• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Pretty sure it’s a reference to a character in the first book of the Interview with a Vampire series. Lestat’s partner struggles with his remaining humanity, and can’t allow a little girl to die in some historical fire in New Orleans, so he turns her. This also gives them both fulfillment in terms of a child to raise, until the child becomes a willful young adult stuck in a prepubescent body.

    Thankfully she’s nobody’s victim, she is a coldhearted little murder machine. On its face it doesn’t read like creepy pedo material, but it is awkward as hell. Probably intentionally so.

  • I think it also has to do with how previous generations established what they considered trustworthy or not.

    Most of the time, the only way to confirm information would be to go to the library and look it up. Most people weren’t taking the time to do that for every little factoid, especially ones that had no direct effect on their lives.

    So if Jim who has a cousin who works in construction said that Mexicans were undercutting the expected pay for construction laborers, picking up all the jobs they could, and out performing their peers… well that’s first hand information from someone who would know (by way of the game of telephone).

    And that doesn’t effect them directly in any way, so it’s not being blasted to the whole world. You may never know they have this belief.

    Now they see Jim on Facebook sharing some article. Well, Jim wouldn’t share it unless he was sure it was true. I mean, his cousin works in construction. Combine that with sensational headlines to maximize clicks and now you go from racist belief that immigrants are industrious to “illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs”!

    Plus, spreading the word can be done in a single click, regardless of relevance to any conversation.

    So you combine the idea of “that person knows what they’re talking about” with sensationalism mills and how damn easy it is to blast your stupid ideas out to the world with the idea that you’e just letting people know, and I think you very easily end up here.

  • Primarily being developed by someone who was most likely a sexist, three years ago, and who is now being dogpiled by people who probably weren’t ever going to use his software anyway.

    If anyone really cared about this, they should just fork the code and start their own inclusive version. Literally steal the asshat’s project out from under him. Instead, everyone is coming out of the woodwork to try and score asinine dunks on the dev’s shitty opinion.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlJust sayin
    6 days ago

    But if you can’t summarize the solution to a complex societal problem with a history to it into a single simple sentence that can be used as a punchy “hot take”, clearly you just don’t want a solution! /s

    Way too many people in the world who are more willing to believe that things suck because everyone’s too stupid to try the “obvious” solution, instead of the fact that most societal issues are icebergs of complication and causes.

  • What? The only thing with any definitiveness in what you linked is that 72% of teachers are using an outdated method for teaching early level reading skills (letter and word recognition).

    As a secondary point, it says that teachers feel their kids can’t read anymore so the teachers have taken to tiktok about it.

    There’s nothing there indicating high levels of illiteracy, or that they’ve been caused by an over use of devices as babysitters, dawg.

    I think you need to brush up on your literacy.

    It sure as hell isn’t a good thing, and it isn’t helping kids read or develop, but this is the same argument that’s as old as fucking time itself where older adults blame new technology for degeneration of the youth. People literally made the same complaint about radio dramas leading the youth astray.

    The core of the issue is that it has become increasingly easy for parents to use technology to avoid properly taking care of their damn kids.

  • Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Dying Light, and Hades. $10 a piece on Steam.

    I put a ton of hours into Bloodstained RotN when it was on gamepass, but never beat it. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a game I end up replaying every few years, so I really enjoyed its spiritual succesor back then (around when it first released), and they’ve only added more content (three new playable characters, a few game modes) to it over time.

    For Dying Light, I love the Dead Rising series, but the moment to moment moving around is nothing to write home about. Dying Light has a focus on movement, and got a lot of good reviews, so I figured I’d give it a try.

    For Hades, I’ve always loved Supergiant Games since their first game, Bastion, and I never picked up Hades because it was never priced low enough when I had money to burn. Now that Hades 2 is in early access, I watched some gameplay of that and the first shot up on my list to buy. I’ve been craving an isometric real time combat game too.

  • Buddy, empathy doesn’t mean “allow someone to continue with plainly disordered thinking because it’s what they know”. I’m not the person you’re upset with, but the first step in getting over any problem is to force yourself to take that first step.

    You’re welcome to hate it, to not want to. It will absolutely be hard, often to the point of feeling actually impossible. It is going to suck, potentially forever.

    But you still need to try if you want any hope of getting out of it. Progress is almost imperceptibly slow, but you will make progress if you keep trying.

    Expecting the planets to align and for yourself to suddenly not have this battle to fight with yourself through no action of your own is like expecting to win the lottery when you haven’t even bought a ticket.

    This is the difference between telling someone what they want to hear so they don’t feel worse in the moment, and pointing them towards a solution that might lead to betterness longer term.

    I am formally diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I was informally diagnosed with an autism spectrum “condition” (not sure the term at the moment) by a retired spectrum diagnostician I lived with for a few months. Don’t try to tell me I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about here. I’ve lived it.

  • Yep, this has absolutely been what I’ve had to do.

    No single one of us is the protagonist in some story where we’ll be the ones to tip the scales in what’s wrong with the world. Do what you can, where you can, and focus on the world around you. What directly effects you and those you care about.

    There is not enough energy in any single person to be able to care about everything, and you’ll just burn yourself out for trying. This is true even in neurotypicals. It’s why people aren’t running around screaming constantly about the shit situations going on. It’s why people don’t seem to care, they can’t possibly care about absolutely everything.

    So you, like them, have to at least try to exert some control over what you spend your time and mental energy on. It’s sure as fuck not easy and it doesn’t help improve shit in the grander world, but spiraling isn’t easy on you either and it also doesn’t help. It just makes you feel worse about everything.

    I know this sounds just like someone telling you to “just focus more”, “just don’t be sad”, “just don’t worry”. But that’s not it. It’s not that simple. Never will be.

    Even though it will likely be astronomically harder for you, you can exert some will and effort against the roiling storm of your own internal state. Anyone saying that it is literally impossible is letting the bad inside them win. Sometimes it is truly too much amd you have to, but you shouldn’t live in that space forever, and you need to remind yourself that it isn’t impossible whenever other people who are in a bad place are letting it win.

    That internal bad is the bad you most need to try and fight, not the bad effecting the whole world.

    The bad inside you may win. It may win most of the time, sometimes you might have to let it win because it’s too mich at the moment, but you need to try to fight it as much as you are able to. You don’t have to win, you just have to keep trying, as much and as often as you can.

    Like if you haven’t eaten in 8 hours, and there’s food in your house, just eat some of it. Doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s appealing (is it ever when you feel like this?), if you don’t think it will help (do you ever think it will before you eat when you feel like this?), if you don’t want to (again, do you ever want to do anything when you’re spiraling like this?) Go shove some fucking slop into your goblin mouth. Something’s better than nothing. Hold onto whatever tiny bits of progress you can grasp by the edge of your fingertips and try to keep moving forward.

    The secret is that you can do this. It sucks. It’s not easy. It may take years and external help. But it is possible. And it has been the most worthwhile thing I’ve ever done in my life to just keep trying.