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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Because we need a primary to vet candidates. The bad shit comes out in the primary. We weed out the people who seemed great on the surface yet ended up having issues. Just ask leading Republican Presidential candidate Rhonda Santis.

    This late in the game there are also a number of non-political things that would go very badly if we switched candidates. It’s too late from an administrative perspective. A replacement candidate can’t create and launch a whole new Presidential campaign in a matter of days.

    Then there’s funding. Biden can’t just give all his campaign funds to some other candidate. People donated that money to Biden’s campaign; there are rules on how that money can be spent.

    These are just a few examples of many issues.

    It would be an absolute mess in ways that most people have not fully considered.

    Then the Republicans would spin the scramble for a new candidate as incompetence of the party as a whole - a rare instance of them making a good point. No way voter confidence increases once all factors have come into play.

  • Why would he not perform his job as well as he has for the past couple years? How does a bad debate performance tell us more about his ability as President than his performance… being the current President?

    People talk about getting rid of Biden as if it wouldn’t be a huge risk to declare a new candidate at this point in the race. This has happened before, and the party that switched candidates lost the presidency.

    And why isn’t anyone calling for Trump to step down? He’s rambled and lost track far worse than Biden has yet we don’t see the same calls for him to leave the race.

    People are talking about Biden’s stamina. Meanwhile he’s done over a dozen appearances since the debate while Trump has done zero.

    This is why we lose. Republican voters show up and vote regardless of what they think about the candidate. There’s a lot at stake here, and Democrats refuse to accept the lesser evil because it’s not a perfect solution.

    We should be talking project 2025 instead of Joe Biden’s brain farts.

  • My understanding of these trophy hunts is that they only allow people to shoot the animals that are no longer contributing to the gene pool.

    They collect a ton of money to support conservation by allowing some rich guy to shoot an old lion or elephant or whatever that would have died soon of natural causes, whether a fight with a younger male, or disease, or a lifetime of accumulated injuries.

    If that is accurate, I’m ok with this system. That said I have no interest in participating in it and have done little research outside of the information I’ve naturally encountered in everyday life.

  • Old Millennial.

    I grew up without cell phones or Internet until my teen years. Remember watching the OJ trial whenever I was home sick from school.

    We were really worried about Y2K, which would have been a disaster if not fixed ahead of time.

    Had to work on 9/11, and remember what airports were like before all the added security.

    Also had to work - pushing groceries to people’s cars while the VA sniper was rolling around the area shooting people in parking lots.

    I remember people smoking cigarettes fucking everywhere. There were cigarette vending machines.

    Our 2 and 3 liter bottles had an extra plastic piece to make the bottom flat. I don’t think they were making them with feet like they do today. The bottoms were round, requiring a plastic shoe to create a flat bottom. Sometimes the bottles had a metal cap.

    Hardly anybody wore seatbelts. Gas was under $1/gallon when I started driving.