Sorry, book broke

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Personally, I’ll put some herb in the hole. Not ground up just pull a small bit off, squeeze it a bit, stuff it on.

    Smoking hash is an art of course. If it’s too good you’ll never be able to light it properly. Best way I’ve done it is to let the fire stay just above (using hemp rope, not a butane lighter, for the taste) while slowly inhaling careful not to let the flame touch. This bleeds out some of the oil into the herb beneath it so the hash itself can light. With that method though I will grind some herb up to add on top of the plug so it absorbs a bit better. If you have a piece with a choke only cover it a bit.

  • Don’t know if it’s the stuff you’re thinking of, but due to a large combination of droughts in afganistan and surrounding regions the ground in hash making lands became more aride, and the grounds nutrients changed heavily. This is usually what people mean when they say modern hash isn’t anything like it was before. It’s because, sadly, it isn’t.

    That tends to be more black/dark brown though. Brownish hashed tend to be morrocan or isreali

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux middle ground?
    10 days ago

    The issue with that is potentially keeping software which has security bugs on your system for longer than needed. Also, if you install new software you’ll have a partial upgrade which can degrade your system. If you don’t install anything though, your system should work as it currently does without issue. Unless a particular app takes something from the internet which may need the upgraded software (say, discord, spotify, etc. as they’re electron based.)

    If that’s what you want to do I would suggest switching to xubuntu, mint xfce edition, DSL, etc. as they’ll still patch security updates in. You do you though of course as with your stated usecase I can’t see any functional issue. I don’t see the reason for arch though.

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux middle ground?
    10 days ago

    Sure, but that wasn’t malicious code hacking your device just a simple phishing scheme. The aur runs arbitrary code each time which can do quite alot more on your system than any snap. That snap was just a fake app that sent your login to their server.

    The aur is much more dangerous. Of course, when installing anything from anywhere be careful, but with the aur you need to be able to read the pkgbuild.

    Thank you though for cautioning the snap store as you’re right. Those apps aren’t confirmed before they’re placed on the store

  • I wouldn’t suggest Manjaro. On a theoretical basis the distro is a good one but in practice, and with the current management of the distro, It’s one of few I’d say is a bad choice. They’re destructive to the general linux ecosystem, often make incredibly wild and unnecessary errors stemming from the highest level, do not properly maintain their promise of delaying packages until they’re fixed, and give bad info which can harm a user. Their devs also help propagate the “toxic linux” stereotype by being just that.

    I’m gonna list off a few but manjarno has some more, with context. This will be written by memory too.

    Please, skip to the header that’s most important to you.

    Harming the ecosystem

    The first thing you’ll likely hear is that they’ve DDOS’d the AUR twice, the exact same way through their Pamac GUI. Now, to be clear, this was not on purpose. They made a mistake. However, like quite a few other issues, they made this mistake twice showing they did nothing to stop it from happening twice. Something else which will become clear is that they don’t do these things due to malice (usually) but shear incompetence.

    Next, their lead arm dev, the guy in charge of arm development, changed a version on a library on asahi linux (an arm fork) known to break X11 in a change which had nothing to do with that library. This shows he did not try running his code beforehand. The only reason it wasn’t checked by the larger project is due to the trust given to this, supposedly, high end dev. This after the company made a large campaign claiming that “Manjaro runs on the m1 macbook!” months before asahi was ready shipping some random build, not the latest or a set release, which only showed a black screen. To be clear, this could have broken people who tried to run it’s hardware. This is in no way a forced error.

    Delayed package promise broke

    This will be a short header, but it’s important. The promise of Manjaro is that they delay their packages two weeks. This, to ensure that any issues which arise can be caught and Manjaro can skip the bad version. However, this is not always the case. Quite often there’s an issue in a library or package where they wait the allotted time and still ship. These are CVE’s mostly and quite often have a fix out which manjaro won’t ship until the two weeks are up.

    Delaying packages is another problem in and of itself too if you’re using the aur. What is the aur? Well, if you don’t know you shouldn’t be using it for one. The next header will discuss this issue

    The AUR

    The aur, the Arch User Repository, is a collection of scripts which install an application in many different ways. To be clear, this script can do anything on your PC as it’s just arbitrary code. This is user submitted, meaning essentially anyone can upload a script to the aur including a person names anus kiss. This is a danger in many cases as we’ve seen before. For a fun example, anuskuss uploaded an update to the most popular wii emulators aur package which included two calls to an IP tracking website and a list of people who can “go fuck themselves” including homophobic comments and, if I remember, incel rage. The aur will also be where any malaware on linux is most likely to come from and to be distributed there first.

    Luckily though, if you know how to read these scripts, it’s mostly fine. However, manjaro places the button to enable it right next to enabling snaps and flatpaks. Both of which are perfectly safe to install if not safer than average packages. You need to be able to read the AUR package scripts to be safe.

