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Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • To put it in concrete terms, the person that tried to assassinate Trump was, by all accounts, a hard-right conservative.

    We have no idea what that guy’s politics were. Everyone is speculating but we really don’t know.

    . Esp. since there are a lot of people–mostly conservatives–that will say, ‘well, I had to pay for it, so why should someone else get it for free?’

    Prisoners are unique. It keeps them occupied instead of getting themselves in further trouble.

    Here is some irony for you. My girlfriend worked in a state prison for awhile. When it was a private prison, the education options and the food quality were expanded. They did a cost analysis and said that if we treat them like people, we need fewer guards and have fewer infractions of the policies. When they state took it back over, they removed most of the education options and went back to the shit food.

    I am not advocating for private prisons but I did find it interesting they expanded the quality of prison life because it saved money. Maybe the state should think about that.

    a real medical emergency, he would have been absolutely useless. AFAIK, he hasn’t taken a basic ‘stop the bleed’ class, much less a combat lifesaver course

    You don’t know but you assume he would have been useless? In all fairness, Kyle showed extreme self-control and discipline that day. He only engaged targets that were a threat, only hit the targets he was aiming at and was not distracted when they were screaming after being shot. I suspect he would do fine in a medical emergency.

    And yet, here we are, talking about a Republican presser where the target was both a felon and a rapist, and has been found to be such in court. So ima say no, Dems don’t have the lock on felonies or sex crimes.

    The felony charges will be overturned, and Trump was never convicted of rape. He was found liable for rape but not guilty of rape. They know that they couldn’t have gotten a criminal conviction outside of the Mickey Mouse court. The standards of evidence would have never worked in a criminal court. Surprised it worked in a civil court. I suspect that will be overturned in appeals as well.

  • Kyle shouldnt have turned up to a protest with a tool designed to kill people. He intentionally put himself in danger and then justified his shooting by self defense.

    Do you always blame victims? LIke she shouldn’t have wore that skirt? Or she shouldn’t have had that extra drink?

    He had every legal right to be there with his rifle.

    which completely ignores he did not need to be there, and wouldnt have had any reason to “defend” himself if he just stayed home The same could be said for the rioters; had they not tried to kill him, they would be alive today.

    The only person acting legally that evening was Kyle, and somehow you think he is responsible.

  • But given how sharp his turn was to Proud Man-Children, et al. as soon as he was in legal trouble, I have a hard time believing When your fellow lefty tries to murder you, I can see why you would switch pretty quickly.

    I’ve got a buddy that supports criminal justice reform, but balks at college education for convicts because college cost him money, I support college for inmates, even if they are never getting out. Education is a good thing.

    leftist politics would be at the protests supporting businesses Even if a lefty would, you need businesses.

    Why not go and help people that were protesting peacefully by providing support?

    By protecting the property, you are providing support to those peacefully protesting.

    as if he was a corpsman

    I started my career as a combat medic in the Army. We carried rifles. We need a rifle to stop those trying to harm us or the people we are helping. Everyone does not follow the rules of warfare.

    I will say the ironic part is only at a Democrat riot can you shoot three people and hit two child molesters and three felons.