• 12 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    7 minutes ago

    The data, conducted before news that Iran launched a retaliatory strike against Israel on Saturday, suggests that the conventional wisdom that U.S. presidents must be in lockstep with Israel could be wrong, at least in the current moment. Biden had been extremely reluctant to show daylight between his government and that of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Did you even read the article?


    Biden’s approval rating for his handling of the situation in the Middle East, at 27%, is his lowest among five issues tested in the survey. This is because far fewer Democrats (47%) approve of how he is handling the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians than approve of his handling of the economy, the environment, energy policy and foreign affairs, broadly. On those issues, no less than 66% of Democrats approve of Biden.

    Only further contributing to Biden’s low rating on the Middle East situation, just 21% of independents and 16% of Republicans approve of his performance on the issue.




    “It’s clear that Palestine is a critical issue in key battleground states,” said Ayah Ziyadeh, director of advocacy for AJP-Action, in a statement. “It’s not a passing protest effort that the Democratic Party can continue to ignore; people want an end to this war and a key margin of them will vote that way. But Biden can win over votes with a serious change in policy.”

    Specifically, the pollsters found that across the five key states, about 40% of potential Biden voters disapprove of the president’s handling of the war—and 1 in 5 of all surveyed are less likely to vote for him because of it.

    The polling has ONLY gotten worse, plus a lot of the reasons USians voted for Biden was voters wanted a return to normalcy and trust with the international community (i.e. everyone knows Trump is a clown) and Biden’s unwavering support for the Palestinian genocide has appalling destroyed any semblance of Biden being a vehicle for that.

    Do you want me to go on or would you prefer to quietly exit this argument and save as much face as possible here?

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    2 days ago

    edit I want to respond to this before I get into the rest of my takedown of your willful nonsense.

    He could call him up and tell him the US was cutting off support, but that wouldn’t end it immediately. It would also be a major cost to him politically, because a lot of democratic donors are rich jews who believe in the Zionist project.

    This is precisely what is so insane about the centrist and conservative chokehold on the us media and conversation around this, Biden’s policy on facilitating the Israeli genocide of Palestinians is incredibly unpopular with voters, it isn’t even close.

    Biden’s failure to even slightly reign in the genocide of Palestinians or convince anybody but mindless supporters of rightwing Israeli politics that he actually cares about the slaughter of children and innocent people and the erasure of their history from the land is an unmitigated catastrophe for his electability and has already resulted in several high profile resignations from his cabinet specifically over the heinousness of his lack of caring and action.

    edit ok back to your regularly scheduled basic geopolitical education


    Are you kidding? It doesn’t even matter how many bombs, missiles, artillery shells and bullets the IDF possesses and how long that could theoretically repel wave after wave of invaders.

    Strategically there isn’t even a fight if the US withdraws support from Israel, it is no longer a question of tactics and military strategy, it is a question of politics and how states are and are not allowed to engage in warfare by the larger power structures that control the geopolitics and flow of basic human resources that facilitates the possibility of organized warfare in the first place.

    Your argument is not only nonsense, if anything Israel has just become equivalent to a North Korea on the world stage, they are if anything worse, they are a pariah state that commits genocide openly, without the US they have almost zero allies and certainly none powerful enough to protect them from the consequences of slaughtering Palestinians en masse and taunting the rest of the Middle East (and really anybody in the world with fire in their heart) to do something about it.

    In committing a genocide of Palestinians, Israel has irrevocably ensured it cannot survive as a state within the Middle East without EVEN MORE direct military support (both in terms of strategy and materials) from the US. All Biden has to do, literally all he has to do, is make Netanyahu shit his pants by unpredictably withdrawing key support and looking Netanyahu in the eyes until he blinks. A high schooler would intuitively know what to do here, the best strategy is very obvious here, I cannot emphasize this enough, Biden is either a coward or he genuinely is ok with the genocide of +60,000 innocent Palestinians if it dovetails with his worldview and political strategy.