    Secondly, the AUR packages assume ARCH Linux. This means, when you install an aur app, it’s assuming dependancies which may be up to two weeks out of date. Either that, or it’ll install packages up to two weeks early. Now, if the first happens the AUR package risks breaking. Which is mostly fine. The latter though means system packages can fail. This is not good.

    Sure, many people never have a problem with it, but that’s not an excuse. This should be much more clear.

    Bad info

    Please don’t use sudo pacman -Syyu to install packages. This will put a heavy load on the arch repositories for no benefit. Please, don’t randomly install aur packages. The AUR break your system? Yeah, according to them you fucked up and it’s all your fault. I’ll admit this is all I can remember here.

    Random points

    Ever find a site and when you try and go to it firefox says a secure connection cannot be established? That’s an expired or non existant SSL cert. They’ve let their SSL certificates run out 5 times. This is something you can update in less than 5 minutes, and can set up to update automatically in less than 10. It should not happen twice let alone 5 times. The first time they gave users a command to run in a terminal which set their time back in order to trick the system into thinking the cert was good.

    Imma stop at this point. Way too long man, and it’s way too early for me. I should probably save this somewhere to copy paste when someone suggests the distro

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.workstoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux middle ground?
    11 days ago

    Absolutely. Here’s three options

    Fedora updates every, or around every, 3 months. This is very stable but very up to date.Most professional devs particularly ones working in Linux projects use it fornit’s relative stability while having modern packages.

    There’s also PopOS! which is a rolling release, updating daily, but much more delayed than arch thus being much more usable.

    Now for my favourite, OpenSuse Tumbleweed. Same style as PopOs but with a KDE, or gnome spin or of the box. A bit more sleek too. It also has YAST which is the best GUI based managment system on Linux.

    I use arch (btw) but have a second duel booted tumbleweed install for work related stuff in order tonensure stability

  • Normally I’d say fuck Nintendo but palworld obviously stole the designs and artistic direction for many of their characters.

    Most of the pals I saw at first were modified versions of an already existant pokemon with little to seperate it from fan art of that pokemon. This is particularly agregoous as they clashed against the rest of this games aesthetic. Nothing that was original fit with the design of the pokemon rip offs.

    Many other games have a pokemon esque aesthetic without direct copying. It looking similar is not my issue. My issue is that while playing I could easily name most pals to a pokemon. Seriously, look up comparisons. It’s blatant.

    They’ve moved away from thisbrecently but fuck man if it ain’t obvious. If they did the same to some small project I’d assume people would be much more up in arms, rightfully so.

    Still though, I won’t cry if Nintendo loses. I hope they pay an insane amount in lawyers fees either way and never see a dime out of the case

  • Yeah don’t worry about it too much. Ensure you have the correct name when installing your library but that’s about all you can do personally.

    Any other solution will have some security flaws. NPM has a few more than it should but essentially the entire web is built around it. Sorry man, you don’t have any other choices.

    How to use it properly? Any npm tutorial will show you quickly. Always check you’ve got the right thing, always check the library is large enough that if something goes wrong it’ll be noticed, and know there’s no way to be completely safe without never using libraries.

    If you’re learning the web though there’s no way to avoid npm.

  • Edit: these suggestions are last resort type stuff tbf, hope the guys in the other thread are more help. Looks like someone suggested session restore w/ kde which makes alot of sense.

    Ok that’s increadibly weird. Here’s some places I’d look.

    I’d start looking in environment files such as ~/.bash_profile, .~/.profile, /etc/environment, /etc/profile and a few others. Maybe there’s a call to the application in one of these files?

    Secondly, I’d attempt to write a bash script to walk a directory tree, cat out files, pipe it through grep and get every instance where VirtualBox is mentioned in a file. Trying the name of proccess, or of the executable too.

    I have a snippet that may help, by replacing that bash script:
    grep -Rinw '~/path/to/start/' -e 'VirtualBoxOrSmthngElse'

    all credit to this answer on SO:

    Head there to see how to try and wittle down the matches. I’d start in a etc, ignore binary files with grep, and try everywere systematically

    This is likely overkill lol. If you’re on xorg maybe there’s something in the file xorg uses for init? Can’t remember the name personally but I used it to start up some processes before on system boot quite a while ago

  • You do make some good points on it being terminalside, you’ve partially changed my mind there. I see the value now.

    Also, you would be correct anything that allowed collapsing commands would be trivial to implement some sort of action per command and it’s output. Along with collapsing being easiest to do terminalside.

    What I would love to see is a terminal that builds it’s own shell from scratch too rejecting the ancient ideas we have with bash. I still love bash but I’m curious what could come of it.

    As for their luddite status their reply to my previous comment seems to show them to be a bit more open

    Seriously though thanks for the good conversation and thought excersize