• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • And no, no one really uses this or an ICE truck in a way that would require them to have one. Even people who haul shit in the back would usually do with a more sensible roofed vehicle, but that would be less “cool”.

    Wait, no one has a legitimate use case for a truck? Like transporting building materials and tools? Large furniture and appliances? People who live along an unpaved mountain road, or work somewhere similarly remote, like forestry? Towing fifth-wheel trailers? When it snows here, I’m stuck at home until someone with a truck comes by to plow… They have large dedicated snowplows for the highways and stuff, but for out-of-the-way residential streets, the city contracts private pickup truck owners with their own plows. I’m glad they’re around.

    Like don’t get me wrong-- The majority of truck owners pretty much never do these things, and it’s an extremely wasteful vanity display for them. That’s bad. Most people who buy Cybertrucks will not be doing truck stuff with them. That’s bad too.

    But I think some people have a good reason to own a truck.

  • Opt-in is only meaningful if users can make an informed decision. I think explaining a system like PPA would be a difficult task. And most users complain a lot about these types of interruption.

    In my opinion an easily discoverable opt-out option + blog posts and such were the right decision.

    So you see, because the users can’t meaningfully give informed consent, their consent is therefore uh… [checks notes] not necessary.

    Bullshit. Everyone knows that it’s because if you actually ask someone “do you want to be creepy tracked, less-creepy tracked, or not tracked?” they’ll pick “not” every time.

  • Well… That’s like alot of steps, lol. In UX design, we would call that a violation of the Three Click rule, and obfuscating the expression of user intent.

    Like… Do you gain anything from these launchers? I guess Frosty you opt into because you use it to manage your mods. Maybe launching through that is how your mods get bootstrapped. Kay cool.

    Epic games, you definitely need and want to use for other reasons-- Shopping for games and managing your library-- but is it really benefitting you to open that app so that you can open the app you actually want to use? Maybe you have a reason that you actually like that better, idk, but I’d rather just open the app that I want.

    And then the EA app… What does it offer that makes it worth putting another step between you and your game? Login to the EA account you don’t need? DRM? Ads for other games? The premise of most launchers is that the company has some goals that you don’t share, and they’re willing to add friction to your experience to achieve those.

    Some launchers aren’t so bad. I dunno what EA’s deal is. Speaking of Ubisoft Connect specifically:

    • It’s an online-only service that forces you into having an account to play… It’s not just an extra launcher in front of your game
    • Ubisoft Connect is part of their DRM mechanism
    • It wants admin privileges on your system
    • It leaves processes running in the background when you aren’t using it
    • And more

    Those things aren’t necessarily all bad per se, and you’d certainly tolerate them for some apps… But it’s a big imposition for the company to insist on, IMO, and part of the reason for the launcher hate.

    I didn’t downvote btw, I think you’re entitled to your opinion and maybe you’re fine with the launchers you use… But personally, I just choose not to play Ubisoft games for that reason, even though there are games that I would like to have played.