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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024

  • Not to mention - this isn’t necessarily the correct place for Windows anyway. That is exactly why they standardized stuff around Vista.

    Plus - what about apps that store an ungodly amount data in there? Personally, I only keep the OS and basic app data (such as configs and cache) on the partition and nothing else.

    Then something like Minecraft comes along and it’s like “humpty dumpty I’m crapping a lumpty” and stores all its data in “.minecraft” right there in your user directory.

    Then you gotta symlink stuff around and it becomes a mess…

  • I have two questions:

    1. Can you set that resolution on the desktop?
    2. Does the game support borderless windowed?

    If the answer to 1. is yes, then it should work in borderless windowed as well.

    If it doesn’t work ingame but only on desktop, then the game either isn’t setting the window parameters correctly (if it’s actually borderless windowed) or it’s actually just exclusive fullscreen.

    Lots of games nowadays don’t even bother naming their modes properly anymore so “Fullscreen” now actually means borderless windowed.

    Also I recommend DXVK. Just try it for giggles, it may magically fix the issues.

    (Also that res isn’t 21:9, that’s even wider, because the closest to 21:9 would be 2560x1080, but that’s a minor nitpick)