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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • rwhitisissle@lemy.loltoGaming@lemmy.worldPeak graphic design
    11 days ago

    You mean the console or the shape of its logo? Because those are different things. This is a discussion purely centered around graphic design for a gaming system’s logo. The graphic could be literally anything else and it wouldn’t change the console or its games. It’s like having a community dedicated to books and discussing those books and someone posting a picture of bookends, saying “look at these cool book bookends.” If someone said “that doesn’t have much to do with books” they would be (generally) right. It’s probably off topic for the intended subject matter of the community, in addition to being not very interesting. You might think that the logos for consoles is perfectly valid as a topic of discussion. In which case, great. Happy for you. I don’t agree and I elected to state that opinion.

  • rwhitisissle@lemy.loltoGaming@lemmy.worldPeak graphic design
    11 days ago

    And yet multiple people have managed to make responses.

    Yes, and their responses are either equally vapid or are things like “Wait until they hear about the FedEx logo.” My initial response was critical of the underlying nature of the post, and I would argue that this conversation we are having right now, is substantially better than any conversation being had about the logo itself. So I guess I did have something to add to the conversation, otherwise (wait for it) you wouldn’t have bothered responding to me. Would you?

  • rwhitisissle@lemy.loltoGaming@lemmy.worldPeak graphic design
    13 days ago

    I mean, it’s not disqualified from being art just because the artist got paid by a corporation.

    Please quote me where I said that it was.

    But yeah the fact that this is a product branding logo has weird “hail corporate” vibes.

    That and the fact that the observation itself is somewhat facile.

  • Google does not have a monopoly on search. Bing / DuckDuckGo works just fine.

    Around 82% of search engine requests are issued through Google. Bing around 10%. I don’t know if we just have differing definitions of “monopoly,” but Google is the default on all Android devices, almost every non-Microsoft browser, and probably on Apple products as well. And most users don’t know enough or care enough to ever change from that.

  • Right. That’s why I didn’t say “it’s impossible for things to be this way,” but instead said “this is what I’ve seen.” It’s possible that I’ve just happened to see the worst of long term relationships by virtue of bad luck or environment. I don’t discount that possibility and I’m not saying that my limited experience of the world represents the sum total of all human potential.

  • rwhitisissle@lemy.loltoLemmy Be Wholesome@lemmy.worldThis is just adorable
    27 days ago

    Every single long term relationship I’ve ever been witness to has been defined by either eventual resentment between partners, or a pervasive sense of apathy between them. The people I’ve seen who really “make it last” aren’t affectionate towards one another after being together for decades: they’re codependent. One person supports another person’s narcissism and the other person facilitates their partner’s alcoholism. That sort of thing.

    On a more fundamental level, I’m not sure I even believe that the concept of lifelong partners or lifelong marriage is natural for human beings. Being a part of a community, sure, but being emotionally attached to the same person in the same way forever? Not really. I think it’s in our nature to constantly grow, and that typically means growing apart. In fact, that might be a lot healthier for people than the alternative.

  • As a huge Star Wars fan I can confirm that I absolutely loathe Star Wars. Not for being “woke,” mind you, but for just being generally creatively bankrupt, poorly executed, and with new media for it effectively held hostage by the existing media for it. Which is why I don’t watch any of the t.v. shows or movies anymore. In my opinion this is a superior alternative to getting online and filling my diaper in the “user reviews” section of Rotten Tomatoes.