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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Marxism doesn’t call on the state to do that. That’s leninism. Marxism is highly unobjectionable. The problem is how we get there. Marx himself spoke of an evolution over a long period of time in Society to arrive there. However humans desire immediate gratification. And thus that was unsatisfactory for most people. Which is where Engles, Lenin and others enter the picture. Who thought they could jump start communism/marxism using the very thing that kept communism/Marxism from being possible. The state.

  • In my experience the kind of communists who want to shoot all the anarchists …

    You’re confusing Communists with communists. They’re very different. Anarchists tend to be communist. Therefore if communists were shooting anarchists they’d be shooting themselves. Anarchists want a classless stateless society based on Mutual Aid. Which is exactly what actual communist want. Communists on the other hand are a heavily class based society. With an overarching crushing state that commands everything. Destroying and slaughtering any dissent against the Vanguard party and it’s oppression of the proletariat.

    Communists are in no way communist. They are a completely different ideology. Often referred to as ml or Marxist leninist. And Lemmy is rife with them. They would get away imprison or Slaughter any communist or anarchist who spoke out against them or their perceived Revolution

  • Any distro can do this. However the “user friendly” ones would tend to be the worst about it. Wanting to beep boop to get your attention for updates etc. I won’t say which distro I use “by the way”. But with Linux you are the admin. You own the system. You can disable noisy update notifiers or things that would wake the system. I had an HP elite book with garuda on it. I accidentally left it on and “charging” for several days. Thought it was unplugged and off. Didn’t show any signs of life till I dropped something on the KB.

  • As the other poster pointed out. They’re using the term with reference to economic liberalism. What the US was founded upon. What we today generally refer to as capitalism. Economic liberalism is a mouthful. It was generally shortened to liberalism and it’s adherence called liberals. The modern use of the term is a warping of that. Realistically wealthy Democrats and Wealthy Republicans are both liberals. Just not the Liberals you would be referring to with the term liberal. You’re using it as slang they’re using it as a proper noun/term.

  • Realistically they don’t exist. But it messes with their narrative. They need to feel Superior. So they need to feel that the people who disagree with them must worship her or Trump. Because it certainly couldn’t be that they have bad takes. Or thay people have reasonable things to disagree with them on. They know in their own minds that they are absolutely 100% correct. And if you disagree with them. It doesn’t mean that you have anything about to say or a point. It just means to them that you are wrong.

  • In a rational world? Perhaps. But if this were a rational world and that were actually the reason. They would have done it after the Clinton campaign leaked documents. Or 30 times before that. So I highly suspect that isn’t the case. It’s that it’s impacting the people they want to win personally. Therefore it must be censored. And for all the many faults Democrats have. They’re not being hypocritical on this point at least. The Biden campaign was contacted with this information previously but didn’t publish it or run with it. Not like any Republican or specifically Trump officials would have.