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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • That’s the thing, they don’t care if people have a solid understanding of science if it gives them power / more true believers. It’s a completely backwards thinking that’ll set back science for years, decades or more if it really takes hold.

    If the strongest military power on Earth is being controlled by religious fundamentalists (aka heritage foundation) it is quite scary. Sure it’ll take some time to widdle down the will of the people in charge (replace them) but given a bit of time it could easily happen and they don’t just want to change their country they think their opinion is right for the world.

    I also agree, I love science, I’m older but I still strive to learn new things, get excited by new discoveries it’d be a shame if that stopped cause people gave up on it, or if education failed people wanting to learn it.

  • orbitz@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    16 days ago

    Not if the place doesn’t do daylight savings time, and not all places in a timezone will do that (least in North America) so you need extra code if they do or do not. It becomes a pain after awhile when you do it in multiple projects. Technically one extra setting but it’s still a pain to make sure it’s handle properly in all cases, especially when the previous programmer decided to handle it for each case individually, but that’s a different issue.

    Also when you deal with the times, say in .Net you gotta make sure it’s the proper kind of date otherwise it decides it’s a local system date and will change it to system local when run. Sure it’s all handled but there are many easy mistakes to make when working with time.

    I probably didn’t even get to the real reason, I sort of picked this up on my own.

  • According to a few Google searches it was a physisict Hugh Everett in the late 50s. I am sure there were others in more meta and philosophical concepts in the past but I get the idea he is the known physicist to come up with it.

    Disclaimer I didn’t read a lot but his name came up a few times and I assume he had a theory that could relate to physics at the time.

    I still like that Flash was probably the first for pop culture, when weird time travel started happening in other shows (after deep into Flash recent series) I started joking it was just Barry messing up crap between the multiverse and time.