• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Boohoohoo someone on the internet is being mean to me after i called them a liar for not putting the same emphasis on the vocabulary of my choosing and was genuinely disrespectful and rude for the entire conversation.

    Maybe reflect on how you spend the last 24 hours passionately arguing against what is essentially a very generic PSA: “With an open mind, anything is possible.” followed with a healthy dose of “Philosophy is useful in tangent with science” Which honestly i am not inventing the wheel here i was initially just trying to have good vibes.

  • I am not praising them actually, not anymore then i do the scientific method. They were biased humans just like usz But they layed the fundamental groundwork modern science works on. I mentioned them cause there well regarded as foundational in science and plato just resonates with me. i remain just as much a skeptic and of the opinion one need to come to their own conclusions.

    And if you want to label and entire culture on some Mistakes may i point to our much more modern friend columbus?

    For me its not about their results but the style of thinking. Like i said the platonian way of viewing the world aligns with my natural way of experiencing the universe.

    My message is to be of an open and critical mind. To use thoughts in an intentional structural and creative way to uncover new ground. Oh well.

  • How are you the same person.

    On one hand wielding “the scientific method” like its the literal bible that shan’t be questioned and it somehow being relevant to us not having found archeological evidence of ancient agriculture.

    In the same breath you dismiss the entirety of contributions that were brought by the ancient greek as a whole. An entire culture and people with so much rich history?

    I can only conceive your just trying to use the very little personal opinion i gave to diss is. In which case at least diss on plato specifically (or decartis cause i mentioned liking him to)

    Come on, it like your not even trying anymore.

  • Full mask off trolling are we now?

    Or really that pitty about being unable to hold yourself in an argument you just have to trow a tantrum.

    I mean i don’t want to go this low but you didn’t even try reply intelligently so what else am i to describe this

    “Cool. The Ancient Greeks were still wrong about pretty much everything.”

    Print this on something for your philosophy teacher to hang on their wall, they will unironically love it, i am”

  • The way you describe the scientific method it may as well be a magical spell.

    It is a really awesome summary of sensible ideas and a notably agreement of prominent western intellectuals. But to disregard anything before it is a very strong and not at all scientific opinion.

    Imagine trying to tell your math teacher that pythagoras was to stupid to double test their ideas or your doctor that hippocrates was but a religious nutjob.

    Imagine going to a thousand year old building and being utterly blind for the intens mathematical knowledge coded within your surroundings because you don’t believe “quality science” has been invented yet.

    From where do you derive the faith to trust in all the science that is done ever since?

    I don’t trust people since then much more then those from before which is why i vouch personal experimentation, using your own senses and internal logic to come to conclusions. For me those just happen to align largely with platonism. Which has though mechanics that appear just as relevant to quantum mechanics now as it did for psychologically when i first externally heard about them.

  • “One of”

    Oh i provided multiple conclusions?? The plot thickens, how actually intriguing. I am really trying hard to be as obvious and literal as i can and yet people read stuff that not there.

    But no i have not expressed such opinions on the scientific method which i do respect much more then your interpretation of it (nothing personal, I promise)

    I believe every belief i have held has always remained true to its principles (as far as i can be aware) so no this was never a point to be changed.

    It does shed some light on the crux of our debate which is apparently about what is defined as the foundation of science.

    You see the scientific method was summarized in the 17th century. Science is recorded to be much older.

    Personally i found that post education i relate much more to the ancient greek ideas of science. Particularly in using philosophy to expand once thinking but also seeing the mathematics in the world around me.

  • Are you familiar with Jellyfin?


    If you can set up a server of this then its as easy as making the library folder the output folder for yt-dlp


    I didnt even have to write me own script. I gave chatgpt a notepad with channel urls and just told it to write me code to load these urls one by one and download the Last 2 videos. (Trust me you dont want to accidentally download a whole channel). Yt dlp can maintain a log of sort so videos aren’t downloaded more then once.

    I run this script on a schedule and delete the video when i am done with it. Nice and clean. I can also recommend trying to run an invididious instance for general video browsing but mine took some twiddling to setup right.


  • Literally no one is contesting any of this. At the very least i am not.

    But at the same time it also ironically proofs my entire point.

    This conversation wasn’t about the scientific method. It never was. I mentioned “scientific thought” which is a loan term i used specifically to set myself apart from established scientific curriculum.

    Your quoting science with no relevance to what i am saying. Having to conclude you lack the rigor to work with such material. By focusing this narrow you have eliminated the entire value of philosophical tools to be used for creative scientific thought.

    Nothing about sitting in a classroom or scrolling the web is a quantifiable testable an falsifiable theory. Your just relying on the information being true, which isn’t wrong, but doing so blindly isn’t right.

    Go outside, touch grass. Do the science with your own brain and senses. I never told you what to believe only to open your mind a little.

    Stop relying purely on other peoples conclusions yeses and nos and start giving your own conclusions and ideas especially to wilder scientific fiction and you will see talking about science actually becomes fun again.

  • I am not sure how many times i need to repeat i am not taking any stance or saying anyone should believe anything at all. Its getting frustrating why you want to make this into an argument.

    Scientific thought as having the intention to understand , using the 5+ senses to observe the beautiful cosmos around you without judgement or bias. Then coming up with your own intelligent conclusions. You are free to use your senses to observe the conclusions of another intelligent lifeform (a scientist) but to simply copy a conclusion isn’t science.

    The number of things we know is much smaller then the number of things we don’t know. Be open minded for the potential of the universe to amaze, thats all really. Goodbye

  • I swear i am not part of any ideologists group, least of all a science denying group. I am an OG lover of science and especially have a boner for archeology.

    I am not trying to convince you of anything. I am not nor ever will tell people to think a certain way, just warn for limiting what can be conceive by blindly trusting dull old teachings.

    The fact that the nature of my message is still not obvious is proof that the problem i am seeing is a very real one. People trow science around but they don’t actually commit to scientific thought of themselves. In the age of misinformation to lager is more and more essential.