Alien Nathan Edward

Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • there’s a difference between being willing to take an arrest and getting arrested for something stupid. that’s like saying that the point of an army is being willing to die for your country, so the best and bravest are the ones who enlist and then immediately commit suicide. be willing to take a hit, but be strategic about the hits you take and avoid taking a hit for no good reason. it’s about getting the thing done, not proving that you’re super legit.

  • “I never told them to commit fraud. I just set goals, and every time those goals were met I increased them until they had no choice but to commit fraud or be fired for not reaching their goals. I’m not responsible for their illegal behavior, and I shouldn’t have to bear the consequences. I am, however, still responsible for their profitable behavior and should absolutely bear the consequences for that.”

  • it requires doing it over and over again and accepting that it’s gonna make you feel kinda shitty. I’m at my best by 11am. When I used to work overnight til 5am, 11am was when I woke up. When I worked bars 5-close, 11am. Now that I work a 9-5, I’m physically there at 9, but I’m useless til 11am. When I fall asleep has changed as my schedule did, for each of those schedules I was in bed at 6am, 4am and midnight respectively. But when the machinery came online has never changed: 11am.