    Either is enough to be a red line for me in terms of voting for Biden, Biden is directly complicit in the intentional and pre-meditated genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinians, Biden absolutely deserves the nickname “Genocide Joe” thrown in his face like a shoe or a thick ball of spit. It is a small price to pay for standing by and doing nothing as both the commander and chief of the most powerful military on earth and the head of state of the direct overseeing geopolitical power of the regime committing the genocide.

    Biden could have seen this coming for literally years, so could anyone else if they were paying attention, this was always the end goal of the IDF and Netanyahu. A purposefully unsustainable and inhumanely cruel situation was set up by Israel to ensure eventually a rationale would arise that would justify killing every single damn Palestinian and stealing all of their land.

    Don’t want to take my word for it? Just look up official quotes on record AND live cable news tv from IDF spokespeople specifically chosen to speak on the topic to the public.

    If Biden wants my vote he can get it, call up Netanyahu have a quick “talk” a.k.a. a direct no-bullshit threat, and the status quo will change so fast it will make the media pass out and feint in confusion from the “carefully” constructed narrative of all their unreflective warmongering support and positive spin on the genocide of innocent Palestinians collapsing into a sinkhole of hateful bullshit.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    2 days ago

    Those are Israeli jets dropping Israeli bombs being piloted by Israeli pilots. When you sell someone something it becomes theirs, they are free to use it as they see fit, especially in the case of another country with its own military following its own laws.

    If you think this is how the actual world works you are incredibly misguided.

    Israel knows having a cushy relationship with the US military industrial complex is literally existential to its existence, like Americans with healthcare, Israel cannot bargain, it is not in a place to bargain, since the thing being bargained for is existentially needed by one of the bargaining parties (Israel) whereas the other party is indifferent (US) in terms of material interest.

    Israel has zero power here to stop Biden from calling Netanyahu on the phone and laying out these existential terms in a framing that Netanyahu would have no choice but to buckle and respond to. The US is a river of arms and money, Israel is just floating down it.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    3 days ago

    That’s something Israel is doing, not something the US is doing. As usual, the US is helping / shielding Israel, and that’s a problem, but that’s not the same as being directly responsible for

    Those are US jets dropping US made bombs with pilots who have likely EXTENSIVELY trained with US military pilots, literally the ENTIRE military apparatus of Israel is an extension of the U.S. military industrial complex and that isn’t an exaggeration. The IDF has trained extensively and has deep ties with US police departments, surveillance and military software and hardware technology ties run deep between US and Israeli companies that basically serve as the field testing arm of the rest of the bulk of the western/US military industrial complex.

    It is bullshit Biden can’t do more, because not only is the above true (which really puts Israel in a position where at the end of the day the US calls the shots), Israel now more than ever is existentially reliant upon the US to provide them support materially and diplomatically for them to continue to perpetuate this genocide.

    Stop wasting all of our time with lazy rhetorical delaying tactics like this, if Biden wanted to he could call up Netanyahu and end the genocide almost immediately, Biden would just have to not be a coward who actually kind of wants all these Palestinians to die anyways so shrugs.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    4 days ago

    The classic Republican-flavour of conservatism is dying out in the US amongst the younger generations, which means that the GOP is like a wounded, cornered animal: now is when they are the most dangerous and likely to lash out violently.

    No, unfortunately conservatism is really quite seriously NOT dying off among younger people, it is rather building momentum. Fortunately progressive leftism is building momentum even faster in the minds of younger people.

    What is dying off is “both sides” centrism that builds a worldview like an excel averaging algorithm over a column of cells, bereft of values, ideology, bold visions or really even anything of substance to fight for really. Can’t happen fast enough if you ask me.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    4 days ago

    These anti Biden morons on lemmy are really getting tiresome.

    This is what a winning attitude looks like :)

    This is why centrists and liberals are so much more bigbrained and wise about political strategy than progressives, at the end of the day yall just know how to win elections. Scold people for not wanting to vote for your candidate, genius!

