’t agree with expanding government, I do agree with extending rights and protections to humans at all stages of development. I do consider that a different debate though mostly in line with who should pave roads, how police should work, and who should deliver mail (once again libertarian, not authoritarian Republican)

        Also don’t worry about down votes. This topic is highly contentious and both sides generally see it the other side as a direct assault on their beliefs.

        • pezmaker @sh.itjust.works
          10 months ago

          Abortion should be legal until the offspring is 18. “Son, this isn’t working out. Let’s go for a ride.”.