  • I agree it is just silly and it really shows how far up their own ass a lot of high power business people are, they have no idea what the hell they are doing. The place to compete with steam is the slickness and polish of the software not the raw power of the hardware, that is the stupidest basket to put all your eggs in here as a steam deck competitor.

    I think it speaks to a much bigger dysfunction in the video game hardware and software development world, people that get their dream job at a AAA game studio or hardware maker like ROG I think end up developing and testing with dream hardware setups and then totally lose sight of the importance of developing games and hardware that prioritizes accessibility in a cost sense but also in a usability sense.

    I think these people pick up a steam deck, try to play Elden Ring at max settings, think “this is intolerably bad performance and graphics compared to my $3000 gaming rig, no one will play this” and don’t realize the kind of betrayal that represents to the rest of us who can’t afford much more than a steamdeck anyways, and have always gamed this way mainly focusing on indie games and extremely crunchy minimal graphics strategy games and playing a cool Battlefield 2 mod like Forgotten Hope 2 while we look at the latest battlefield and think “how much time could they have spent making that game good instead of making it graphically impressive for people that can afford $3000 gaming computer?”.

  • I don’t think you’re talking about the Outlook I am talking about because I’m talking about the Outlook Mail and Calendar apps, not the Office ones. And that’s fine and dandy about proprietary software and all but frankly I haven’t really seen any non-proprietary mail apps that look aesthetically pleasing. But that’s besides the point, it’s a matter of personal preference when it comes to visuals after all.

    … I am not just talking about little details and preferences here? Windows products are increasingly broken and dysfunctional at every level. Features don’t work, features are randomly changed and broken, nothing is consistent, core features of the computer are made opaque, any given Linux package manager is about 1000000 times more trustable than the ad ridden, sketchy, bloatware filled Windows store where you have to hunt for actually useful and trustable tools. One of my old bosses had his work windows computer update to a new windows OS without really asking him (technically it did, but then it just kept scheduling an OS upgrade until he missed it). It didn’t break his computer, but he had thousands and thousands of hours of cad drafting work on that computer and Windows could have EASILY fucked up in the update process, or the old software we were using could have EASILY not been compatible. Windows basically flipped a coin for whether they were going to utterly grind my bosses business to a halt and cause utter panic or just have the computer update. This is not “user friendly” software design, this is not “easy to use software made by an extremely competent software company”.

    I’d also like to add, nowhere did I ever mention using laptops. All my experiences are with desktops that I had a hand in building from scratch. So I’m not sure what you’re even getting at with those assumptions.

    …because for 99% of people who are going to be using a computer for light email, research and text editing work they are going to be using a laptop? I don’t really understand what about my argument doesn’t apply to windows prebuilts that have good driver support for linux…?

    It’s somewhat concerning that you have such a strong obsession over the topic that you would go and whether intentionally or unintentionally offend people and I hope that you are a much more pleasant person to converse with outside of this topic or even this site.

    I think it is completely reasonable to be upset when someone is condescendingly foreclosing the possibility that something can happen when the evidence they are using for it is outdated and they refuse to update it in their heads. The only response at that point when someone refuses to re-evaluate their position and continues to “speak for the group” when they really don’t represent the group anymore is to make it even clearer that they don’t speak for a group, and I am sorry if my method offended here, I believe your heart is in the right place but please stop trying to tell us about how stupid and unwilling people are to learn new things. Please please please just keep your mouth closed, it doesn’t help anyone, period. Even if you were right, there would be nothing to change in our actions as it would just be hopeless to even try?

    This isn’t 2015, a good Linux distribution is as polished, easy to use, and easy to explain to a newbie computer user as Windows is. If you aren’t ready to accept that shrugs I mean fine but don’t push your outmoded narrative into conversations that might actually convince someone who doesn’t know about Linux that it isn’t worth checking out as a serious alternative. You are actively doing damage to the future of this software movement by dismissing it offhand like this.